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Health Care Leadership

Requirements for the Master of Science in Healthcare Leadership

The ScM in Healthcare Leadership is administered by the School for Professional Studies in Coordination with the School of Public Health in terms of instruction and academic requirements.

HCL 2010Healthcare Policy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow1
HCL 2000Strategic Planning and Value Creation in Integrated Healthcare1
HCL 2020Leadership and Workforce Development1
HCL 2050Info-Powr Patient Care: Electr. Health Records, Healthcare Info Techn. + Medical Information Systems.5
HCL 2070Healthcare Finance & Cost Accounting1
HCL 2060Quality Improvement and the Healthcare Learning Organization.5
HCL 2080The Critical Challenge: Capstone Project1
HCL 2090Leadership and Professional Development.5
HCL 2100Health Law0.5
HCL 2110Epidemiology and Biostatistics for Healthcare0.5
HCL 2120Health Economics: Jargon, Theory, and Analytical Methods0.5
HCL 2130Data Analytics0.5
HCL 2140Marketing for Health Care Transformation.5
Total Credits9