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Harriet W. Sheridan Center for Teaching and Learning

The Sheridan Center seeks to provide a place where all learners can grow, interdisciplinary collaborations can form, and educators can experiment with different modalities of teaching and learning. At the core of our work is a commitment to educational excellence, equity and access through evidence-based, reflective practices. Through educational partnerships at Brown and globally, we advance theuniversity’s mission and create teaching and learning communities dedicated to improving learner success and supporting educators’ professional growth. 

To learn more about the Center, please see our website: To subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please see:

Major initiatives of the Sheridan Center include:

  • Partnerships with learning designers, technologists and media professionals to help instructors foster innovative teaching and design remote-accessible courses and programs as engaging learning experiences. 
  • The Brown Learning Collaborative, which offers rigorous academic courses for undergraduate teaching fellows and evidence-based course design institutes for faculty and TAs; and enhances student learning in key liberal arts areas, such as writing, problem solving, and data science.
  • Support for inclusive and anti-racist teaching, embedded in Sheridan programs and offered as focused initiatives for departmental change teams.
  • Writing, STEM, academic tutoring, and English language learning expertise to offer direct support to students; develop peer fellows, mentors and tutors; and promote faculty and departmental practices to help all students succeed as learners and communicators.
  • Interdisciplinary learning communities for instructors, such as certificates on reflective teaching and course design, a Junior Faculty Fellows program, dissertation writing groups, and course design institutes.
  • Assessment and research support for program review, cross-institutional grants supporting educational innovation, and initiatives to enhance teaching and learning at Brown. 
  • Flexible digital solutions and classroom spaces to explore new approaches

We also offer:

  • Confidential consultations – classroom observations; early student feedback; consultations on course design, writing pedagogy, assessment, student evaluations, and graduate and undergraduate TA professional development.
  • Services to enhance student learning – pre-orientation programs, peer mentoring programs, conversation partners program, and classroom-based writing workshops on topics such as peer review.
  • Programs on teaching – orientations for instructors and students, certificate programs, institutes, and disciplinary and interdisciplinary workshops.
  • Educational research and assessment – collaboration on course and curricular assessment, consultations on the scholarship of teaching and learning, and assistance with evaluation sections of postsecondary educational grants.
  • Community – programs and projects that bring together faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and undergraduates from across the disciplines.
  • Teaching and learning resources – online resources addressing a wide range of topics, and newsletters to summarize research and practice on key teaching topics.

Contact Information

Physical Address:  Sciences Library (201 Thayer Street, 3rd, 5th, 7th, & 10th floors)
Mailing Address:  Box 1912, Brown University, Providence, RI  02912
Phone:  401-863-1219
Fax:  401-863-9458