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Master of Public Health

The Brown MPH has a singular purpose: to train leaders in public health who are armed with the skills to conduct research, bring about policy change, and positively affect the health of populations. The program includes an internship, a thesis or a capstone, and the option of customizing your MPH with one of several concentrations.  

The MPH Program has a 12 course credit requirement (11 standard courses and 2 half courses).  In addition to the core courses listed below (4 standard and 2 half courses), MPH students must complete 5 concentration courses and 2 general MPH electives.  For further information on program curriculum, please visit:

MPH Program Core Course Requirements

MPH Core Course Requirements
Students must complete one of the following Data Analysis course sequences:
Sequence 1:
Biostatistics and Applied Data Analysis I
BioStatistics and Data Analysis II
Sequence 2:
Principles of Biostatistics and Data Analysis
Applied Regression Analysis
Sequence 3:
Biostatistics for Public Health Research
Qualitative Methods in Health Research
Qualitative Data Analysis in Public Health Research (MPH students following the PHP2506/2060 sequence must also take PHP2061 as either an elective or concentration course)
Students must complete one of the following Epidemiology courses:
Introduction to Methods in Epidemiologic Research
Foundations in Modern Epidemiologic Methods
PHP 2140
Principles of Applied Epidemiology
Students must complete the following course:
Designing and Evaluating Public Health Interventions
Students must complete the following two half credit courses:
Applied Public Health: Systems and Practice
Applied Public Health: Policy, leadership and communication

A five-year integrated Undergraduate/MPH (UG/MPH) program is also offered. This rigorous program in professional public health education is open to Brown undergraduates in any concentration. Students accepted into the program will complete the degree requirements for both their undergraduate degree and an MPH degree in a five-year period. Students must take 12 total course credits toward the MPH (5.5 during their first four years and 6.5 courses in the fifth year). For more information, please visit: 

Dual Degree Program: Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Public Affairs (MPA)

The School of Public Health and the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs offer a dual-degree Master of Public Health (MPH) and Master of Public Affairs (MPA) program.  Emphasizing a learning by doing approach, this rigorous program will offer highly qualified applicants the opportunity to gain training in public health and public policy to prepare them to address the critical health policy issues in the United States and throughout the world.  The dual degree program starts in summer and includes 17 course credits (14 full courses and 6 half courses) as well as an internship and a master's thesis.  Students will benefit from the rich academic resources at the Watson Institute and the School of Public Health, as well as their extensive applied learning programs in Rhode Island, as well as throughout the United States and the world.

Program and admissions information can be found here: