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Social Data Analytics

The master’s (Sc.M.) program in Social Data Analytics trains students in advanced techniques for data collection and analysis.

For more information on admission and program requirements, please visit the following website:

The master’s program in Social Data Analytics is a terminal degree program designed to be completed in two semesters. The program requires eight courses including an optional intensive Research Internship that is attached to a faculty Directed Research Practicum.

Brown undergraduates who enter the program as fifth-year Master’s students are allowed to use up to two undergraduate courses to count towards the eight credit requirements if the courses are among the required or elective courses for the program.

All entering students are required to have

  1. One-semester introductory statistics course (SOC 1100 Introductory Statistics for Social Research or an equivalent),
  2. More advanced course in statistics or a course in college calculus (MATH 0050 and 0060, or MATH 0090 or an equivalent), and
  3. One-semester course in research methods (SOC 1020 Methods of Social Research or an equivalent).
Two Required Courses
SOC 2010Multivariate Statistical Methods I1
SOC 2020Multivariate Statistical Methods II1
Five Elective Advanced Analysis Courses Across Three Topical Areas
Qualitative Methods of Investigation and Market Research
SOC 1117Focus Groups for Market and Social Research 1
SOC 1118Context Research for Innovation1
SOC 1120Market and Social Surveys1
SOC 2210Qualitative Methods1
SOC 2250Ethnography: Theory and Practice1
SOC 2430Fields and Methods of Social Research1
SOC 2600Comparative Historical Analysis1
Spacial Analysis
SOC 1340Principles and Methods of Geographic Information Systems1
SOC 1871WGeographical Analysis of Society1
SOC 2610Spatial Thinking in Social Science1
SOC 2612Geographic Information Systems and Spatial Analysis for the Social Sciences1
SOC 2960GSpatial Data Analysis Techniques in the Social Sciences1
SOC 2961BApplications in Geographic Information Systems1
Advanced Multivariate Methods for Population Analysis and Behavioral Modeling
SOC 2230Techniques of Demographic Analysis1
SOC 2240Event History Analysis1
SOC 2960SStatistical Methods for Hierarchical and Panel Data1
SOC 2960YCausal Analysis1
SOC 2961MComputational Methods for Social Scientists 1
One Substantive Course in Sociology
To be selected from a pre-approved list of graduate courses (2000-level) taught in the Department of Sociology

Research Internship and Directed Research Practicum

Students may elect to enroll in a faculty Directed Research Practicum (SOC 2982) in the first or second semester in conjunction with a research internship. The internship provides students with hands-on experience in social research. Internship experiences may occur outside of the department (either off-campus with a local organization in the for-profit or not-for-profit sector or an on-campus organization) or on a faculty member's research project. Activities may range from data collection, data entry, data file management, descriptive analyses, and more advanced model estimation. Students sometimes opt to design their own project under the supervision of a faculty member.