Traditionally, political science splits into four subfields: (1) the study of politics in the United States (American politics); (2) the comparative study of different political systems and individual nations around the globe (comparative politics); (3) the study of relations among states and peoples (international relations); and (4) the philosophical study of political ideas (political theory). What particularly moves us at Brown are the big questions about political life – both at home and around the world. We look at topics like democracy, authoritarianism, war, climate, rights, freedom, justice, the Constitution, and social movements. We engage these topics in a wide range of different political contexts, often in ways that cross between the traditional subfields. We also pay particular attention to how our analyses touch the real world of people and politics.
You’ll find us involved all around the campus: at the Taubman Center American Politics and Policy and American Institutions, the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, the Center for Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Saxena Center for Contemporary South Asia, the Center for Middle East Studies, Climate Solutions Lab, China Initiative, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Pembroke Center, Cogut Center for the Humanities among many others.
For additional information, please visit the department's website:

POLS 0010. Introduction to the American Political Process.
This course is designed to be an introduction to the American political process, broadly defined. We will cover topics including but not limited to: Constitution, Federalism, Federal Budget, Congress, Presidency, Bureaucracy, Judiciary, Civil Rights, Civil Liberties, Public Opinion, Media, Interest Groups, Political Parties, Campaigns, Elections, and Participation.
Fall | POLS0010 | S01 | 10249 | MWF | 9:00-9:50(09) | (M. Zarate) |

POLS 0110. Introduction to Political Thought.
What is justice? What is freedom? What is the basis of political authority? What is the nature of the best regime? Why should we obey the laws? When may we legitimately resist? These and other perennial questions of political life are explored. Readings includes Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, and J.S. Mill.
Spr | POLS0110 | S01 | 20218 | Arranged | (A. Gourevitch) |

POLS 0200. Introduction to Comparative Politics.
Introduces students to the sub-field of comparative politics or politics within states. Topics include types of regimes (i.e., democratic, authoritarian-with-adjectives, totalitarian); transitions to democracy; collapse of democratic regimes; democratizing, revolutionary and ethnic challenges to the state; and globalization. The course also pays attention to modes of analysis in comparative politics. Cases will be drawn from various regions, including Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.
Spr | POLS0200 | S01 | 20219 | Arranged | (G. Dipoppa) |

POLS 0220. City Politics.
Bosses, reformers, states, bureaucrats, politicians, the poor, the homeless, and the citizen. An introduction to the major themes of urban politics.

POLS 0400. Introduction to International Politics.
This course provides a basic introduction to the central theoretical perspectives and debates in international relations. The second part of the course applies these models to current problems in international relations, including globalization, state failure, humanitarian intervention, NGOs, terrorist networks, environmental issues, and possible future change in international politics.
Fall | POLS0400 | S01 | 10250 | Arranged | (N. Tannenwald) |

POLS 0500. Foundations of Political Analysis.
This course provides an introduction for undergraduate students to the methods that political scientists (and other social scientists) use to generate and answer questions about the world around us. This course will provide you with the tools to evaluate critically social science research, and it will improve your ability to pose and answer research questions of your own. Both quantitative and qualitative approaches are covered. Not open to first year students.
Fall | POLS0500 | S01 | 10251 | TTh | 1:00-2:20(06) | (R. Weitz-Shapiro) |

POLS 0600. Introduction to Modern South Asia (SAST 0700).
Interested students must register for SAST 0700.

POLS 0820A. American Presidency.
The origins and evolution of the current presidency and the role of the presidential institution in the American political and policy-making system. Evaluation of the present role of the office and critical examination of recent administrations.

POLS 0820B. The Politics of Leadership.
Many people are placed in leadership positions but most never become real leaders. What separates leaders and non-leaders? What are the characteristics of a real leader? The course will focus on American politics and investigate two institutional arenas: the presidency and congress. Several case studies will be investigated where people use different skills to perform leaderhsip roles. Among the factors to be considered are; personal qualities, prior preparation, selection of a challenge and the use of rhetorical skills. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students.

POLS 0820D. Freedom.
What is freedom? Is it important? How do we know? What should we do about it? We will analyze the different conceptions of liberty - liberal egalitarian, classical liberal, Marxist, and fascist views. We will determine how the various aspects of freedom - political, personal, psychological, economic, and moral - are complementary, and determine what sorts of institutions promote or undermine these aspects. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students.

POLS 0820E. Slavery and Political Philosophy.
This course looks at the various ways in which the experience of slavery has shaped political philosophy and political thinking from its origins. In what ways has the experience of freedom not just been tied to but presupposed the slavery of others? What ways of thinking about freedom are or are not compatible with the external enslavement of others? What kinds of ideas had to change for a systematic critique of slavery to develop? Have we overcome all forms of slavery or are their forms that are still with us?

POLS 0820F. Politics of Aviation.
Who are the key players in aviation conflicts? Congress and congressional committees, bureaucratic agencies and pressure groups. Governmental regulation of airlines; past, present and future. Current market trends examined. Two dominant themes in aviation politics: avoid safety failures (crashes); avoid security problems (terrorism). How 9-11 changed the industry.

POLS 0820G. Race and Political Representation.
While representation is a central tenet of democracy, much disagreement exists over what political representation means and the best way to ensure equitable representation for all citizens. We will study representation and its various forms. We will then use these concepts to examine research on how well American democratic institutions capture the interest of racial and ethnic minorities. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students.

POLS 0820H. Race and Visions of Justice.
This course is both an introduction to and critical assessment of the tradition of liberalism and its ability or inability to address racial inequality. We will explore the re-emergence of liberalism in the 20th century and move on to critical accounts of the tradition by scholars of race, inequality, and social movements. Given that liberalism remains a fundamental aspect of our political lives in the United States, we want to know whether it is capable in theory and practice to address the on-going question for racial justice.

POLS 0820I. Crime, Mafias and Prison.
Will develop framework for analysis of criminal behavior in a variety of contemporary and historical settings. Examines the rationality behind criminal choices, how governments seek to control crime, alternatives to state-enforcement of criminal law, origins and operation of organized crime and mafia groups, and how crime affects regions characterized by failed or weak states. Study crime in a variety of contexts, including in the Sicilian Mafia, 18th century piracy, contemporary drug and sex markets, and prison gangs. Will develop tools that can be used to understand the observed variation in criminal activity, the organizational structure of criminal activity, and their broader consequences.
Fall | POLS0820I | S01 | 10248 | M | 3:00-5:30(03) | (D. Skarbek) |

POLS 0820L. Philosophy of the American Founding.
In framing our political system in the Constitution, who did the Founders rely on for their theoretical framework? In this course, we will explore the works of Montesquieu, Adams, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and other contributors to the Constitution. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students.

POLS 0820N. Political Thinking for a Global World.
This course will consider how we should think, and act, in a world increasingly marked by global interconnectedness. We will devote our attention to the intellectual and epistemological issues raised by cross-cultural exchange, and survey how theorists in both "the West" and elsewhere have thought about and formulated responses to issues like citizenship, human rights, feminism, and cultural identity.

POLS 0820P. Fourth Branch of Government.
Administrative agencies have been called the fourth branch of government. They write regulations that have the force of law and they are responsible for the implementation of virtually all public policies. How do these agencies fit into our constitutional form of government? How do they relate to the other branches of government? This course traces the rise of the administrative state and it examines the basic elements of command-and-control regulation, along with various alternatives to regulation. Written permission required.

POLS 0820Q. Politics of American Federal Holidays.
Why were ten national holidays created? The answer requires a review of key events in American political history from 1775 to 1983. Why was the Civil War pivotal? Which presidents were most important in generating support for special days? Conflicts occurred not only in creating the day but which day would be the holiday. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students.

POLS 0820R. Global Governance.
"Global governance" denotes the myriad ways in which states, institutions, networks, and associations help administer global affairs. In this seminar, we will explore who governs the world and how, and we will evaluate different normative theories of global governance, including the liberal/political, cosmopolitan democratic, and republican approaches. We will focus on the values and the global structure that their proponents deem most desirable. What values, if any, ought to govern the practice of global politics? And how should such values be institutionalized? Are there any good reasons for favoring a centralized global authority akin to a world state, or should we prefer a different global institutional arrangement? What role do we envision for the nation-state?

POLS 0820S. Capitalism For and Against.
What is capitalism? What are its defining traits and institutions, and the roles of the market and the state? How should individual rights and social responsibilities be balanced? What are capitalisms' strengths and weaknesses? Are capitalist societies or other types of systems the best way to achieve justice, promote excellence, and provide freedom, happiness, and material well-being? What are the coherent criticisms of and alternatives to capitalism? This course will study some of the seminal philosophical arguments about capitalism, focusing especially on Smith, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, and Hayek. Enrollment limited to 20 freshmen and sophomores.

POLS 0820T. Women's Work and Welfare in Global Perspective.
The seminar looks at how welfare systems structure women’s participation in the workplace, family and society, including: women’s roles in domestic economies; migration flows from poor to rich states, gendered divisions of labor; human trafficking; and pro-natalist responses to population decline. Attention is devoted to policies that support women and families, including welfare, work-and-family reconciliation; micro-financing, conditional income support programs; and the growing role of women’s and non-governmental organizations in welfare policy. Cases are drawn from Europe, Latin America, Asia, Russia and the United States.

POLS 0820U. Drug War Politics.
This seminar examines the politics, practice, and consequences of government efforts to regulate mind-altering substances since the early 20th century. Although much of the focus is on the contemporary United States and Latin America, the coverage is broadly historical, comparative, and global. The main drugs focused on are cocaine, opium, and cannabis, but will include alcohol, tobacco, and synthetics. The course also evaluates policy alternatives and the obstacles to policy reform. The course draws on readings from fields such as political science, anthropology, criminology, and history. The seminar is reading intensive, and is designed to cultivate critical writing and presentation skills. Enrollment limited to 19 first year students.

POLS 0820V. Land and Conflict.
This first-year seminar considers the connection between land and political conflict. Disputes over territory have been a primary cause of war for centuries. Likewise, other types of conflicts over land continue to be a major factor in political struggles worldwide. Why, how, and when does territory become the subject of violent—or non-violent—conflict? The seminar will begin by thinking broadly about how land has factored into political conflict, both historically and today, and then we will move on to a series of case studies of recent or ongoing conflicts, including Israel/Palestine, Kashmir, the South China Sea, the Arctic, and global farmland.

POLS 0820W. Bleeding Heart Libertarianism.
What is libertarianism? In what sense can libertarians claim to combine the best of the “right” with the best of the “left?” Why do libertarians emphasize private property? Why are they skeptical of political agency? Are libertarians anti-democratic? Can they care about social justice? How do libertarians approach problems such as racism, sexism, militarism, state surveillance, global inequality, and environmental sustainability? This course will explore such questions, as illuminated by a variety of texts in the libertarian tradition, classical and contemporary.

POLS 0820X. Introduction to Modern South Asia.
The seminar aims to introduce South Asia in terms of a plurality in ways of being. It shall study themes beginning with colonialism and ranging from the colonial mapping of tradition; anticolonial ethics; partition and the creation of a separate state; communalism; democracy; secularism; nationalism; welfare; and the global war on terror. The seminar will be an intensive reading and writing experience that transgresses academic disciplines. Writings include important tracts and speeches of intellectuals and thinkers of South Asia; writings of scholars and activists; and literary and artistic works. There are no prerequisites for taking this course.

POLS 0820Y. The Politics of Race and the Criminal Justice System.
This course examines the politics of race and the criminal justice system in the U.S. It proceeds in three parts. First, it examines the political origins and consequences of racial disparities in citizens’ interactions with the police, courts and prisons. Next, it considers how the public, the media, and politicians relate and respond to these issues. Finally, the course concludes by examining the prospects for reform and the consequences of inaction.
Spr | POLS0820Y | S01 | 20217 | M | 3:00-5:30(13) | (P. Testa) |

POLS 0820Z. Is Privacy Dead? Privacy, Surveillance, and Freedom in the Digital Age.
If someone is listening to our phone calls and reading our emails but we never find out, do we have reason to complain? If we do, how do we say that the snooping affected us? Does it make a difference if it’s a neighbor, a lover, the state, or an algorithm listening in? What if we’re the ones posting the information on Facebook, or if instead of Orwell’s Big Brother watching one’s every move it’s the audience of CBS’s reality show “Big Brother”? In this course students will examine these questions and more, and in the process will develop their own answers by drawing on the field of theories about privacy and surveillance. Students can expect to leave this course with a sharper view of the ethical and political problems facing their own era of rampant technological change.

POLS 0821A. Reimagining Capitalism.
Debates over capitalism and its alternatives date back centuries. Proponents say that market institutions have enabled extraordinary productivity growth and life-saving innovations. Trade and the division of labor have been central to human progress in recent centuries. Capitalism’s critics point out that the growth of market economies has often had unacceptable consequences. The course is organized around four main challenges facing market economies today: environmental degradation, labor exploitation, inequality, and crisis. Can capitalism be reformed to solve the problems that it has helped generate, or is a market system unequipped to grapple with social and environmental challenges?

POLS 0821B. Ethics and International Affairs.
This first-year seminar offers an introduction to the role of ethics in international affairs. It begins with an examination of key conceptual approaches to the study of morality and ethics in international politics. The bulk of the course will then analyze a number of contemporary issues, such as what we owe the people of Afghanistan and Ukraine, the morality of nuclear deterrence, the ethics of drone warfare, our obligation to the world's poorest citizens, and our duties and responsibilities to the environment. Upon completing this course, you will have learned some of the key concepts and theoretical approaches to the study of ethics and international affairs, and considered some central moral issues in international politics. This course will also enable you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different arguments, perspectives and viewpoints.

POLS 0821C. Political Violence.
Why do civil wars begin and end? Which people join rebellions? Why do states and non-state groups hurt civilians? What are the differences between rebel groups, terrorist organizations, and organized criminal groups? The seminar-based class aims introduce students to theories about and cases of political violence. It primarily draws on research in Political Science, though it also includes work from Economics, History, and Philosophy.

POLS 0920A. Bleeding Heart Libertarianism.
What is libertarianism? In what sense can libertarians claim to combine the best of the “right” with the best of the “left?” Why do libertarians emphasize private property? Why are they skeptical of political agency? Are libertarians anti-democratic? Can they care about social justice? How do libertarians approach problems such as racism, sexism, militarism, state surveillance, global inequality, and environmental sustainability? This course will consider such questions from a variety of texts in the libertarian tradition, contemporary and classical.

POLS 0920B. Introduction to Indigenous Politics with Pacific Islander Focus.
This introductory course in Indigenous political thought engages with critical Indigenous thinkers in order to understand Indigenous political praxis, resurgence and decolonization. Because Indigenous study is place-based and kinship relationships to land and all existents of that land are fundamental to understanding Indigenous political thought, Indigenous politics must be studied in the context of particular indigenous peoples. To that end this course focuses on political movements of contemporary Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiian). In addition to developing a fuller understanding of Indigenous political thought, this class also explores what it means to move beyond colonial relationships with the State.

POLS 0920C. Media and Democracy.
What role should media play in democracy? What impact do media forms such as social media have on democracy? As Americans increasingly get their news through social media and a wide variety of partisan online sources, they face an array of new challenges in gathering the information necessary of citizenship. The 2016 election and its aftermath added to a long list of worries about how media interacts with democracy—from Russian trolls to partisan bubbles to fake news to manipulative social media algorithms. Yet, at the same time, social media has enabled citizens to participate in shaping and contesting their informational environment in previously unimaginable ways—from #BlackLivesMatter to #MeToo.

POLS 0920E. Moral Pluralism.
Moral pluralism is an unmistakable characteristic of modern liberal societies. Even though the dire conflicts of religion which fuelled wars and civil unrest appear to be a thing of the past, fundamental moral disagreements are still plentiful today. Now as then, these disagreements expose tensions among the core of ideas upon which liberal societies are built. This course explores moral pluralism through the lens of classic and contemporary works in political philosophy and engages with questions such as: should the state be neutral in relation to different religious and moral convictions? Are there some values which we can expect all citizens to share despite their deep disagreements? How should citizens engage with each other when they debate controversial moral questions in the public forum?

POLS 0920F. The Passions in Modern Political Thought.
We love. We hate. We are proud of ourselves. We are envious of others. Misery triggers sympathy. Fury triggers fear. These psychological phenomena appear natural to human beings. We can't help experiencing them. We try to understand ourselves and our world through them. We act accordingly and in this way make a difference to ourselves and the people around us, for better or worse.
All these phenomena can be linked to one concept: passion. But what is passion? Why does it matter to politics and society? This course examines several passions (sympathy, self-love, fear, resentment, etc.) and their social and political implications.

POLS 0920G. US Populism in Comparative Perspective.
When Donald Trump won the United States presidential election in 2016 with an unconventional “outsider” campaign, academics and journalists sought answers for the unexpected victory, examining explanations including attitudes of racial anxiety, deindustrialization, and growing economic inequality. This course introduces students to these debates through offering a wider comparative perspective on instances of populist movements and leaders around the world. We will work to build an understanding of the causes and consequences of this complicated phenomenon by comparing current and historical cases of US populism with those in Europe and Latin America.

POLS 0920H. Origins of American Policing.
This course situates contemporary problems of policing in the long sweep from the Boston Massacre to modern times. Drawing on work by historians and social scientists, as well as primary sources, the course traces the development of policing with a consideration of three origin stories: (1) state-building and political order, (2) the protection of racial hierarchy, and (3) the construction of class boundaries. Topics include criminal enforcement in the American Revolution; the birth of urban police forces; law enforcement’s role in slavery, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow; 20th century reformers and anti-vice crusades; the FBI, national security state, and immigration control; and the bipartisan war on crime in the 1980s and beyond.

POLS 0920I. The Politics, Ethics, and Art of Corruption.
What explains variation in corruption across and within democratic countries? What motivates the citizens and officials who engage in corrupt acts? Is there such a thing as a “culture of corruption”? In order to understand these questions (and attempt to answer them), this course takes a somewhat unconventional approach. While we use the analytical approach of the social sciences as our foundation, we also draw on films (documentary and fiction), interviews, and journalistic reporting to understand the individual and systemic causes and consequences of corruption, as well as the narratives citizens create surrounding corruption. Some weeks we focus on a particular country, while in other weeks we take a thematic approach. Throughout the course, we will draw on examples from across the globe, including Latin America, Africa, Europe, and Asia.
Spr | POLS0920I | S01 | 25546 | T | 4:00-6:30(16) | (R. Weitz-Shapiro) |

POLS 0920J. Transformations of American Liberalism.
At least since the Civil War, the dominant meaning of American liberalism has undergone significant transformations. This course considers the contested development of American liberalism, broadly construed, as a political vision as well as a practical governing program. A conventional account of ideological development complements the trajectory of state-building, from a nineteenth-century outlook championing contracts, private property, and free trade to a program favoring social mobilization and welfare during the Progressive Era and New Deal-- followed by the late twentieth-century breakdown of this activist liberalism in favor of an individualist neoliberalism supportive of tax cuts, deregulation, and privatization. The readings and discussions will critically consider this narrative. Aside from the standard themes of political economy, topics will include criminal justice, foreign policy, civil rights, partisan realignments, and the relationship between political culture and ideology.

POLS 0920N. Music, Politics, and Power.
This discussion-based seminar explores the intersection of music, politics and power in comparative and international perspective. Drawing broadly from works in the social sciences and the humanities focusing on different historical periods, political systems and cultural contexts, the course considers how music has served as a tool for forging and maintaining collective identities, resisting authority, and projecting political power. The course also looks at the transnational role of music in the exercise of “soft power,” for example through cultural diplomacy. Empirical material, including playlists of songs and performances exemplifying protest movements, state-sponsored music, and national and revolutionary anthems, will be drawn widely from across the globe.
Fall | POLS0920N | S01 | 17959 | W | 3:00-5:30(10) | (R. Snyder) |

POLS 1010. Topics in American Constitutional Law.
This course will examine major constitutional controversies within the context of wider debates in political and legal theory. Readings from Supreme Court cases and prominent texts in political/legal theory. Each year we will focus on a different theme and set of constitutional issues. Topics might include a mix of federalism, separation of powers, privacy, free speech, and abortion. We will also focus how political and legal theory helps us to consider these topics in tandem
Spr | POLS1010 | S01 | 20220 | Arranged | (C. Brettschneider) |

POLS 1015. Politics and Nature.
Examines the relationship between human beings and the earth as it has been conceived in the tradition of Western political thought from the ancient Greeks to the present day. The first part of the course draws from the history of political thought to understand the background against which our contemporary environmental problems have evolved and the conceptual resources that current theory draws from. The second part of the course investigates environmental political theory at the cutting edge today, engaging a wide range of perspectives and methods in the field.

POLS 1020. Politics of the Illicit Global Economy.
This course is about the "underside" of globalization. It introduces key sectors of the illicit global economy, including the clandestine flow of drugs, arms, people, body parts, arts and antiquities, endangered species, and toxic waste. The course compares these illicit sectors across time and place, and evaluates the practice and politics of state regulatory efforts. Particular attention is given to the role of the U.S. in the illicit global economy.
Spr | POLS1020 | S01 | 20221 | Arranged | (P. Andreas) |

POLS 1030. Modern Political Thought.
What is justice? In a just society how would wealth be distributed? Would such distribution respect property rights? Does the state have the exclusive right to punish and if so why? Should the family be regarded as beyond justice? Is there a tension between democratic self-governance and freedoms from coercion? With an emphasize on both lectures and Socratic dialogue, this course is designed to engage students in conversations with the most important work in modern and contemporary political thought and to get them to engage with the most fundamental questions faced by our polity. We will draw on canonical modern and contemporary writers to see understand the most important debates of the modern period and as importantly to help us dig deep into fundamental questions of justice and legitimacy. Readings from Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Marx, Rawls, Okin, Cohen and others. Some prior work in political theory or philosophy suggested.

POLS 1035. Democracy and Its Nineteenth Century Critics.
What exactly is democracy, or 'the rule of the people'? Our unreflective support for democracy often blinds us to the fact that historically, democracy has not always been viewed favorably, but rather, with skepticism—particularly as it was rising to the forefront of political life in the United States and Western Europe in the 19th century. This course investigates claims about democracy through historical and philosophical readings. What exactly is democracy? How is it justified (or not)? How is democracy related to representation, gender, and class? We investigate these questions through Burke, Paine, Wollstonecraft, deTocqueville, Marx, Mill, Taylor, and Nietzsche.

POLS 1040. Ancient Political Thought.
The Greeks stand at the beginning of the Western tradition of political philosophy, yet their thought is somehow foreign. What was the special perspective from which they viewed political life? In what ways does their perspective vitalize, contest, deepen, or affirm our own thinking on justice, politics, and the good life? This course will examine these and other questions with a special emphasis on the works of Plato and Aristotle.

POLS 1045. American Political Thought.
This course will explore key themes that have (re)defined life in this country since its beginning, such as liberty, democracy, religion, and race. We will read core documents like the Declaration of Independence, along with important works by thinkers like John Winthrop, the Founding Fathers, Tocqueville, Lincoln, and more recent authors like Robert Dahl. Our goal is to understand what they thought the American enterprise was and should be. Can the country meet their expectations? This course assumes a basic familiarity with American government and history, that is, with important dates and events, as well as certain concepts and institutions.

POLS 1050. Ethics and Public Policy.
What are the ethical dimensions of public service? How should people act when faced with ethical dilemmas in public life? This course will engage those broad questions beginning with an examination of five modern day political scandals: Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Keating Five, the Clinton impeachment, and the investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 elections. We will then consider various issues in regulating ethics from nepotism and conflicts of interest to the revolving door and financial disclosure. Finally, we will consider several ethical values that are relevant to public service, including loyalty, honesty, and the role of official disobedience.

POLS 1055. From Strike to Revolution: The Politics of Work and Work Refusal.
What role does work play in society? Is work necessary for human survival? Does it promote human flourishing? Or is work merely a “mechanism by which individuals are incorporated into the capitalist mode of cooperation” (Kathi Weeks)? Do the demands of the productive process constrain what is politically possible, or can political action radically transform working conditions ? How can refusal of work give shape to revolutionary politics? Beginning with a survey of theoretical perspectives on the function of work in society, the course then considers sociological, historical, and literary studies of workers and resistance to work including Black domestic workers in the post–Civil War U.S., Italian factory workers in the mid-20thcentury, and workers in the contemporary U.S. healthcare sector. Topics examined include racialized and gendered divisions of labor, the effects of automation on work, and the general strike.

POLS 1060. The Political Economy of U.S. Monetary Policy.
This course will utilize political economy models of American political institutions to explain the relationship between politics and U.S. monetary policy. The course will provide a foundational understanding of how branches of the U.S. government relate to one another and how they relate to the Federal Reserve. We will explore several eras of monetary policy decisions in American history concluding with the recent financial crisis. In addition to providing a deeper understanding of American political institutions and the history of American monetary policy the course will explore how the Federal Reserve operates internally and how that impacts U.S. monetary policy. Instructor permission required.

POLS 1070. Rights.
Investigates the moral and political foundations of rights through a reading of classical and contemporary theories of rights. Readings include Hobbes, Locke, Tocqueville, Kant, J.S. Mill, Burke, Marx, Nozick, Waldron, Okin, Ignatieff, and others. Topics include rights and justice; multiculturalism and group rights; human rights in the global context; animal rights and environmentalism; communitarian and postmodern critiques of rights; and rights in the context of American citizenship.

POLS 1075. Ancients and Moderns.
Examines the political thought of Plato and Aristotle and three modern thinkers who were especially animated by these ancient views of politics: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and Nietzsche. Topics include the ends of politics and the nature of good government; the meaning of justice; the value of equality and of hierarchy; the nature of freedom; the role of virtue in political life; and the relationship between philosophy and politics. In reading these ancient and modern thinkers together, we gain a richer understanding of both the quarrels and the continuities between ancient and modern political thought – and the dynamic relationship between them.
Fall | POLS1075 | S01 | 10252 | MW | 8:30-9:50(09) | (S. Krause) |

POLS 1080. Politics of Transportation Policy.
Three transportation modes are emphasized: planes, trains, and automobiles. Three sets of actors are studied: Congress, pressure groups, and governmental agencies. The focus is on historical patterns of usage and current policy questions including airlines vs. airports, problematic drivers, and cars vs. transit. Background in the rudiments of American politics is desired.

POLS 1085. Injustice.
How should we respond to injustice? Violently or non-violently? Lawfully or disobediently? Should we try legal channels first or are some injustices too severe and urgent? When do we have an obligation to join those already resisting injustices? History presents us with an enormous repertoire of ways people have resisted injustice: conscientious refusal, passive resistance, non-violent direct action, sabotage, civil disobedience, strikes, mass protests, and revolution. This course will read works of political philosophy next to signature events of our own time, such as Arab Spring, Black Lives Matter Movement, the Tea Party, and labor strikes, to discuss the above questions.
Fall | POLS1085 | S01 | 10253 | Arranged | (A. Gourevitch) |

POLS 1090. Polarized Politics.
Focus will be on growing partisan polarization in American politics. Existence of polarization in institutions like House of Representatives, Senate, the presidency, federal courts, media, and religion will be examined. Emphasis will include the roles of political elites, non-elites, lobbyists, money in politics, red states/blue states, House and Senate rules, particular pressures created by budget, domestic, foreign policy, defense and homeland security issues. Requires extensive reading, detailed paper, take-home final exam and active class participation. Expectation to remain informed about current events as they apply to partisan polarization and to weigh the impacts of polarized politics on a democratic nation.
Fall | POLS1090 | S01 | 10275 | Arranged | (R. Arenberg) |

POLS 1100. U.S. Congress.
The Founders established the U.S. Congress in Article I of the Constitution. It created that body as guardian of the nation’s purse strings and empowered it to "make all laws necessary and proper." Will examine the Congress's structure, rules and procedures, traditions, precedents, campaigns, elections, parties, budget process, Member's constituencies and role in the system of checks and balances with the president and the courts. The impact of procedure on policy outcomes and the impacts of the 2020 election on the House and Senate will be explored. The course will consistently relate the characteristics and history of Congress to current events.
Spr | POLS1100 | S01 | 20246 | Arranged | (R. Arenberg) |

POLS 1110. Mass Media.
Dramatic changes are unfolding in the structure and operations of the U.S. media. We discuss how the media have changed over history; what the changes mean for American culture, society, and politics; and how we should evaluate the contemporary media.

POLS 1120. Campaigns and Elections.
This course will focus on both historical and contemporary elections at the congressional, state and local and presidential levels, emphasizing the 2020 elections. Topics include campaigns, parties, candidates, voting behavior, public opinion, polling, campaign finance, voting rights, the electoral college, gerrymandering and the media.

POLS 1130. The American Presidency.
The origins and evolution of the Presidency in the American political and policy-making system. Special emphasis on the impact of presidential policies from Franklin Delano Roosevelt through Donald Trump; the presidential nomination and general election system with special focus on the 2020 election; and an exploration of the future challenges facing the winner of the 2020 Presidential election. The course will consistently relate the characteristics and history of the presidency to current events.
Fall | POLS1130 | S01 | 10254 | Arranged | (W. Schiller) |

POLS 1140. Public Opinion and American Democracy.
Public opinion is an essential component of democracy. Considering the lack of familiarity about current events, how does public opinion affect public policy? Perhaps more importantly, should it? To assess these questions, we will explore how to measure public opinion and what polls tell us. We will then assess the roots of public opinion and analyze the public policy and representational impact of people's preferences.

POLS 1150. Prosperity: The Ethics and Economics of Wealth Creation.
What is prosperity? Whom does prosperity benefit? Which institutions and attitudes produce prosperity? What is the relation of prosperity to other values such as efficiency, happiness, equality, fairness, religious faith or personal freedom? This course explores the problem of prosperity from a variety of disciplinary perspectives: philosophical, economic, historical, religious, and literary. No Prerequisites. Freshmen welcome.

POLS 1160. Constitutional Law: Governmental Powers.
This course examines governmental powers under the United States Constitution, addressing the powers of Congress, the President, and the courts, as well as the relationship between the national and state governments. The primary reading materials will be leading Supreme Court cases, supplemented by additional reading materials on history and legal theory. The course will consider the role of the courts in enforcing constitutional principles in a democratic system, as well as theories of constitutional interpretation and constitutional change.
Spr | POLS1160 | S01 | 20222 | Arranged | (C. Brettschneider) |

POLS 1170. Constitutional Law: Individual Rights.
Examines the scope of individual rights under the United States Constitution and will focus on equal protection, due process, free speech, and religion. The primary reading materials will be leading Supreme Court opinions interpreting and applying the First and Fourteenth Amendments, supplemented by readings on legal history and theory. The course will consider the role of the courts in protecting individual rights in a constitutional democracy, as well as theories of constitutional interpretation and constitutional change.

POLS 1180. Feminist Thoughts for a Heated Climate.
The ecological crises - the “sixth extinction,” “global warming,” “the eruption of Gaia” - have forced many humans to challenge contingent boundaries drawn in more or less compelling ways in the Western world. Dualisms opposing nature to culture, the human and the nonhuman, the natural and the technological, the feminine and the masculine, seem more destabilized than ever. When geologists came up with a new epoch called the “Anthropocene,” feminist theory was well equipped to problematize this allegedly omnipotent “anthropos.” Reciprocally, queer, post-colonial, and feminist theories have re-thought the never so normative, hardly stable, greatly unknown, nature of nature.

POLS 1185. Environmental Political Thought.
In our context of ecological crises, Environmental Political Theory (or Ecosophy) has boomed, attesting of the need for new concepts with which to think our unprecedented situation. Ecosophers think of nuclear energy, GMOs, climate change, the 6th extinction, etc, in terms of responsibility toward future generations, “de-growth,” sustainability, the anthropocene, Gaia, etc. This course will survey some major schools of thought within Ecosophy, highlighting the diversity of the environmentalist movement. We will focus on one common thread weaving eclectic ecosophical currents and concepts: the question of humans’ relationship to the nonhuman.

POLS 1190. The Politics of Climate Change.
In 1992, the international community committed itself to the goal of preventing dangerous anthropogenic climate change. Taking stock more than a quarter century later reveals a still-warming world well and seemingly little progress. Why do we collectively find ourselves in this dangerous position? The purpose of this course is to provide a set of answers to this question from the perspective of political science. Our focus will be on exploring the range of our collective governance efforts from the international regime on down. Is there a pathway to successful climate governance?

POLS 1200. Reimagining Capitalism.
Debates over capitalism and its alternatives date back centuries. Proponents say that market institutions have enabled extraordinary productivity growth and life-saving innovations. Trade and the division of labor have been central to human progress in recent centuries. Capitalism’s critics point out that the growth of market economies has often had unacceptable consequences. The course is organized around four main challenges facing market economies today: environmental degradation, labor exploitation, inequality, and crisis. Can capitalism be reformed to solve the problems that it has helped generate, or is a market system unequipped to grapple with social and environmental challenges?

POLS 1210. Latin American Politics.
Focuses on political and economic transformation in contemporary Latin America. Special attention is given to the processes of market-oriented economic reforms and democratization that have swept the region during the last twenty-five years. Includes in-depth country case studies where key themes can be discussed and elaborated.

POLS 1215. Fiction and Methods in Social Research: Debates on Inequality, Poverty, and Violence.
In this course, students will read, comment, and discuss renowned novels on inequality, exclusion, poverty, and (political, religious, racial, and gender) violence in cases as diverse as Nigeria, India, and Afghanistan.
These novels will submerge students in some of the complexities and richness of the selected cases. By reading them, students will explore and discuss concepts, stories and historical context, political and socioeconomic processes, the roles of characters, and arguments.

POLS 1220. Politics in Russia and Eastern Europe.
How do Putin and other leaders in Eastern Europe maintain political power? Why did some states democratize after communism’s collapse, and why are successful democratizers (Hungary, Poland) now moving toward semi-authoritarian populism? Why has Ukraine become a battleground between Russia and the West? We will study how international economic integration, the European Union, and the migrant crisis have affected the region’s domestic politics. Focus will be on the Russian Federation, Ukraine, and Poland. Background in social sciences recommended.

POLS 1225. Nuclear Weapons.
This advanced undergraduate lecture course examines the history and politics of the world’s most destructive weapons. It is an introduction to the nuclear age, including how nuclear weapons work, the causes and consequences of the spread of nuclear weapons technology, and the basic strategies of the nuclear powers. Students will emerge with a working knowledge of the role of nuclear weapons in international politics and the future of managing this dual-use technology.
Fall | POLS1225 | S01 | 10255 | Arranged | (R. Pauly) |

POLS 1240. Politics, Markets and States in Developing Countries.
How can we explain fundamental differences in economic performance and policy across developing countries in the face of Globalization? Why are some countries praised as economic "miracles," yet others seem mired in inescapable stagnation? This course addresses these questions by introducing the basic topics, concepts, and theoretical approaches that comprise the field of political economy of development. The course draws on case studies from Asia, Africa, and Latin America.
Spr | POLS1240 | S01 | 20223 | TTh | 2:30-3:50(11) | (R. Snyder) |

POLS 1250. Capitalism, Democracy, and Geopolitics in Europe.
As the home of parliamentary democracy in the era of mass politics, Europe is today contending with the new challenges of twenty-first century politics. This course begins by examining how different versions of capitalism and the welfare state emerged in Europe. It then asks which new forces reinforce and which undermine democratic politics in Europe today. Topics include immigration, religious diversity, technology competition, military conflict on Europe’s perimeter, and underlying changes in European geopolitics.

POLS 1260. Maps and Politics.
How do maps affect politics, and vice versa? Maps fundamentally shape the way that we see our world and how we interact politically, economically, and socially, but maps are also shaped by political actors, interests, and institutions. This course will consider historical and contemporary issues that link maps and politics, including the connections between mapping and nation-states, colonialism, warfare, democratic politics, and indigenous rights. The course is suitable for all students with an interest in the topic.

POLS 1265. States, Society and Economy in East Asia.
Will discuss present-day government and politics of South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines as well as the decades leading up to democratic transitions in these countries. Will discuss economic miracles in Japan and the four "Asian tigers," and democratization in these high-growing regions. Throughout, reference will be made to similarities and differences – and implications thereof – between the "rules of the game" in these countries and in other new democracies. We will focus on several areas of policy that have been at the center of political science and economics debates concerning policy making in Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines.

POLS 1270. Middle East Politics.
For decades, the Middle East was widely perceived as a bastion of authoritarianism and a hotbed of identity politics and political violence. What has sustained these perspectives and how has the Arab Spring challenged them? This course combines analytical approaches with concrete case studies to provide an overview and critical understanding of regional developments. Students will gain insights on key questions and debates in Middle East politics. Topics include "persistent authoritarianism" in the Middle East, Political Islam, sectarian violence, economic development, and social mobilization. The course is suitable for students with all levels of knowledge on the region.

POLS 1280. The Rise of India: History, Politics, Economics and Society.
This course will concentrate on three aspects of the "Indian experience": democracy, ethnic and religious diversity, and political economy. With a brief exception, India has continued to be democratic since 1947. No developing country matches India's democratic record. Second, remarkable cultural, ethnic and religious diversity marks India's social landscape, and influences its politics. Third, Indian economy has of late been going through a serious economic transformation, drawing comparisons with China. Is the comparison valid?
Spr | POLS1280 | S01 | 20224 | MWF | 11:00-11:50(04) | (A. Varshney) |

POLS 1285. Quality of Democracy in Latin America.
Focus on democratic quality in modern Latin America, its failures as well as its successes. Topics include police violence, the rule of law, indigenous movements, gender and gay rights, anti-poverty policy, and direct democracy. Will draw on material from across the Spanish and Portuguese speaking democracies in the region. We will engage with different theories of what makes democracies representative and accountable to their citizens. Not open to first years.

POLS 1290. The Rise of China.
This course examines the causes and consequences of China's societal transformation and emergence as a global power. Employing perspectives from comparative politics, international relations, and economics, the course explores the connections between China's domestic transformation and its integration with the global system. Lectures and readings cover the historical antecedents of China's rise, the contemporary relationship between state and citizen, the nature of China’s global competitiveness, and likely future avenues for socio-political change.

POLS 1295. The Politics of Health and Disease.
Despite remarkable advances in medical research and treatments during the twentieth century, we continue to confront grave challenges from infectious diseases. In addition to their human toll, infectious diseases can exact enormous economic costs, threaten social stability and, trigger political crises. Why are some more effective at countering the same infectious disease? Why have disease-controlling technologies met with such divergent responses? Why has the same state been relatively successful in countering certain diseases but has struggled with others? This course will pose and seek to advance our collective understanding of these critical questions about the politics of health and disease.

POLS 1300. Latino Politics and Public Opinion.
Over 50 million Latinos reside in the United States today, making them the largest minority group in the country. The current population size, projected growth trajectory, and population density of Latinos in many political battleground states have made this group a favored topic among politicians, interest groups and mass media. Yet, what do we really know about the politics and opinions associated with the diverse and expanding Latino population? How are Latinos incorporated into American political life? What difference does it make to be of Latino descent in the U.S.? This course presents an in-depth examination of this important population.

POLS 1310. African American Politics.
Focuses on the contemporary African American politics in various spheres of the American political environment. Examines also how the concept of an African American community has evolved and shifted historically. We will pay particular attention to the growing diversity within the African American community and discuss what these changes mean for black political participation, representation, and organizing.
Spr | POLS1310 | S01 | 20225 | MWF | 2:00-2:50(07) | (M. Orr) |

POLS 1315. Diversity & U.S. Minority Politics.
In this course, students examine the politics of social groups in order to gain a broader perspective of the American political process. Topics can vary, and include a review of the major developments in American politics for historically discriminated groups including women.
Spr | POLS1315 | S01 | 20226 | TTh | 10:30-11:50(09) | (K. Tate) |

POLS 1320. Urban Politics and Urban Public Policy.
This course is designed as an introduction to the politics of the United States’ central cities. A central theme of the course is that city politics in the United States arises from the intersection of governmental power and private resources. The first section of the course describes the emergence of urban America. The second section of the course focuses on the variety of theoretical perspectives and analytical concepts that have evolved to explain the politics of America’s major cities. The goal is to compare the major theories in urban politics that purport to explain power and decision-making. The final section inquires into the nature of the urban condition with particular emphasis on the political and economic challenges faced by city residents and city government in the post-industrial city. The course is designed for first-year and second-year students.
Fall | POLS1320 | S01 | 17083 | MWF | 2:00-2:50(01) | (M. Orr) |

POLS 1321. Urban Politics and Urban Policy (URBN 1270).
Interested students must register for URBN 1270.

POLS 1325. Political Organizations and Social Change in America.
Will examine efforts to create significant policy change in contemporary political and social life in United States. We examine strategies of social change; explore the characteristics of advocacy organizations; and consider how organizations can expand their political toolkits as they seek to create social change. In addition, we will examine the relationship between organizations, members, and activists. Why do so many organizations lack active members? What does it take to turn members into activists? Among the cases we examine are the Civil Rights Movement, the Tea Party, Alinsky organizations, Black Lives Matter, the Koch Brothers Network, Dreamers, and organized labor.

POLS 1350. Chinese Foreign Policy.
The People's Republic of China is one of the most important actors in international politics today. This undergraduate lecture examines China's role in global affairs. It applies broad theoretical perspectives on international relations to understand China's choices across a broad range of foreign policy topic. What explains why China has increased its defense spending? When is it more likely to resort to military force? What explains patterns in China's trade and investment abroad? What accounts for China’s changing approach to climate change? To what extent does China seek to reshape the international order and what would this mean for the prospects for global peace and stability?

POLS 1355. Women in Politics.
In this course, we explore the various ways in which gender as a social and political category has impacted politics in the United States. We examine the history of the women’s suffrage movement and the development of feminist theory. Through Carole Pateman’s The Sexual Contract and Shatema Threadcraft’s Intimate Justice, we reassess core questions of justice, equality, and freedom. We examine Kimberlé Crenshaw’s theory of intersectionality and other developments in legal theory as we investigate the relationship between the body, identity, and the law. Students will also participate in a mock-debate on a contemporary issue of relevance.

POLS 1360. U.S. Gender Politics.
This course covers the politics of U.S. women as activists, voters, candidates, and elected officials. What explains the emergence of the modern-day women’s movement? How do women win political seats? Do women legislate differently than men? How did women become legislative and party leaders? How does sexuality and gender affect U.S. electoral politics? This course will also consider the ways in which social class, race-ethnicity, marital status, parenthood, feminism, religiosity, political orientation, and cultural beliefs or stereotypes influence women’s public policy and social beliefs. To what extent does gender define all women’s political and social viewpoints?

POLS 1380. Ethnic Politics and Conflict.
Course focuses on the politics of rising national consciousness and the development of ethnic conflicts. It covers sources of contemporary nationalism; nationalist political mobilization; emergence of conflicts; impact on societies of internal strife and wars; international interventions; explanations for resolution or persistence of conflict; politics of post-conflict states. The course combines analytical texts and case studies. Cases from Eastern and Western Europe, North America, South Asia, and Africa.

POLS 1390. Global Governance.
Examines the institutions and the processes by which states and other actors seek to provide "governance" in the international system. The class explores the history of, and various theoretical perspectives on, the role of the UN and other international organizations in the state system. It also considers their roles in a range of political, military, economic, environmental, and humanitarian issues. Pre-requisite: POLS 0400

POLS 1400. North Atlantic Politics after the Cold War.
Explores the contours of North Atlantic international politics through a variety of theoretical lenses. Examines the grand outlines of European, American, and transatlantic international affairs; the politics and legacies of the Cold War; and the history, theory, and politics of European integration. Then turns to North Atlantic affairs and transatlantic relations post-Cold War, and to Europe and America in the (twenty-first century) world to come.

POLS 1410. International Security in a Changing World.
Analyzes the most pressing global security problems today utilizing current theories of international politics. Examines the changing nature of security threats and considers the likely challenges we will face in the future. Issues covered include the causes of war and peace, weapons proliferation, terrorism and insurgencies, the role of technology, pandemics, humanitarian intervention and human security, and alliances and collective security. The course will include an international security simulation exercise. Pre-requisite: POLS 0400.

POLS 1415. Classics of Political Economy.
Traces the most important classical statements of political economy through consideration of the major contributions to the "political" study of the economy from the seventeenth century to the present; Locke, Ricardo, Smith, Rousseau, Mill, Bentham, Marx, Mill, Marshall, Keynes, Hayek, Friedman, and Lucas. By mapping the parallel evolution of the liberal/capitalist economy and the liberal/democratic notion of the individual, both a product of and a producer within this economy, the course will demonstrate the political nature of economics and the economic bases of politics. First year students require instructor permission.

POLS 1420. Money and Power in the International Political Economy.
Examines how the interaction of states and markets create distinct global monetary and political orders. Class analyzes the shift from the classical liberal Gold Standard through the Post-War Bretton Woods arrangements through to the globalized IPE of today.

POLS 1430. Roots of Radical Islam.
Why has radical political Islam emerged as a global threat in our lifetime? This course examines potential domestic sources, such as repressive governments and poverty, as well as international sources, such as U.S. foreign policy, with a special emphasis on the various strategies that governments of states with predominantly Muslim populations have taken toward political Islam. Instructor permission required.

POLS 1435. Politics of Climate Change.
Climate change is arguably the most important global challenge in the 21st century. It will reshape weather patterns, storms, sea levels, and agricultural output worldwide. Mitigating climate change will require massive economic transformations, affecting energy, transportation, and industrial sectors. What are the politics of that transformation? What are the political forces obstructing it? How do social movements, institutions, and economic interests interact to shape the national and global response to climate change? This course offers answers and insights, primarily from the perspective of political science. It also draws on knowledge from other disciplines.
Spr | POLS1435 | S01 | 20227 | Arranged | (J. Colgan) |

POLS 1440. Security, Governance and Development in Africa.
Some of the fastest-growing economies in the world now lie in sub-Saharan Africa. Yet Africa is also home to some of the world’s most corrupt and violent states. This course will provide a variety of lenses through which to view these and other paradoxes on the continent, with a focus on security, governance and economic development. Topics will include the long-term consequences of colonialism and the slave trade; the politics of independence; the causes and effects of crime, violence and civil war; democracy and democratization; the promise and pitfalls of foreign aid; and the challenges of building strong, stable states.
Fall | POLS1440 | S01 | 10256 | TTh | 2:30-3:50(12) | (R. Blair) |

POLS 1445. Contemporary African Politics.
This course introduces students to the study of contemporary African politics. The questions that motivate the course are: How did authoritarian regimes arise in most countries after African independence? Why have some African countries become democratic, while others have remained authoritarian? What accounts for patterns of conflict and civil war across countries? Throughout the semester, we will see that there is significant variation within Africa in the strength of states, levels of economic growth, and respect for democratic institutions; we will aim to explain these variations. We will primarily study events in particular African countries, but will also examine broad patterns across countries and use social science concepts and methods to try to explain them. In our exploration, we will mostly build on the work of political scientists but also draw heavily on work by journalists, psychologists, economists, and historians.
Fall | POLS1445 | S01 | 17084 | MW | 8:30-9:50(09) | (D. Choi) |

POLS 1450. Development in Theory and Practice.
Focuses on the political economy of development and underdevelopment Topics include comparisons of state and market building among "early" and "late" developers, theories of development, prescriptions for development and their shortcomings, and the challenges for developing countries in the context of a globalizing economy.

POLS 1455. Crime, Punishment, and Politics.
This class uses theories and tools from the social sciences to understand criminal behavior in a variety of settings. It examines whether we can use rational choice theories to explain patterns of offending and the organization and operation of illicit markets. We will investigate the different way that governments seek to control crime, as well as, non-state alternatives to public safety. Organized crime groups have significant influence in communities both historically and today, so we study why they exist and how they organize. Finally, we look at how political institutions affect crime and the operation of the criminal legal system, including persistent problems of racial disparities at all points in the system.

POLS 1460. International Political Economy.
An introduction to the politics of international economic relations. Examines the history of international political economy and theoretical approaches to understanding it. Also analyzes several key contemporary issues in international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and World Trade Organization, globalization and its consequences, and challenges in foreign economic policy-making.
Spr | POLS1460 | S01 | 20228 | TTh | 1:00-2:20(08) | (A. Sahasrabuddhe) |

POLS 1465. Introduction to Political Economy.
This class provides an introduction to topics in political economy with a focus on using basic models to understand both individuals and groups facing a variety of social dilemmas. Simple formal models will provide a framework for understanding problems in politics and political economy, including the collective action problem, prisoner’s dilemma, coordination problems, and more generally the importance of formal and informal institutions in guiding social outcomes. The class surveys major thinkers in political economy and uses their ideas to understand major changes in society, markets, and states from an historical perspective.

POLS 1470. International Negotiation and Conflict Resolution.
Analyzes negotiation process in international relations. Emphasizes how the negotiation process impacts the relations among states, non-state actors, and multilateral institutions in international politics. Deals explicitly with the 'art and science' of negotiations as a means to resolve the conflicts and misunderstandings that are a ubiquitous feature of international relations. Includes simulation exercises and case discussions, drawing on issues ranging from formal diplomatic negotiations to the role of non-governmental organizations in promoting the resolution of international conflicts and on issues such as national and international security, as well as economic, environmental, and humanitarian concerns. Primarily for students with some prior background in the field of international politics. Prerequisite: POLS 0400 or instructor permission.

POLS 1475. War and Peace.
Why is armed force used in international politics? What are the causes of war, the preconditions for peace? How do political, moral and legal discourse shape the possibilities for peace? What is the role of violence in the formation of modern statehood and the contemporary international order? What are the interrelations between war and peace within a continuum of violence: what justifies both war and peace? When is military violence a solution to conflict, how is peace sustained? What are the psychological, social and economic effects of military conflict? What is the nature of military violence in peacetime?

POLS 1480. Theory of International Relations.
Provides an overview of basic thinking about international relations. Focuses on the conceptual fundaments, grand intellectual traditions and main theoretical trajectories, and key scholarly disagreements that have shaped the discipline of international relations over the past century and on the principal theoretical fault lines that define it today. Also scrutinizes a number of central topics in contemporary international affairs. Prerequisite: POLS 0400 recommended but not required.

POLS 1485. Global Justice.
Traditionally, in a world formed by states, moral responsibilities of governments, private corporations and individuals have been confined within national boundaries. Today, economic and ecological interdependence as well as global migrations of capital, goods, people, ideas and diseases challenge the Westphalian distinction between the domestic and the international. Moreover, global problems challenge the traditional inter-state organization of the world. Does globalization also enlarge our moral responsibilities beyond state borders? If governments, private corporations and peoples begin to accept moral responsibilities beyond the boundaries of nation-states, how should the Westphalian inter-state structure be transformed to make room for cosmopolitan duties?

POLS 1490. Building a Better World: Film and Social Change.
This class explores some of today's key policy challenges: economic development and poverty alleviation, the provision of basic public services, corruption, management of natural resources, environmental protection, intergroup violent conflict, and related issues. For each topic, the course (1) presents the problem, (2) reviews potential solutions, (3) discusses failed approaches, and (4) identifies concrete successes. Examples are drawn from around the world. Instructor Permission required.

POLS 1500. The International Law and Politics of Human Rights.
Introduces students to the law and politics of international human rights; examines the construction of an international human rights regime and its influence on international politics. Will survey the actors and organizations involved in the promotion of human rights around the globe, as well as the obstacles. Will review competing conceptions of human rights, whether human rights are universal, problems of enforcement, and the role of human rights in foreign policy. Major topics include civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights; genocide, torture, women's rights, humanitarian intervention, and the international criminal court. POLS 0400 strongly encouraged as a prerequisite.
Spr | POLS1500 | S01 | 20229 | Arranged | (N. Tannenwald) |

POLS 1520. Introduction to Feminist Theory.
This course explores the history of feminist political thought. It provides an overview of the dominant approaches to feminist theory, and to the emergence and development of feminist movements in the U.S. and elsewhere. We will pay particular attention to the way intersectional feminist thinkers have challenged the centrality of gender in feminist analysis, and will assess the future of feminist praxis and theorizing. The course is organized around significant themes and debates within feminist theory, including but not limited to: early feminist approaches (such as liberal, Marxist, radical, and standpoint feminism); the theoretical implications of critiques of early feminist theory by black, indigenous and other intersectional feminists; and contemporary feminist formations such as trans and abolition feminisms.

POLS 1530. Gender, Slavery, and Freedom.
Will examine how gender shaped slavery in the Americas. How did the experiences of enslaved men and women differ? Did the experiences of enslaved women result in specific practices that formed the basis for resistance to slavery and dehumanization? How did gendered experiences of slavery in turn affect the notions of freedom that were developed in post- emancipation societies? We will also consider how practices or ideas developed during slavery have contributed to the “afterlife” of slavery after official emancipation. We will analyze slavery as a concrete set of practices that were experienced and negotiated differently by enslaved men and women.

POLS 1540. Politics of Nuclear Weapons.
Nuclear weapons have occupied a central role in international politics since their introduction in 1945. As weapons of overwhelming destructive power, their use today would be widely regarded as a disaster, yet nations continue to rely on them for security and deterrence, as well as associate them with status and prestige. The advent of nuclear weapons has challenged traditional conceptions of power, security, defense, and even morality. Vast disagreements continue to exist about many aspects of these weapons. Today, nuclear weapons pose a major global governance challenge for the world.

POLS 1550. War and Politics.
This course provides an examination of the intersection between political ends and military means. This includes an overview of theories of military strategy and combat tactics including challenges related to terrorism, insurgency and counter-insurgency. The bulk of the class will cover, in depth, historical details of specific conflicts from the Peloponnesian War through the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Detailed discussion of the evolution of specific weapon systems and their impact on military tactics will be included. Student will be required to watch several films as part of the course requirements.

POLS 1560. American Foreign Policy.
This course provides an overview of American Foreign Policy since World War I. The emphasis will be on defense and security policy, and not on foreign economic policy. This course covers significant historical events and personalities over the course of the twentieth century. When events dictate, part of any given daily class may be devoted to current events in American Foreign Policy, with emphasis on their historical source and context. Prerequisite: POLS 0400.
Fall | POLS1560 | S01 | 10257 | Arranged | (R. McDermott) |

POLS 1570. International Law (INTL 1700).
Interested students must register for INTL 1700.

POLS 1600. Political Research Methods.
Introduction to quantitative research methods in political science. Topics include research design, descriptive statistics, statistical hypothesis testing, and bivariate and multivariate regression. By the end of the course, students will have the requisite skills to intelligently consume and produce basic quantitative social science research. Enrollment limited to 24 sophomore, junior, and senior Political Science, International Relations, or Public Policy concentrators.
Spr | POLS1600 | S01 | 20230 | MWF | 12:00-12:50(01) | (P. Testa) |

POLS 1730. Politics of Globalization.
This is the ultimate PPE course (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics). Will explain the big changes in world politics and political economy over the last two hundred years. Why did slavery end? Why did European imperialism and colonialism fade away? Why did World Wars happen? Why did the great powers set up a system of international trade and finance and who benefits from that system? What are the politics of migration? How do global oil politics work? Course is designed to provide students with a broad introduction to the field of international political economy to help address questions like these ones.

POLS 1740. Politics of Food.
How do politics and public policy shape the nature of farming and the price of food in the US? What is the extent of hunger and malnutrition in the country, and how to politics and public policy shape the responses to these issues? How well does government regulate the safety and healthfulness of food? This course will draw on a combination of case studies and scholarly work to examine these questions. The significance of globalization will also be considered but the emphasis of the course will be on American politics and policy. The course is not open to first-year students. This course is not capped but TA allocations are made based on pre-enrollment and the course might be closed the first day, depending on the availability of TAs beyond the original allocation.

POLS 1750. Black Political Leadership.
This course uses black political thought to understand historical and contemporary forms of black political leadership. It explores the diversity of voices, ideologies, and strategies adopted by black leaders to address an array of political and social challenges. It also focuses on how shifting goals, political contexts, and generational changes shape black leadership. Certain black leaders such as W.E.B. DuBois and Barack Obama are used to understand the different types of black political leadership.

POLS 1760. Infrastructure Policy.
The focus is on transportation infrastructure: roads, bridges, rail, transit and airports. How has our infrastructure developed over the past two centuries? Which presidents have been leaders? How does Obama compare with his predecessors? Who are the key actors in congress and bureaucracy that control the distribution of money? What are the key interest groups?

POLS 1770. Education, Inequality, and American Democracy.
How are public schools and the educational programs they offer products of political inequality? How might public schools remedy those inequalities or exacerbate them? This course examines the ways in which education contributes to democratic governance; how the development of American public schools builds on and reproduces political, economic and social privilege and inequality; and the promise and limitations of various types of reforms designed to redress inequality, including the Common Core. This course focuses primarily on the United States, but looks to other democracies, including Canada and Mexico, to understand the intersection of education, inequality and democratic governance.

POLS 1780. Use of Symbols in American Politics.
What do a flag, Martin Luther King, Jr. and socialized medicine have in common? They are all political symbols that have produced a strong public response. The political process is complicated beyond the understanding of most. But it becomes manageable when converted into sets of conflicting symbols. How does the public learn about political symbols? What is their role in the policy making process? Three types of symbols will be considered: community, regime and situational symbols. Course coverage limited to American domestic politics.

POLS 1820A. American Political Development.
No description available. Enrollment limited to juniors and seniors.

POLS 1820B. Roots of Radical Islam.
Why has radical, political Islam emerged as a global threat in our lifetime? This course examines potential domestic sources, such as repressive governments and poverty, as well as international sources, such as U.S. foreign policy, with a special emphasis on the various strategies that governments of states with predominantly Muslim populations have taken toward political Islam.

POLS 1820C. The Political Theory of the Economy.
What is an economy? Is an economy different from government? Or is 'the economy' a special way of governing people? Is capitalism an economy or a form of government? If the latter, what is distinctive about the ways of governing that are said to define capitalism? What principles should be invoked for the defense or criticism of a capitalist society? How should it be compared to its alternatives? This course asks these questions historically by pairing central figures in the history of political economy with important interpreters of them.

POLS 1820D. Civil Liberties: Moral, Political and Legal Approaches.
This course will examine major constitutional controversies within the context of wider debates in political and legal theory. Readings from Supreme Court cases and prominent texts in political/legal theory. Topics include free speech, privacy, abortion, takings and capital punishment. Prior course work in political theory or philosophy recommended. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science.

POLS 1820E. Pragmatism in Black and White: Race, Domination, and Democratic Faith.
This course interrogates the emergence of the 19th century philosophical movement known as pragmatism, focusing on William James and John Dewey, and investigates its intimations and resonances in African American intellectuals such as Anna Julia Cooper, W. E. B. Du Bois, Alain Locke, and James Baldwin. We explore the crisis of religious certainty, and pragmatism’s attempt to provide an alternative framework for thinking about democratic governance. We also investigate the persistence of racism that politicized a group of thinkers who, in various ways, overlapped with pragmatists as they offered a normative vision of democracy to address domination.

POLS 1820F. Black Protest: Theory and Praxis.
This course explores the theory and praxis of black protest in the Americas, which were formulated in response to the different racial orders that developed in the U.S. and Latin America. We will analyze how black populations mobilized to escape slavery, resist racial terror and white supremacy, gain rights from the state, protect black life, and overcome various forms of dehumanization. Examples will include anti-lynching campaigns in the U.S., the civil rights and other black movement of the 1960s, the Black Lives Matter movement, and mobilizations against “black genocide,” police violence, and displacement in Brazil and other Latin American countries.

POLS 1820G. Politics and Nature.
This course investigates the politics of the relationship between people and the earth; examines the environmental consequences of this relationship as it currently exists, as well as its impact on human justice and freedom; and explores alternative political imaginaries and institutional forms that include the non-human, evaluating their implications for sustainability, justice, and freedom. In the course of considering the political relationship between human beings and the earth, we examine core political concepts including domination, freedom, agency, sovereignty, democracy, justice, liberalism, rights, representation, and the political. We also explore the relationship between politics and ethical life.

POLS 1820H. Contraband Capitalism: States and Illegal Global Markets.
This course explores the clandestine side of the global economy (including flows of drugs, people, weapons, and money) and state policing efforts. We will examine the organization of these activities, how they intersect with the state and legal economy, their relationship to armed conflicts, and how they shape (and are shaped by) domestic and international politics. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science or IAPA. Course is not open to students who have taken POLS 1020.
Spr | POLS1820H | S01 | 20231 | Th | 4:00-6:30(17) | (P. Andreas) |

POLS 1820I. Indigenous Politics in Hawai'i: Resurgence and Decolonization.
Because kinship relationships to land and all existents of that land are fundamental to Indigenous Peoples, resurgence and decolonization must be studied in the context of specific Indigenous Peoples and the ways they resist colonial violence and build resurgent practices. This course then focuses on these issues with respect to Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians). We will read works from Kanaka Maoli scholar/activists in order to understand the genealogy of Kanaka Maoli resistance and resurgent practices. We also engage with critical Indigenous thinkers in order to understand Indigenous political praxis that is shared across difference and those that are not.

POLS 1820J. Dynamics of Agenda Building.
How do new issues make the political agenda? Why aren't elections crucial? Who are the "problem pushers" and "solution savers?" How are they linked? What factors determine the life of an issue? The key processes include problem identification, conflict expansion through issue redefinition, the role of institutional actors and issue activists. Focus limited to domestic American politics. Prerequisite: POLS 0010. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1820N. International Relations in Europe.
Reviews central issues in European international affairs from a variety of theoretical and analytic perspectives. Substantive issues considered include the politics of European integration, "Europeanization," European foreign and security policy, Europe as part of the North Atlantic world and transatlantic relations, issues of European identity and Europe in the world to come. Time also allocated for discussions of course participants' research. Designed mainly for advanced undergraduates, but graduate students are welcome. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science or International Relations.

POLS 1820O. Adam Smith: Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
Referred to as the “father of economics” or “father of capitalism,” Adam Smith was a moral philosopher, political thinker, and social scientist of the Scottish Enlightenment. A deep exploration of his major works including The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, as well as the Lectures on Jurisprudence and his essays on philosophical subjects. We will grapple with big questions such as, “What is the nature of virtue and morality, and how do individuals learn moral behavior?”, “What makes some societies rich and others poor?”, and “What are the political preconditions and moral consequences of economic growth?”

POLS 1820R. Extralegal Governance and the Problem of Social Order.
This class studies cases of extra-legal governance to understand how people who cannot, or who choose not to, rely on strong, effective states facilitate social and economic order. The class does not cover or engage with normative and philosophical arguments. The entire focus is on a positive, social scientific question and the requisite engagement with empirical facts that this entails. The class will examine and test claims about whether it is possible for extra-legal governance to produce human flourishing.

POLS 1820S. Two Liberal Traditions: English and French.
What does it mean to be a liberal? In America, we regularly take our “liberal heritage” for granted, so much so that liberal principles are simply accepted as political necessities, even truisms. Many of these principles come to us from English thinkers like John Locke and John Stuart Mill. Yet theorists in the French tradition offered an equally rich, though distinct perspective on these values. We will consider the “two liberal traditions,” Anglo-American and French, to gain a better grasp of liberalism’s beginnings and its legacy. Can the study of liberal thought teach us anything about contemporary politics and economics?

POLS 1820T. Race, Crime, and Public Policy.
This course will provide students with an in-depth analysis of the social and political connections between criminal justice policies and race. The first section of the course will cover the concepts of race and ethnicity and the social construction of target populations. Secondly, students will learn what public policy is, how it is made, and methods of analysis. Next, we will cover the history of the criminal justice system and the creation of mass incarceration. Lastly, we will cover specific criminal justice policies and practices and their ramifications for the civil liberties and rights of racial minorities.

POLS 1820V. Institutions: Questions of Power and Democracy.
Institutions are constraints that structure political, economic, and social interactions. They consist of both informal and formal rules, evolve incrementally, connecting the past with the present and the future; history in consequence is largely a story of institutional evolution in which the historical performance can only be understood as a part of a story. Institutions shape the role of the state over time and are repeated patterns of behavior around which beliefs are deposited. Institutions are also political actors. Multiple disciplinary perspectives, careful scholarly analysis, and the search for recurrent historical patterns inspire this course offering and serve as its framework.
Fall | POLS1820V | S01 | 17091 | Th | 4:00-6:30(04) | (D. Woodly) |

POLS 1820W. Market Liberalism: Origins, Principles and Contemporary Applications.
What is liberalism? What are the differences between capitalist, democratic and socialist versions of liberalism? Is it true that liberal theory has undergone a form of moral evolution between its "classical" and its "modern" forms? Are there common moral values that all liberals---capitalist, democratic and socialist---affirm? If so, by what dimensions of value are these rival liberal traditions to be distinguished? Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors; all others require instructor permission.

POLS 1820X. Democratic Erosion.
This course explores the causes and consequences of democratic erosion in comparative and historical perspective. The course will provide an opportunity for students to engage, critically and carefully, with the claims they have doubtlessly already heard about the state of democracy in the US and Europe; to evaluate whether those claims are valid; and, if they are, to consider strategies for combating democratic erosion here and abroad. The course will be taught simultaneously at roughly two dozen universities, with a number of cross-campus collaborative assignments.

POLS 1820Z. The Rise of Populism and Illiberalismin East-Central Europe.
Why are Poland, Hungary, and other East-Central European (ECE) States moving away from democracy, market economies and the European Union toward populist politics? After the collapse of Communism in 1989, ECE states embraced democracy, liberal economics and their ‘return to Europe’ after decades of Soviet domination. By 2007 all had entered the European Union, and political scientists viewed most as ‘consolidated’ democracies. In the years since, populist parties have emerged, won elections, and promoted illiberal, nationalistic and anti-EU policies. The class focuses on explaining this dramatic political change, focusing on economic pressures, identity politics, societal welfare, and other factors.

POLS 1821C. Economic Freedom and Social Justice.
Can capitalists care about social justice? This course considers the proposition that capitalists can, and should. Readings include a variety of classical and contemporary sources about the idea of economic freedom and its relationship to social justice. Enrollment limited to 20 seniors.

POLS 1821G. Representation, Parties and Interest Groups.
Examination of the role of political parties and interest groups in translating the will of citizens into policy outcomes. Covers the extent to which voters use party as a guideline, the possibility of a viable third party at the Presidential level, the effect of parties on Presidential/Congressional relations, and the interaction of interest groups and parties in politics. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science and Public Policy.

POLS 1821H. Authority and Legitimacy.
What gives people in power the right to make and enforce laws? The course examines classic and contemporary conceptions of political authority and legitimacy. What is authority and when is it legitimate? Does legitimate authority depend on the consent of citizens, or on the justice of decisions? Can the people hold ultimate authority over the law, or is this merely empty rhetoric? Authors include Hobbes, Rousseau, Weber, Schmitt, Arendt, Althusser, Wolff, Nozick, and Habermas. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1821I. Issues in Democratic Theory.
This seminar engages contemporary issues in democratic theory. Topics explored include the meaning of democracy (and the political consequence of different answers to that question); representation and citizenship; democracy and rights, (free speech, religious freedom, and privacy); democracy and judicial review; deliberative democracy. We will read works of political theory and United States Supreme Court cases. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science.

POLS 1821J. Rhode Island Government and Politics.
Students participate in an approved internship in Rhode Island State Politics. Students will be expected to work 8-10 hours a week in an office of state government and, at the end of the semester, reflect on what they've learned. Enrollment limited to 20.

POLS 1821K. Just War Theory.
Survey of just war theory, with emphasis on ancient, medieval Christian, and contemporary thinkers. What standards should we use to judge the justness or rightness of a war and of conduct during war? Should our judgments on these separate phases of war be related? Who is the relevant agent? Where does its moral authority come from? Are there any post-war obligations? How has the ideal of the warrior/soldier changed over time and why? Prior coursework in the humanities or social sciences is required.

POLS 1821L. International Relations of Russia, Europe and Asia.
What role does Russia seek to play in the contemporary international system? Can NATO hold together as an effective military alliance willing and able to defend its member states? How is the rise of China affecting Russia, Europe and the international system? The seminar will discuss these and related questions, considering Russia’s evolving relations with the centers of global power West and East, its efforts to retain control in the former Soviet space and to extend its reach into the Arctic; its agendas in trying to influence US and European domestic politics through ‘soft’ power, and related topics.

POLS 1821M. War in Film and Literature.
This course introduces students to a study of warfare, and some of the central issues raised in war, through the use of movies and novels. Central themes include civil-military relations, leadership, the role of women in war, managing the homefront as well as issues related to battlefield tactics and strategy. Students will be encouraged to address these topics in applications related to World War I, World War II, and Vietnam in particular. This course will take place in a seminar format which stresses discussion of the relevant materials. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science.

POLS 1821N. Political Journalism.
Exploration of the development of political reporting and analysis of contemporary public affairs reporting. Will address key elements of the best political journalism, as well as the manner in which political journalism affects public opinion, political attitudes, and campaigns and elections. Enrollment limited to 20 junior and senior Political Science concentrators.
Spr | POLS1821N | S01 | 20232 | T | 4:00-6:30(16) | (J. Robbins) |

POLS 1821O. Politics of Economic Development in Asia.
It is accepted that development is not an economic phenomenon. Political processes are tied with economic development. Does the political system affect development? Does democracy slow down economic growth? If countries embrace political freedoms and market-oriented economic reforms, should one expect both to succeed equally? Since the Second World War, an enormous amount of intellectual effort has gone into understanding these issues. Asia has been at the heart of much of this literature. Emphasis will be on China, India and South Korea. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science or International Relations.

POLS 1821Q. The United States in World Politics.
Examines major aspects of American foreign policy after the Cold War and 9/11 in terms of domestic and international challenges. Discussions of the United States as 'empire' and 'republic,' with independent research and a foreign policy game. Emphasis is on the connections between the processes of policy making and the substance of policies pursued. Pre-requisite: POLS 0400. Open to senior Political Science and International Relations concentrators.

POLS 1821R. Sovereignty, War, and the Modern International System.
How does international law regulate states’ behavior regarding the use of international force? How should international law affect domestic politics and authority? What kinds of international rules, regulations and norms exist? What authority do they have? Should states obey international law even when it conflicts with their interests and that of their citizens? Is a law-governed order attainable in a world of sovereign states? This seminar explores the evolution of international law, its relation to state sovereignty, and how these factors shape the modern international system. Topics will include the historical emergence of sovereignty, the evolution of human rights, the politics of laws governing the resort to the use of international force, and the Responsibility to Protect. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1821S. Women and Politics.
How has the importance of gender in politics changed over time? Must women represent women? Can men also represent women? Do women and men participate politically in different ways? Why is there a persistent gender gap in political leadership? Do women campaign differently than men? What are "women's issues"? Do they affect all women equally? This course explores these and other questions, drawing on a range of literature from political science and public policy. We will also examine contemporary political debates and investigate varying ways in which the categories of gender, race and ethnicity, and other politically-relevant categories intersect. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1821T. Criminal Justice System.
An examination of police, criminal courts, and prisons in the contemporary United States. Major topics include police discretion, plea bargaining, and theories of punishment. We will also examine the politics of crime, including federal efforts to influence these traditional state functions. Major assignments are based in the Rhode Island criminal justice system. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science or Public Policy. Instructor permission required.

POLS 1821U. Democracy and its Critics.
To what degree does democracy help realize or impede important goals of social justice and prosperity? How much democracy do we really want, all things considered? Readings might include: Rousseau, Joshua Cohen, Alasdair MacIntyre, Jeffrey Stout, Diana Mutz, Bryan Caplan. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1821V. Democracy and Inequality in American Cities.
Explores the relationship between democracy and inequality in contemporary American cities. The seminar considers different kinds of inequality - economic, political and group/horizontal – from the standpoint of national politics in the United States. The focus then shifts to the literature on urban politics in the United States, assessing the major contrasting theoretical perspectives on the causes of local inequalities in American cities. Finally, we focus on unequal access to public safety and justice. Over the course of the semester, students will be expected to carry out “fieldwork” involving first-hand observation of local inequalities in the Greater Providence area.
Spr | POLS1821V | S01 | 20233 | W | 3:00-5:30(10) | (R. Snyder) |

POLS 1821W. The Politics of Race and Gender.
Politicians and scholars make a number of predictions about political life based on assumptions about race and gender. This course examines the roles of race and gender in American politics with a particular emphasis on women of color. The course focuses in social movements, political participation, and political representation. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1821X. The Politics of Social Welfare in the Middle East.
This seminar explores the politics of social welfare in the Middle East. The first section of the course examines the concept and origins of welfare systems in developing countries as well as the relationship between the state, NGOs, civil society and informal networks in social service provision. This segment of the course also provides an overview and brief history of welfare regimes in the Middle East as well as concepts of charity and justice in Islam. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science and International Relations. Preference for remaining spots given to concentrators in Developmental Studies and Middle East Studies.

POLS 1821Z. Peacekeeping and Statebuilding after Civil War.
What can the international community do to keep peace in countries wracked by civil war? Why does peacekeeping succeed in some countries but not others? How has peacekeeping evolved over the past 50 years, what lessons have been learned, how can those lessons be applied to better anticipate, prevent and mediate civil wars in the future? This senior seminar addresses these questions through a combination of case studies, in-class discussions and debates, and readings from a wide variety of academic, policy and philosophical sources. While there are no prerequisites for the course, familiarity with quantitative data analysis will be useful.

POLS 1822A. Nuclear Weapons and International Politics.
This seminar explores the causes and consequences of nuclear weapons proliferation in international politics. Each week we will explore a different dimension of nuclear proliferation, drawing on academic theory and historical evidence. Specific topics examined include the causes of nuclear proliferation, nonproliferation and counterproliferation policies, nuclear strategy, the effect of nuclear weapons on international conflict, and nuclear terrorism. Enrollment limited to 20 junior and senior Political Science or International Relations concentrators.

POLS 1822B. Foundations of Political Economy.
This course is both historical and theoretical and overlaps with the disciplines of political science, history, economics, and political theory. Based around an in-depth reading of "the classics" of political economy, the course traces the evolution of political economy through a consideration of some of its major contributions from the seventeenth century to the present; Locke, Ricardo, Smith, Rousseau, Mill, Bentham, Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Hayek, Friedman, Lucas and Minsky shall be examined.

POLS 1822C. Congress.
Takes a comprehensive view of the U.S. Congress, its structure, procedures, elections, parties, constituencies and its interactions with the president and the courts. The Constitution establishes the Congress as the first branch and guardian of the nation's purse strings. This course will examine the strengths and vulnerabilities of the modern Congress with its highly polarized political parties. Requires extensive reading, a detailed paper and active class participation. Students are expected to pay careful attention to current events in the U.S Congress. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors in Political Science.

POLS 1822D. Democracy and Education – A Focus on Jackson, MS.
The primary purpose of this course is to immerse students in the history, culture, and politics of Jackson, MS, while developing research skills that help us better understand the current state of public education in Jackson. As a result, the course will draw on two different types of research. First, the course will cover humanistic research that informs us about the history and culture of Mississippi. Second, the course will also explore social science research that describes the way in which political and public schooling institutions of MS behave both in theory and in practice. Students will spend 7 days in Jackson, MS.

POLS 1822E. Islam and Democracy in the Middle East.
This course covers key questions, arguments, and debates concerning the relationship between Islam (as a rubric for identity and mobilization) and democracy (as a political form and value) in the Middle East. The course is organized around major topics concerning the history, culture, and politics of the Middle East since the end of World War I: Islam and modernity, nationalism and independence, authoritarian state building, the European imperial legacy, revolution and fundamentalist resurgence, political Islam and democracy, democracy promotion, and the future prospects for democracy in the region. Enrollment limited to 25 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1822F. Social Movements and Struggles for Justice.
Social movements struggle for many things: policy change, changes in social relations, fundamental changes in the structures of government. We will focus on how social movements struggle to achieve justice, and specifically consider how social movements interact with efforts to strengthen the accountability of states and the rule of law. We will examine the central debates of scholars who look at how social movements and the law interact, and reflect on whether and under what circumstances we think law is a useful tool for social movements, and when it may hinder the achievement of justice.

POLS 1822G. The Political Economy of Hard Policy Problems.
Will tackle the “hard problems” governments sometimes have to deal with. For example, while governments are often cajoled and enjoined to produce economic growth, especially during recessions, do something about economic inequality and social mobility, and improve the life chances of millions through purposive action, actually delivering these things is incredibly hard. These areas constitute ‘“hard problems” for two main reasons. Economically, we don’t really have much of a clue about how to do many of these things. Politically, there are powerful interests that like these areas of policy just as they are, and they work to keep them “hard problems.”

POLS 1822H. Corruption and Governance Across Democracies.
In recent years, the issue of "governance" has attracted increasing attention. Why are some countries more corrupt than others? Why do some governments distribute government programs equitably, while others manipulate them for political ends? The purpose of this class is to characterize, examine, and, to the extent possible, explain the persistence of these "bad governance" practices in many democracies in the developing world. We will draw on examples from Latin America, Africa, and Asia, and we will also make comparisons with appropriate current and historical cases from Western Europe and the United States. Enrollment limited to 20 junior and senior Political Science concentrators.

POLS 1822I. Geopolitics of Oil and Energy.
Oil is the single most valuable commodity traded on global markets. This course is designed to introduce students to the international political economy and security dimensions of oil and energy. The course explores the industry’s many impacts on politics and economics, including: Dutch disease and the resource curse; the relationship between oil, authoritarianism, and civil wars; the role of the rentier state; the influence of oil on international warfare; global energy governance (e.g., OPEC); political differences within OPEC; US energy policy and energy security. The materials focus primarily on the political economy of oil-exporters, especially those in the Middle East.

POLS 1822J. Ethics of War and Peace.
While killing another human being is widely considered a wrong, war - a social institution that involves such killing on a massive scale - is an accepted practice that brings honor to those who carry it out on behalf of their respective political communities. This course explores the ethical dimensions of this paradox: how and why institutionalized violence is sometimes conceived of as moral action and what moral distinctions make this conception possible. The course will investigate a range of ethical approaches to these issues - including just war, pacifist, feminist, and poststructuralist approaches - treating them both sympathetically and critically. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.
Spr | POLS1822J | S01 | 25545 | W | 3:00-5:30(10) | (N. Tannenwald) |

POLS 1822K. Laws of Violence.
States kill. Law enforcement officers may kill to protect innocent victims. The military kills to protect the nation. And a handful of states still impose the death penalty. These are all lawful killings. This seminar introduces the basic elements of conventional theories of law and state, and explores the centrality that legalized violence plays in both the constitution of law and the state. The goal of the seminar is to identify and examine the constitutive though unstable relation between law and violence. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1822L. Comparative Constitutional Law.
An introduction to constitutional law of other countries and a comparison of their constitutional law to U.S. constitutional law. We will read court cases and other materials from most of the G-20 countries including: Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, India, Canada, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, the European Court of Human Rights, and the United States. Topics include: constitutionalism, judicial review, separation of powers, federalism, free speech law, freedom of religion, criminal procedure, rights to property or welfare, rights of privacy and human dignity, judicial policing of the political process, states of emergency, and constitutional amendment processes.

POLS 1822M. Capitalism: For and Against.
Is capitalism just, or is it exploitive? Does the value we place on freedom create a negative right to own property free from interference, or a positive right to a certain level of subsistence? Does capitalism ennoble culture, or debase it? Does it empower individuals, or alienate them? To what extent, if any, can capitalism's downsides be mitigated through redistributive schemes? This course will examine these questions through study of some of the seminal philosophical arguments for and against capitalism, from its origins to the present day.

POLS 1822N. Freedom.
This course examines the meaning and conditions of human agency and freedom with a special focus on the experiences of those who are marginalized. What do these experiences tell us about the social practices, political institutions, and self-understandings that are necessary to sustain individual freedom? How do ostensibly free societies such as the U.S. instantiate freedom successfully and where do they fail? How can we enhance the experience of individual freedom today, especially for members of marginalized or oppressed groups? Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1822O. The Presidency.
The individual who occupies the office of the President of the United States is one of the most powerful individuals in the world. The consequences of presidential leadership are enormous and well worth of study from multiple dimensions. This seminar will survey the origins of the modern presidency; leadership attributes of the chief executive; and how presidents have initiated, reacted, and managed domestic and foreign affairs. Topics include nominations, elections, staff and bureaucracy, rhetoric, public relations, the party system, the "imperial presidency," congressional relations, policies, and political science theories of the presidency. Enrollment limited to 20 junior and senior concentrators in Political Science and Public Policy.

POLS 1822P. Defenses of Capitalism.
The moral justification for laissez-faire capitalism accepted in late eighteenth century came under attack in the nineteenth. Will examine four schools of thought that arose to defend capitalism: schools of free-market economists, Protestants and Catholics, Ayn Rand's followers, and libertarians. We will find the differences between these schools are as charged and fundamental as any between capitalism and its critics. Primary sources (including Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged) will provide the bulk of our reading. The course will conclude with an application of the rival theories to a few current public policy issues. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1822Q. Identity Politics in Global Perspective.
This course is designed to provide students with an overview of major theories and empirical approaches to the study of identity politics. Throughout the semester we will read a combination of the classics and cutting-edge research in political science, economics, psychology, exploring a range of topics with implications for politics and societies around the world. These topics include: how identity should be conceptualized and measured; why some forms of identity are activated, mobilized, and contested; how identities are represented politically; how racial and ethnic identities intersect with other salient identities; how social diversity and civil society are interrelated; what factors affect the integration of immigrants; and which varieties of democracy enable the flourishing of plural identities. Readings for these topics will focus on the United States and the other parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.
Spr | POLS1822Q | S01 | 20235 | T | 4:00-6:30(16) | (D. Choi) |

POLS 1822R. The Politics of Food Security.
There is enough food on the planet to feed everyone, and yet currently approximately 875 million people go hungry. Why is this the case? This course explores the politics of international food security, dividing the semester into four sections to examine food through the lens of development, human rights, governance, and security concerns.

POLS 1822S. The Politics of Urban Transformation.
This seminar examines political economic change in U.S. cities. The seminar considers various external forces that act upon the city, principally: (a) migration patterns, (b) economic and technological change, and (c) public policy. We will also consider how various groups and political leaders respond to these forces and on what resources they draw. The seminar pays special attention to political and economic change in Providence, Rhode Island. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors in Political Science, Public Policy, and Urban Studies.

POLS 1822T. Politics of Health in the Global South.
Public health poses some of the most pressing challenges of our times. Explores the political factors that shape health and access to health care in the Global South. How does the nature of the state and welfare policies and institutions shape health and access to health care? What is the role of non-state actors, whether NGOs, religious charities, "terrorist" organizations, or other groups, in assuring the basic health needs of populations in developing countries? How do ethnic or religious social divisions affect health and health systems? Why do some health crises capture the attention of powerful global actors? Instructor permission required.

POLS 1822U. War and Human Rights.
This seminar will begin by studying the rise and spread of the notion of human rights, examining some of the core debates over human rights, including their enforcement in times of war. It will then turn to the laws of war, focusing especially on the 1949 Geneva Conventions and the challenges posed to the Conventions by the rise of non-state actors wielding significant violence. Topics include child soldiers, war crimes, humanitarian intervention, torture, targeted killings, humanitarianism, and the international justice. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science or International Relations.

POLS 1822V. Pluralism and Democratic Imagination.
In this course, we will investigate the contours of historical debates about pluralism and democracy in the public imagination. Our goal will be to make the terms "pluralism" and "democracy," which simultaneously serve as hollow tropes in contemporary political discourse and as the basis for a secular religious faith for many on the left and the right, more difficult. Rather than cleansing these terms of their complications, we will strive to see them from all sides, interrogating their maddening paradoxes and ugly undertones while never losing sight of their awesome possibilities. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1822W. Congressional Investigations.
This seminar will explore the role that Congressional investigations have historically played at the intersection of politics, public policy, tension between the executive and legislative branches, law and media, focusing on certain of the seminal Congressional investigations that both reflected and re-shaped the politics of the day. These will include the Pecora investigation into the 1929 stock market crash, the Truman Committee investigation into defense contracting during World War II, the House Un-American Activities Committee, the McCarthy hearings, Watergate. the Iran-Contra hearings and the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations hearings into the financial services industry.
Fall | POLS1822W | S01 | 10258 | T | 4:00-6:30(07) | (J. Robbins) |

POLS 1822X. Technology and International Politics.
This seminar examines the connections between technological change and international politics. Technologies have always been central to how states conduct war, cooperate with one another, and rule their subjects. We will consider this connection both theoretically and through a number of historical and contemporary case studies of technological changes and their relationship to international politics, including the technologies of warfare, communication, and transport. It is strongly recommended that students have taken the introductory international relations course (POLS 0400) before enrolling in this seminar. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1822Y. Nuclear Nonproliferation.
This seminar focuses on the challenges to the security of states and peoples posed by the spread of weapons of mass destruction and on efforts to control these weapons. The class will review the history and technology of weapons of mass destruction and will examine different explanations for arms control and nonproliferation outcomes. The course will analyze key contemporary issues including the prospects for the nuclear nonproliferation regime, global nuclear inequality, nuclear terrorism, nuclear energy, democratic control of nuclear weapons, and disarmament. Much of the course will focus on nuclear weapons but we will also consider chemical and biological weapons.

POLS 1822Z. Social Attitudes and their Impact on U.S. Politics.
The course first documents trends and sources of change in social attitudes. It then evaluates the debate between psychological, sociological and political explanations for opposition to social rights policies. We then transition from the policy realm to the impact of ethnic and gender attitudes on electoral politics. In this half of the class we will study how social attitudes have influenced present-day partisan and presidential politics, how parties and politicians use gender and ethnic appeals for electoral gain, how these attitudes affected presidential candidates in a post-social rights United States. Enrollment limited to 20.

POLS 1823A. Constitutional Theory.
Will introduce the key theories that have been put forward in the last 100 years in Constitutional interpratation and how the Supreme Court exercises the power of judicial review. We will read and study key works by famous constitutional theorists of the past like James Bradley Thayer, Alexander Bickel, Charles Black, and John Hart Elly as well as reading the works of contemporary theorists such as Ronald Dworkin, Richard Posner, Robert H. Bork Antonin Scalia, Richard Fallon, Larry Kramer, and Jack Balkin. We will devote one week to each theorist and class participation in discussions is expected. Open to juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science and Public Policy. Prerequisite: POLS 1160 or 1170.

POLS 1823B. Reforming the State in New Democracies.
This course analyzes the politics and reform of the administrative state in new democracies. Our general focus will be on how electoral, legislative, and bureaucratic institutions affect the nature of governance in advanced and developing democracies. We will then focus specifically on the extent to which elected politicians are able to control bureaucrats. Finally, we will turn to several policy areas – civil service reform, regulatory and administrative procedural reforms and fiscal policy – and discuss the politics of each in comparative and theoretical terms. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823C. Ancient Political Thought.
What is the purpose of politics? Who should rule? What is justice? Plato and Aristotle instigated the tradition of political philosophy in the West, and our modern democracy is deeply indebted to their ideas. Yet their answers to many of the fundamental questions of politics differ dramatically from our own. Among other things, they valued virtue over personal freedom, duties over rights, and nobility of soul over equality of access. In this course we reflect critically on the value and implications of their ideas, and we evaluate our own modern political principles and practices in light of what they taught. Enrollment limited to 20.

POLS 1823D. War and Peace in International Society.
The decline in the frequency of interstate war and the illegality of international aggression are among the most significant changes in international relations in the last century. However, international violence has not disappeared from the world. This class charts and analyzes the changes in warmaking and peacemaking up to and through the twentieth century. How has the nature and practice of war changed? Are we entering an era of global peace? Other topics covered include mercenaries, plunder, peace treaties, and robots. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors in International Relations and Political Science.

POLS 1823E. Market Democracy in Chile.
Market democracy is a political philosophy that combines concern for social justice with concern for private economic liberty, a fusion of left and right ideologies in which governments and societies do not need to choose between social justice and economic freedom, but to strongly endorse both. Class discussions will focus on how to apply this model at the public policy level in Chile by examining a variety of texts in the libertarian tradition, classical and contemporary from both North and South American perspectives. Instructor permission required.

POLS 1823F. Between Colonialism and Self-Determination: A History of the International Order.
Explores the encounter between 'Europe' and the 'non-Western' world. The ways in which the Western international order has conceived and managed the encounter with the 'non-Western,' 'developing' or 'Third World.' This encounter has been fraught with violence and war. From the Spanish conquest of the 'New World' to the scramble for Africa in the 19th century, Western states have sought to extend their rule overseas by force. International order sanctioned violent colonial dispossession, recognizing titles to Western states – redefining overseas territories as terra nullius – and providing a general justification to colonialism. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823G. Women and War.
This course provides an examination of the links between the security of women and the security of nations. It explores the productive and reproductive roles of women in society from an evolutionary feminist perspective which identifies the female body as a site of important societal contestation. It investigates the reciprocal relationship between individual and societal choices and structures in areas as diverse as family law, development, education and the sex trade. Students will be required to watch several films as part of the course requirements. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823H. Public Opinion.
We will examine public opinion on a variety of current issues. The course's principal objective is to help students understand the role of public opinion in democratic governments. In addition, students learn how to integrate data analysis into their analysis of public opinion trends. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science and Public Policy.

POLS 1823I. Urban Politics and Policy.
In this course, students examine the politics of urban America, and the causes and consequences of urban poverty and inequality. Enrollment limited to 20.
Spr | POLS1823I | S01 | 20236 | Th | 4:00-6:30(17) | (K. Tate) |

POLS 1823J. Freedom, Work, Leisure.
When are we most free, at work or at leisure? Is work the same as paid employment? Is leisure the same as idleness? When, in turn, are we unfree at work, and what kinds of unfreedom are we subject to that are peculiar to modern life? Such questions press with particular urgency at a time when both unemployment and overwork are major complaints, and when many people find that work takes up the majority of their day yet is unsatisfying. Readings will include philosophers like Aristotle, Bertrand Russell, G.A. Cohen and Charles Taylor, and writings from the sociology of work. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823K. Are there Universal Political Values?.
Does one standard of goodness or rightness apply everywhere? Are political values local or relativistic? Are there different standards of justice and rightness, and so attempting to evaluate them all is simply hubris. Or might there be a spectrum with options somewhere between these two? Do such universal values exist and how to evaluate such values in the context of particular societies that change over time. We will read a number of texts on issues relating to liberalism, relativism, multiculturalism, and pluralism. Will focus on Montesquieu, whose insights raise fascinating questions as well as discuss contemporary issues.

POLS 1823L. Human Rights: For and Against.
Should, or do, human rights exist? If so, have they always existed? If not, where did they come from? We will search for historical and philosophical answers to these questions. Natural law and rights were invoked in the aftermath of the Conquest of the Americas, in the American, French and Haitian Revolutions, and in the founding of the United Nations. Yet, inalienable rights have not only had friends but also foes such as Jeremy Bentham or Karl Marx. We will examine how contemporary proponents and critics of human rights view their value and impact on domestic and international politics. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823M. Democracy Among the Ruins.
In 19th century US, certain kinds of motion/mobility were a new experience which, to some, meant freedom, and to others -- the end of meaning. Democracy was identified WITH speed, mobility, and destruction, specifically, the destruction of established public goods, social arrangements, traditions, laws of land inheritance, identities, and patterns of work. These day, these same things are identified with neoliberalism and are seen as threats to democracy, which is now often identified with slowness, deliberation, and procedure. In this seminar, we read two classic texts that explore these issues: Tocqueville's Democracy in America and Melville's Moby-Dick. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823N. Nationalism: Problems, Paradoxes and Power.
This seminar examines nationalism's historical evolution and reconstructs its role in contemporary political life. Drawing from a broad, interdisciplinary range of materials—from political philosophy to history and political science—the class interrogates the relationship between nationalism and other ideas considered constitutive of “modernity,” like capitalism and popular sovereignty. In so doing, the class aims to understand the sources of nationalism’s enduring power. Despite predictions of nationalism’s demise, we are currently witnessing its revival in the developed democracies of the West. What explains nationalisms persistence? What are the roots of nationalism’s continued imaginative appeal and political potential?

POLS 1823O. The Political Economy of Renewable Energy.
Given the challenges presented by climate change, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity, virtually everybody agrees that "business as usual" in energy production and consumption is no longer tenable. Global-scale innovation has become imperative, particularly in the area of renewable energy. Costs must come down, new solutions must be developed, and new opportunities for deployment must be opened up. But there is more than just technology involved. As this course will demonstrate, energy systems involve the intersection of technologies, markets, domestic political institutions, interest groups, commercial strategies, and international competition. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors concentrating in Political Science and International Relations, others by instructor permission.

POLS 1823P. Politics and Philosophy of Ayn Rand.
This seminar will examine the political and philosophical thought of Ayn Rand (1905–1982). We will begin with her political ideology and continue to the philosophical foundations she claims justify that ideology. The latter quarter of the seminar will explore applications of her philosophy to foreign affairs, religion, current events, and areas of student interest. Our sources will include Rand’s non-fiction essays, her novel Atlas Shrugged, the main exposition of her work Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, and criticisms by Robert Nozick and others. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823Q. Democratic Theory and Globalization.
What should democracy require in a globalized world? Is there a human right to democracy, so that all people should be governed democratically, or are there other legitimate forms of government? Should the United Nations and other international organizations be reformed to become more democratic? What does democracy call for when we affect the lives of people outside of our country? In this course, students will examine the leading ethical debates about democratic theory in an international context. It begins with three influential theories of democracy – the competitive, participatory, and deliberative – and applies them to important global issues. Enrollment limited to 20 juniors and seniors.

POLS 1823R. Greek Tragedy in Politics, Philosophy, Theater and Film (MCM 1504C).
Interested students must register for MCM 1504C.

POLS 1823S. Crafting Citizens: Democratic Theory and Civic Education.
How should liberal democracies educate members for citizenship? What is the appropriate role of the state in defining an appropriate civic education? Students will develop well-researched normative arguments on civic education policy. Will examine the tension in contemporary democratic theory between value pluralist calls for restraint on the part of the state and a liberal-democratic insistence on the need to promote and sustain allegiance to core values. Will draw on current empirical insights and controversies, will consider ways in which pressing needs for social action to counteract inequitable social dynamics may complicate a normative liberal democratic vision for civic education.

POLS 1823T. Democracy and Crisis in Political Theory: Freedom, Order and Emergency Politics.
What becomes of individual freedom, political equality, and the accountability of government to its citizens when a crisis breaks? What pressures are these core political values, and the institutions built to uphold them, placed under when our leaders have to tackle extraordinary circumstances where the security, integrity and perhaps survival of our societies are at stake? Can our representatives act outside the rules when protecting liberal democracy, without fatally undermining it? How can (and should) we think about and shape our political institutions and public debate to ensure our best chance of staying both free and safe?

POLS 1823U. Individual Liberty and Mass Incarceration.
Many of the most renowned theorists of classical criminologists were in fact self identified political economists and political philosophers amidst the classical liberal and enlightenment tradition. Patterns of crime and punishment have significantly changed since the enlightenment period. This course asks simply: what would the enlightenment classical liberals have to say about today’s unique trends? Whereas Adam Smith was fascinated by and arguably successful in comprehending why some countries are rich and others poor; we borrow his analytical tool kit to investigate why some societies incarcerate more than others.

POLS 1823V. Politics of Ethnic Conflict.
Course looks at the politics of identity-based contention and conflicts. Why do some multi-ethnic states remain politically stable for decades, then collapse into conflict, while others end deep and violent divisions with peaceful resolutions? Why do authoritarian regional hegemons encourage or repress ethnic consciousness? Why are democratic federations under strain, and when does ethnic polarization result in genocide? The course addresses these questions through analytical case studies of recent and contemporary contention in post-Yugoslav states, Ireland, South Africa, Rwanda, China, Russia, and Iraq. We conclude with intensive case studies of the conflict in Ukraine and recent Scottish independence referendum.

POLS 1823W. American Political Thought.
This course surveys the various ideas and practices associated with the term “democracy” in the course of American political history. Its chief purpose is to give you an idea of how contested this term was in the course of our political tradition, as a means of situating our present political disputes in historical context. We examine rival conceptions and applications of democracy in the Revolutionary era, at the Founding, in Jacksonian and antebellum America, during the Civil War, in the Gilded Age and the Progressive era, through the New Deal, the 1950s, the 1960s, and the 1980s.

POLS 1823X. Survey of Comparative Politics.
Why do some countries develop authoritarian regimes, while others build democracies? Why do people protest only under some conditions? How do only some countries seem to thrive with a diverse, multiethnic society? These questions are among the most pressing within comparative politics yet we struggle to understand the underlying phenomena that yield the political behavior and institutions we observe across the globe. We will look at the methodological approaches comparative politics utilizes to answer these questions. As we do so, we will keep a critical stance as to what the field neglects or heralds as a concrete finding.

POLS 1823Y. Global Governance.
This seminar explores the changing nature of global governance. Governance refers to the systems of authoritative rules, norms, institutions, and practices by means of which the international community manages its common affairs. Emphasizing in-depth readings of sustained arguments, this seminar examines key global governance processes and how they differ across different issue areas. It explores the variety of actors involved in managing global issues, surveys emerging trends, and explores possible ways of improving the capacity of the international community to deal with global challenges. Key issues examined include the global economy, nuclear weapons, the global environment, and human rights and justice.

POLS 1823Z. Gender and Public Policy.
How do political institutions, political communication, and policy making processes operate in gendered ways? What kinds of gendered disparities emerge in education, health, employment, and social policies? This course examines how gender combines with sexuality, race and ethnicity, social class, immigration status, and ideology to yield disparate political and policy experiences. It also considers pathways forward to address these disparities. The course focuses on the U.S., and looks to other countries for models.

POLS 1824A. Counterinsurgency and Civil War.
Since the end of World War II, civil wars have killed vastly more people than interstate wars. Oftentimes, these conflicts have taken on the character of insurgencies, with rebels utilizing guerrilla tactics against more powerful state opponents. The goal of this course is provide students with a theoretical and historical understanding of this increasingly dominant form of conflict. Specific topics explored include the causes of civil war, mobilization and recruitment into rebel groups, patterns of violence, counterinsurgency, war termination, conflict recurrence, and the aftermath of civil war. Enrollment limited to 20 junior and senior Political Science or International Relations concentrators.

POLS 1824B. Post Conflict Politics.
What, if anything, can the international community do to keep peace in countries wracked by civil war? Why does international intervention succeed in some countries but not others? How can war-torn societies overcome the myriad challenges inherent in post- conflict politics, including disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex- combatants; repatriation of refugees; transitional justice; and reconciliation of wartime adversaries. This senior seminar addresses these questions through a combination of case studies, in-class discussions and debates, and readings from a wide variety of academic, policy and philosophical sources. While there are no prerequisites for the course, some familiarity with quantitative data analysis will be useful.

POLS 1824C. Political Communication.
This course will focus on the importance of written and oral communication in public decision-making, particularly in the Congressional context. The course will examine the impact on political interactions, and the influencing of public policy decisions and outcomes. The course will emphasize some of the practical tools for producing relevant, useful material in the professional policy and the political communications arenas. The course requires several writing assignments focusing on different public policy analyses and political communications tools as well as active class participation including oral presentations.
Spr | POLS1824C | S01 | 20247 | M | 3:00-5:30(13) | (R. Arenberg) |

POLS 1824D. Power and Prosperity in Urban America.
Over the past twenty years, many American cities have experienced comebacks: growing numbers of upper- income residents have relocated to cities; downtowns have been transformed into lively arts and entertainment districts; and crime has fallen. How did cities achieve these transformations? Why were some cities more successful than others? How has the revitalization of cities affected the urban poor? The course will also examine the impact of the “Great Recession” on cities. Did the recession jeopardize recent gains in urban prosperity? How have cities coped with the fiscal strains presented by reduced tax revenues and limits on state and federal assistance?
Fall | POLS1824D | S01 | 10259 | W | 3:00-5:30(10) | (M. Weir) |

POLS 1824E. Liberalism.
Liberalism is a political theory about the limitation of state power based on basic constitutional rights. These institutional mechanisms have been justified on a liberal philosophical outlook. This course examines the central values of the liberal worldview including freedom, equality, toleration, individualism, secularism, pluralism, constitutionalism and the public and private divide. The course offers a philosophical analysis of the main tenets of liberalism as well as critical and competing interpretations of each of the liberal values examined. The purpose of this philosophical and conceptual exploration is to understand the justificatory basis of liberalism and eventually assess its achievements and limitations.

POLS 1824F. Meritocracy.
First we will discuss the role of merit in politics. In a democracy, the most popular candidate wins. Often this is not the most competent candidate. Is that a problem? Could we justifiably constrain the democratic process in order to get more meritorious people in government? What are the theoretical limitations, and the benefits, of democracy? Second, we will consider how wealth and income should be distributed. In a meritocracy, citizens are not guaranteed equal prosperity, but they are guaranteed an equal opportunity to pursue prosperity. How efficient is such a society? And how just?

POLS 1824G. Farms, Fisheries, and Politics.
This seminar compares and contrasts the politics of agriculture and the politics of fisheries in the United States. The course examines the rise of the farm bloc and the agricultural welfare state, along with the evolving politics of the farm bill. It then turns to the governance of fisheries and the apparent disconnect between fisheries management and “fish as food.” The final part of the course is devoted to a synthesis of perspectives on food and fisheries, including case studies developed through student research. Limited to Political Science concentrators.

POLS 1824H. Minority Political Behavior.
This seminar is meant to examine the history and contemporary role of minority groups in the U.S. political system. We will focus on political relationships between several minority groups and their relationship to political participation, party affiliation, voting coalitions, and public opinion, in addition to other groups. Throughout American history, the United States passed laws to restrict the rights of racial and ethnic minorities to purposely keep them outside the political system. In recent years, there has been a growing trend by political parties and politicians to court minority voters and promote diversity. We will explore the current state of racial and ethnic politics in the U.S.

POLS 1824J. Culture, Identity and Development.
There is a consensus, in scholarly and policy circles, on the importance of cultural processes and identity for a range of development outcomes across the world. There is far less understanding of how culture and identity influence development. The aim of this course is to develop this understanding. We will draw on readings across the social sciences as well as an analysis of development interventions across the globe to gain a comprehensive understanding of the ways in which culture and identity, conceptualized as actively constructed and changing, influence a range of outcomes including health, sanitation, education, inequality and economic development.
Fall | POLS1824J | S01 | 17092 | Th | 4:00-6:30(04) | (P. Singh) |

POLS 1824K. The American Welfare State in Comparative Perspective.
Will examine the development of social policy in the United States and the political conflicts that drive contemporary debates. We begin by identifying the distinctive features of American public policy, limited spending on the poor and the use of tax expenditures to achieve social goals. How the politics of race, immigration, gender, and federalism have shaped American approaches to social welfare. We will explore the role of public opinion, interest groups, and partisan polarization in shaping the agenda and outcome of reform efforts. Topics include diverse forms of public assistance, employment policy, health care, and social security.

POLS 1824L. Environmental Political Thought.
In our context of ecological crises, Environmental Political Theory (or Ecosophy) has boomed, attesting of the need for new concepts with which to think our unprecedented situation. Ecosophers think of nuclear energy, GMOs, climate change, the 6th extinction, etc, in terms of responsibility toward future generations, “de-growth,” sustainability, the anthropocene, Gaia, etc. This course will survey some major schools of thought within Ecosophy, highlighting the diversity of the environmentalist movement. We will focus on one common thread weaving eclectic ecosophical currents and concepts: the question of humans’ relationship to the nonhuman.

POLS 1824M. The Politics of Race and the Criminal Justice System.
This course examines the politics of race and the criminal justice system in the U.S. It proceeds in three parts. First, it examines the political origins and consequences of racial disparities in citizens’ interactions with the police, courts and prisons. Next, it considers how the public, the media, and politicians relate and respond to these issues. Finally, the course concludes by examining the prospects for reform and the consequences of inaction.

POLS 1824N. Feminist Theory for a Heated Planet.
The ecological crises - the “sixth extinction,” “global warming,” “the eruption of Gaia” - have forced many humans to challenge contingent boundaries drawn in more or less compelling ways in the Western world. Dualisms opposing nature to culture, the human and the nonhuman, the natural and the technological, the feminine and the masculine, seem more destabilized than ever. When geologists came up with a new epoch called the “Anthropocene,” feminist theory was well equipped to problematize this allegedly omnipotent “anthropos.” Reciprocally, queer, post-colonial, and feminist theories have re-thought the never so normative, hardly stable, greatly unknown, nature of nature.

POLS 1824O. Democracy.
In this course we will seek to understand the evolution of democracy as a word, as a regime type, as a decision-making mechanism, as a modus vivendi, and as an essentially contested concept. We will also probe the relationships between democracy and law, democracy and peace, and democracy and sovereignty.

POLS 1824P. Markets Without Limits.
In the last sixty years, the market economy has experienced a unique triumph across the globe. The main goal of this seminar is to analyze the moral boundaries of the marketplace. In particular, we will focus on getting a better understanding of which conditions make it morally permissible for modern societies to rely on markets to meet individual needs and to achieve social goals. In order to get a better understanding of the limits of the market, this course will focus on a few complex examples, such as the organ trade, prostitution, sweatshops, and surrogacy.

POLS 1824Q. The International Politics of Climate Change.
Addresses the problem of climate change from the perspective of political science, and in particular its international dimensions. Will provide students a chance to discuss the current state of affairs and to ultimately be able to form an opinion of what can and should be done to address the problem. Broadly, the course has two parts. The first part is a three-week introduction to the subject matter, addressing basic themes, mechanisms, and institutions. The second part is a seven week set of three units, each addressing a set of issues: common solutions to climate change, geopolitical debates, and future controversies.

POLS 1824R. Democracy, Race and Education.
This course is to be an in-depth investigation of the relationship between democracy and public education. We will explore different normative theories of democracy in education. We will highlight the centrality of race to education politics and policy. We will also analyze different forms of governance structure and key policy areas where questions of democracy become vital. The material covered in this course includes: political theory, empirical studies of political science, and applied studies of policy.

POLS 1824S. The Politics of Migration.
Managing migration waves is one of the big challenges of our time, one that is destined to increase in importance as climate change, conflicts, and economic inequality continue pushing people to move. This course provides an overview of cutting-edge research on the causes and consequences of migration. We will evaluate some of the common beliefs about migration using scientific studies: Is it true that most migrants are poor? Do restrictive policies discourage migration? Are immigrants good or bad for the economy? We will discuss the questions at the center of the political debate on migration and critically evaluate each argument based on scientific knowledge. Our discussions will be rooted in specific country cases (Ukraine, Syria, Bangladesh, East Africa, Pacific Islands,…), which we will use to learn about migration episodes and as a basis for a fact-based discussion.

POLS 1824T. US-China Relations.
Explores the evolution of modern US-China relations through the lens of political science. Will focus on three parts. The first section of the class looks at three turning points in modern US-China relations: (1) the decision to compete during the early Cold War (1946-1950); (2) the decision to cooperate during the late Cold War (1969-1989); and (3) the decision to maintain generally cooperative relations after the Cold War (1991-2007).The second section of the course examines whether and how US-China relations changed in the period between 2007 and 2017. The final section examines several theoretically informed explanations for the contemporary evolution (or lack thereof) in US-China relations.
Fall | POLS1824T | S01 | 17296 | T | 4:00-6:30(07) | (T. Jost) |

POLS 1824U. Bleeding Heart Liberalism.
What is libertarianism? In what sense can libertarians claim to combine the best of the “right” with the best of the “left?” Why do libertarians emphasize private property? Why are they skeptical of political agency? Are libertarians anti-democratic? Can they care about social justice? How do libertarians approach problems such as racism, sexism, militarism, state surveillance, global inequality, and environmental sustainability? This course will explore such questions, as illuminated by a variety of texts in the libertarian tradition, classical and contemporary. Instructor permission required.

POLS 1824V. Women in Western Political Thought.
Much of the tradition of western political philosophy has either ignored or justified the subordination of women, despite elucidating principles of alleged universality. This course challenges the traditional “canon” of western political thought by recovering a long—and often forgotten—history of debates, ideas, and texts written by, about, and for women. This course is intended for upper-division undergraduate students. Its methodological approach emphasizes close readings of texts in their historical context, but also draws on the approaches of contemporary feminist political philosophy as a framework for discussion and debate.

POLS 1824W. Political Violence.
This course explores the main debates on the causes and consequences of political violence. We will focus on three major topics: civil wars, state-sponsored violence, and terrorism. Since the end of World War II, domestic conflict has largely outpaced international wars as the dominant type of violence. But what makes civil wars so prevalent in recent years? What are the conditions under which a state decides to attack its own citizens? Why do some groups resort to terrorism while others use nonviolent tactics?

POLS 1824X. People and populism: constructions, discourses and critique.
Populism and populist politics are everywhere. However, it is far for being entirely clear what populism is and what this category ought to include. Prominent philosophical paradigms conceive populism as an ideology, as a discursive frame, as a strategy of mobilization, as a special configuration of political power inside and (maybe) outside liberal democracies. By combining sources from history of political thought and ideology critique with the most recent developments in the field, this seminar looks at how the people has been constituted, re-constituted, constructed and de-constructed in modern and contemporary times.

POLS 1824Z. Ancients and Moderns: Quarrels and Continuities.
Examines the political thought of Plato and Aristotle together with three modern thinkers whose work was especially animated by engagement with their views of politics: Hobbes, Rousseau, and Nietzsche. Topics include the ends of politics and the nature of good government; the meaning of justice; the relationship between public and private; the value of equality and of hierarchy; the nature and role of freedom; the place of virtue in political life; and the relationship between philosophy and politics. In reading these moderns through the lens of Plato and Aristotle, we gain a richer understanding of both the quarrels and the continuities between ancient and modern political thought – and the dynamic relationship between them.
Spr | POLS1824Z | S01 | 20238 | M | 3:00-5:30(13) | (S. Krause) |

POLS 1825A. Political Economy of Development.
This course is an introduction to the political economy of development intended for upper level undergraduate students. Throughout this course, by drawing on readings from economics, political science, and beyond, we will try to find answers to important questions such as: Do political institutions matter for economic growth? What role does democracy play in economic development? Are present-day differences in development across the world a historical legacy? Are natural resources a blessing or a curse for development? Is foreign aid the solution to the problems of the developing world?

POLS 1825B. The Politics of the Laws of War.
From the wars that befell ancient Sumerian city states to contemporary armed conflicts raging in countries such as Ukraine, Syria, and Ethiopia, laws and norms have shaped combatants’ behavior. What are the laws of war? What explains how this body of laws evolved? Why do some combatants adhere to the laws of war, whereas others intentionally target civilians, torture detainees, recruit child soldiers, and perpetrate sexual and gender-based violence? In this seminar, students will probe these questions from different angles: as political scientists, historians, international legal scholars, and policy practitioners. Students will develop expertise in the content of the contemporary laws of war, explore the politics of how the laws of war operate (or fail to operate) during wartime, and engage with the current landscape of legal and political issues inherent in armed conflicts today.

POLS 1825C. Crime, Violence, and Policing in Latin America.
Latin America is the most violent region in the world and the region that spends the highest share of their budget on public security. Despite the high spending, international drug cartels and prison gangs still subvert the rule of law and even govern residents in some areas. Public security policies at times exacerbate rather than solve problems: high levels of police violence and corruption have led citizens to fear or have little trust in law enforcement. Upon taking a closer look, we see stunning variation in the patterns of violence, types of criminal groups, and the state’s crime-fighting strategies across the region. What explains variation in violence across and even within countries in Latin America? Why does organized crime look so different from place to place? And what explains why some public security policies work better than others?

POLS 1825D. The Politics of International Development.
This course explores the politics of international development. Why are some countries rich and other countries poor? The seminar investigates the structural constraints, historical legacies, and political institutions that account for differences in development across and within countries. Furthermore, the seminar critically analyzes the relationship between development and economic growth. After examining accounts offered by different theories of development, students will analyze the institutions and norms governing international development, particularly foreign aid. The final section brings students up to date on current research on how the rise of China and other emerging powers is shifting the international development landscape.

POLS 1825E. Health Care Politics and Policy.
This seminar will explore the interplay between politics and policy in the American health care system. Why has the United States struggled to achieve universal health insurance? How well does the US health care system reflect the values of its citizens? Does the United States spend too much on health care—or too little? Topics include: health equity and disparities; the strengths and weaknesses of the US response to COVID; the political battle over the Affordable Care Act; the politics of Medicare and Medicaid; public opinion on health issues; health care spending, cost control and the quality of care; cannabis legalization; climate change and health impacts; the political power of doctors, drug companies, and other medical interest groups; and international health systems and the differences between those systems and the American approach.
Fall | POLS1825E | S01 | 10261 | W | 3:00-5:30(10) | (E. Patashnik) |

POLS 1825F. Moral Pluralism.
Moral pluralism is an unmistakable characteristic of modern liberal societies. Even though the dire conflicts of religion which fuel wars and civil unrest appear to be a thing of the past, fundamental moral disagreements are still plentiful today. These disagreements expose tensions among the core of ideas upon which liberal societies are built. This course explores moral pluralism and engages with questions such as: should the state be neutral in relation to different religious and moral convictions? Are there common values? How should citizens engage with each other when they debate controversial moral questions in the public forum?

POLS 1825G. Race, The Classics and Democratic Theory.
Rather than looking establishing wholly new traditions, many black political thinkers have chosen to engage with ancient narratives and concepts to arm contemporary struggles. Political theorists often overlook this strange choice. After all, these concepts have been used to justify anti-black assumptions. In this course we explore a series of black ‘classical receptions’ in which authors take up key classical concepts and enrich and extend them in their critiques of the US racial order. We will discuss this approach as well as the broader implications it has for democratic theory.

POLS 1825H. Race, Political Categorization, and Political Activism in the United States.
Will trace American political, economic, and cultural institutions as both products of race and contributors to racial formation. The course proceeds chronologically, exploring race formation in the antebellum period, the Civil War, the long civil rights movement, and the post-civil rights era. Students will learn the role that race plays in American politics, and of the role American politics plays in shaping race. How do we best theorize race in the United States? Can race be separated from American liberalism? What federal and state institutions make race politically salient? Which institutions have proved to be helpful in combating that salience?

POLS 1825I. The Politics of the Harlem Renaissance.
The Harlem Renaissance was a social and cultural movement that attempted to gain recognition of the humanity and equal dignity of African Americans through arts and letters. Leaders argued over whether self-expression or propaganda ought to be the priority of artists in the movement, while figures opponents offered competing political visions. We will evaluate the intersections between key artists and figures of the movement and political activism in the time period. Will look at the role of civil rights organizations such as the NAACP and the Urban League as well as the shape that politics took for those in marginalized positions.

POLS 1825K. Good Government.
This is an applied ethics and public policy course focused on institutional issues in ethical government in the United States. The concept of “good government” connotes a normative and ideally nonpartisan view about the structural features that promote good public policy. The course surveys major scandals that have shaped public discourse about ethics and government, including Watergate, Iran-Contra, the Clinton impeachment, the Keating Five, and the Russian interference in the 2016 elections. We will also examine institutional responses to concerns about public ethics, from special prosecutors to disclosure requirements and ethics regulation. This course is intended for junior and seniors concentrating in the American Politics track. Enrollment will be limited to POLS concentrators.

POLS 1825L. Work, Exploitation, and Freedom.
This course provides an entry point for some of the crucial political and moral questions regarding the social organization of human labor and the distribution of its products. We will approach these questions through a survey of some of the key theorists of capitalism. The course will introduce students to the thought of classical political economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo, Karl Marx’s critique of political economy, theorists of racial slavery and the gendered division of labor, and contemporary thinking about possibilities for the future of work and leisure.

POLS 1825M. The Politics of Finance and Financial Crises.
We explores politics around management of international money and financial crises. Although it has been argued that management of money is best left in the hands of dispassionate, technocratic experts, we explore the political foundations of national money and international monetary affairs. The course begins with an introductory overview of national and global currencies, monetary policy choices and recent history of international monetary system. The second half of the semester will focus on crisis events, starting with causes of financial crises, and moving to key crisis moments Latin American debt crises, emerging market crises of the 1990s, 2007-8 Global Financial Crisis and the Euro crisis. The last weeks of the course reflect upon the current crisis that has emerged with the Covid-19 pandemic, and its implications for the global political economy and future of the dollar in the international monetary
Fall | POLS1825M | S01 | 17085 | T | 4:00-6:30(07) | (A. Sahasrabuddhe) |

POLS 1825N. Military Power and Effectiveness.
The threat and use of military force are an important component of state power and influence. In international relations theory, military power is often argued to be a primary determinant of international outcomes. But what is military power, and how do states actually translate it into effectiveness in war? This course seeks to explain why some states develop highly effective militaries that are proficient fighting machines, whereas others seemingly cannot execute the simplest tasks. Students will survey concepts and theories of military effectiveness and apply them to historical and contemporary issues in the use of military force. They will learn about the factors that determine military performance at all levels of war—tactical, operational, strategic, and political. Given the ongoing war in Ukraine and the threat of conflict over Taiwan, I expect such a seminar could be attractive to the student body.

POLS 1825O. Embodying Race and Gender.
This course will explore how race and gender are mapped on to our bodies by others, and how we use our bodies to express gender and race in our everyday lives and relations. We will think about how the body moves, how the body is perceived by others, and how our bodies impact the overall shape of the environments that we inhabit with others. To think about the raced and gendered body, we will read the works of feminists (Iris M. Young and Linda Alcoff), black feminists (Hortense Spillers and Toni Morrison) and queer theorists (C. Riley Snorton and Gayle Salamon) to name a few. Graduate students are also welcome to take this course.

POLS 1825P. Politics of Ocean Governance.
Governing the oceans is one of the most important challenges in the 21st century. 90 percent of world trade is carried by sea, and three billion people rely on the “blue economy” for their livelihoods, the vast majority in developing countries. The oceans are also crucial for global biodiversity and to sustain the world’s ecosystem. Yet marine systems are increasingly threatened by human activities. Ocean health has declined rapidly in recent years due to pollution, overfishing, and climate change, while piracy and great power competition threaten trade and undermine the “Blue Economy”. This course investigates the global ocean governance architecture. The course 1) provides an overview of economic, security, and environmental challenges at sea, 2) maps the actors affected by these problems, and 3) analyzes the institutions that they have created to govern maritime problems.

POLS 1825Q. Capitalism and Democracy in Europe.
Europe is widely viewed as the birthplace of industrial capitalism and mass democracy. Despite pioneering these two key forms of governance, Europeans are today questioning whether democratic capitalism can respond to the challenges of demographic diversity, inequality, climate stress and geopolitics. After decades of political stability, countries are contending with extremist, anti-democratic parties. After decades of growth, Europeans have experienced repeated bouts of economic turbulence. And more recently, Europe confronts the dangers of fundamental geopolitical change. How, in these circumstances, can Europe integrate growing numbers of migrants? Will Europe remain an engine of economic growth and a source of geopolitical stability? Should Europe’s democracies respond to these challenges individually by sharpening their national identities. Or does a better future lie in collectively strengthening the institutions of supranational governance through the European Union?

POLS 1825S. Latino Politics in the United States.
Latines have often been described as the sleeping giant of United States politics. Although Latines make up nearly one in five people in the United States, the group has the lowest political participation rates of all the racial/ethnic groups in the United States. During this course, we will consider how Latines interact with United States politics. We begin by discussing Latine ethnicity and analyzing the extent to which Latines have politicized identities. We will examine historical and demographic trends, including immigration patterns and Latine social/labor movements, to see whether historical trends explain present behavior. We will also discuss topics related to Latine public opinion, voting patterns, and political representation. We will use what we learn during the course to discuss what role, if any, Latines will play in the future of United States politics.
Fall | POLS1825S | S01 | 17086 | M | 3:00-5:30(03) | (M. Zarate) |

POLS 1825T. Contemporary Challenges to Democracy.
As a whole, the world is more democratic than at nearly any point in history. Yet the news is full of countries, including democracies, experiencing crises: migration, disinformation, insecurity, inequality, corruption. To what extent do current events pose a threat to democracy? In this class, students will learn what constitutes a democracy. After briefly reviewing how we came to this current period in world history, we will then spend the majority of the semester identifying and assessing various potential threats to contemporary democracy. Students will then apply these same analytical tools in their final papers, combining in-class readings with additional sources.

POLS 1825V. The Legislative Process.
As the first branch of the government, Congress is the heart of political power at the federal level. While Congress has become known for its partisan infighting and resulting gridlock, it is still the arena in which politicians and their networks fight to pass bills that will help their home districts and communities. Following POLS1100, this course is designed to take a closer look at political actors’ incentives at various stages of the legislative process. Throughout this course, students will engage in several in-class simulations to research and debate student-written bills. Students will be able to use their experience in the simulation to research a bill in the current session of Congress and recommend solutions for how to overcome the bill’s sticking points in the legislative process. Students will develop skills that are necessary to become effective participants on Capitol Hill.

POLS 1825W. Monuments, Citizenship, and Belonging.
Struggles over racist monuments—from defacement, to unsanctioned removal by protesters, to laws passed to “protect” statues—raise important questions about the political impact of commemoration. From the perspective of political theory, this course will analyze the civic work of monuments. Some of the key questions we will grapple with include: Do monuments matter? What civic function do they serve? When should they be removed? Thinking critically about monuments will allow students to consider how public memory is produced, whom it should represent, and what forms of commemoration are appropriate in diverse democratic societies.

POLS 1825X. Slavery and Freedom: Selections from African American Political Thought.
This course grapples with the problem of slavery and its connection to the political and psychological logic of white supremacy. Students will critically interrogate America’s attempt to grapple with black pain and white guilt. The course will also explore and critically evaluate the various responses African Americans have offered in their quest to realize freedom. We will see that African American political thought is not exclusively a response to social and political domination, but also contains a rich philosophical vision of human fulfillment, self-governance, and the good life. NO PREREQUISITES REQUIRED.

POLS 1825Z. The University.
What is the purpose of the American university? If the university has a highest end, is it the pursuit of knowledge or social justice? To what degree are the goals of student learning and student activism compatible? (For example: how do the student attitudes required for one compare with the attitudes required for the other?). What is knowledge, and what are the institutional prerequisites for its pursuit? Is justice a form of knowledge? If so, should universities pursue it? We will examine such questions from a variety of perspectives—disciplinary, historical, and ideological. Instructor's permission required.

POLS 1826A. Space, Time and Society.
The way in which the temporality of social life is categorized and understood varies across epochs and groups. One means through which we temporally sequence the world around us is through the built-environment. Our lives are framed by the spatial distribution of individuals and activities, and the choices made in the production and ordering of space communicates ideals on power relations and social structures. Civic architecture in particular functions as a political instrument mobilized by the state in order to materialize and reproduce ideologies. The first section ‘Time’ develops an account of collective memory and political imagination, in order to consider constructions of temporality and how they mediate socio-political understandings. The second section ‘Space’ considers the relation between architecture, collective memory, and political imagination. Finally, ‘State & Society’ applies these analytic tools in the context of monuments, courthouses, and penitentiaries.

POLS 1826B. Political Economy of Development.
This course introduces the political economy of development. In 1776, the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith published "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations." In this course, we will follow in the footsteps of Smith and, through readings and class discussions, strive to understand why some countries are rich while others remain poor. The answers are far from obvious. Through our joint exploration of selected research from economics, political science, and beyond, we will seek to understand why development varies across nations. Along the way, we will grapple with important questions, such as: What is the role of political institutions in economic development? What role does democracy play? Is present-day development a historical legacy? Are natural resources a blessing or a curse? Or, is foreign aid the solution to the problems of the developing world?

POLS 1826C. Participating American Publics.
In this seminar, we explore reasons that civic and political participation are important for democracy and self-determination as well as the multiple possible pathways - many of which are beyond the ballot box - for engaging in participation. We will also examine who participates, who’s participation is impeded and why, as well as what social structures are, what barriers to participation exist, how such barriers can be understood as systematic, and what happens in democracies when people are denied the opportunity to participate or – for a variety of reasons –refuse to participate. This course is premised on the conviction that democracy requires an active citizenry but that the activity of people in communities does not have to be entirely limited or circumscribed by existing institutional arrangements and distributions of power but may also require organized efforts to alter those

POLS 1826G. The Politics of Socialism.
Is Socialism a political or fundamentally anti-political doctrine? Does it seek the realization of real democracy or the abolition of political life itself? Is it a theory of the organization of politics or of work? Does it require transforming work or abolishing it? What is the ‘social’ element in socialism anyhow? What is the relationship between socialism and communism? This course examines these and related themes through an examination of key historical and contemporary texts. We begin by laying out some of the historical development of socialist ideas from their origin around the moment of the French Revolution to their high point in the era of the Russian Revolution. Then we look at two sets of questions from contemporary authors: how should socialists think about the organization of work and what does socialism mean after the historic decline of Marxism.

POLS 1826I. Politics of Poverty in America.
This course will examine various measures of poverty, debates about the nature of poverty, perspectives on what causes poverty, the characteristics of poverty in America, how the federal government uses policy to fight poverty, particularly since the War on Poverty began in 1964. The course will discuss recent trends in American poverty, and focus on the political effects of poverty and anti-poverty policy in the United States. This course will examine the relationships between poverty & civic participation, poverty & public opinion, poverty & race, poverty & health, and poverty & education.

POLS 1826J. The History of Liberalism.
Liberalism, we often hear today, is in crisis. Yet, do we know what ‘liberalism’ is? In this course, we will study liberalism’s origins, development and legacy. Students will encounter a series of well-known and less well-known figures such as Montesquieu, Benjamin Constant, Tocqueville, Mill, Hayek and Raymond Aron. Four questions will guide our thinking: (1) are there different ways of justifying individual liberty? (2) What are the institutional conditions under which liberty can be preserved? (3) Is liberalism ‘democratic’? (4) Do liberals require a certain type of morality from citizens?

POLS 1910. Senior Honors Thesis Preparation.
Concentrators who have given evidence of superior work in political science may be admitted to honors seminar on the basis of an application submitted in the spring of their junior year. Application and guidelines may be obtained on the Department of Political Science website. Prerequisite: Fulfillment of Methods requirement. Enrollment limited to 20 senior Political Science concentrators. Instructor permission required.
Fall | POLS1910 | S01 | 10262 | M | 3:00-5:30(03) | (A. Gourevitch) |

POLS 1920. Senior Honors Thesis Preparation.
This course is a continuation of POLS 1910. Political Science Honors students who are completing their theses should enroll. Prerequisite: POLS 1910. Instructor permission required.
Spr | POLS1920 | S01 | 20239 | Th | 4:00-6:30(17) | (A. Gourevitch) |

POLS 1924C. Political Communication (PLCY 1702F).
Interested students must register for PLCY 1702F.

POLS 1970. Individual Reading and Research.
Section numbers vary by instructor. Please check Banner for the correct section number and CRN to use when registering for this course.

POLS 1971. Individual Reading and Research.
Section numbers vary by instructor. Please check Banner for the correct section number and CRN to use when registering for this course.

POLS 2000. Strategies of Inquiry and Research Design.
Introduction to research methods common in political science research. Topics include theory development, problems of explanation and causation, problem identification, research design, and other fundamentals of empirical research. FIRST YEAR POLITICAL SCIENCE GRADUATE STUDENTS ONLY. Enrollment limited to 14.
Spr | POLS2000 | S01 | 20240 | Th | 1:30-4:00 | (J. Hadden) |

POLS 2020. American Political Development.
No description available.

POLS 2025. American Social Policy in Comparative Perspective.
This course provides a graduate-level survey of the politics that shape social and redistributive policies in the United States. We will consider what is distinctive about American social policy compared with social protection in other advanced economies. Will begin with different approaches to understanding variation in welfare states. Will examine distinctive features of American policy including reliance on tax benefits, federalism, racial politics, politics of gender, strategies of privatization, and housing in economic security. We conclude by considering factors that will shape the future of social policy including the politics of retrenchment, social investment, and racial and ethnic diversity.

POLS 2030. Seminar in the History of Modern Political Thought.
An advanced seminar in the history of modern political thought from Machiavelli to Foucault. Themes include the nature of political sovereignty and the basis of civil authority; the emergence of liberal constitutionalism; democratic, socialist and aristocratic critiques of liberalism; the meaning of freedom; the relation between liberty and equality; and the ideas of social progress and individual development. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor's permission.

POLS 2040. Institutions, Crime, and Violence.
Will examine relationships and interactions among institutions, criminal actors, and violence. State-based institutions play an important role in explaining the level of disorganized or organized crime. Organized crime groups, in turn, influence both state-based institutions (for example, through corrupting officials) and other criminal activity, often by creating the “rules of the game” by which other criminals can act. Finally, both state-based and criminal actors and institutions influence the level of violence in society. Each of these three influences, and is influenced by, the others. This course offers the opportunity to better understand how these three factors relate to each other.
Spr | POLS2040 | S01 | 20241 | M | 4:00-6:30 | (D. Skarbek) |

POLS 2050. Preparing the Prospectus I.
This course covers selected topics in research design and methodology and is designed to help students enrolled in the Political Science PhD program to write and defend a prospectus in their third year of study.
Fall | POLS2050 | S01 | 10263 | Th | 4:00-6:30(04) | (M. Weir) |

POLS 2051. Preparing the Prospectus II.
This course covers selected topics in research design and methodology and is designed to help students enrolled in the Political Science PhD program to write and defend a prospectus in their third year of study. Prerequisite: POLS 2050.
Spr | POLS2051 | S01 | 20242 | W | 3:00-5:30(10) | (M. Weir) |

POLS 2052. Becoming a Political Scientist: Professionalization and Strategies for Thriving.
This full-year course (half-credit each semester) is designed for 3rd year PhD students in Political Science and covers a range of topics that are crucial to students as they transition from the course phase to the research phase of their careers. Topics include practical and substantive issues related to planning and carrying out research, collaborating with others, teaching, ethics, obtaining external funding, and providing feedback to other scholars. Course only open to Political Science PhD students.
Fall | POLS2052 | S01 | 17088 | Th | 6:30-9:00PM | (R. Weitz-Shapiro) |

POLS 2060. International Relations and History.
This graduate seminar considers history both as a topic and as a method of international relations scholarship, and in other subfields of political science as well. We will read and discuss works that fall at the intersection of history and international relations, on topics including the sources of interstate conflict, the origins of the nation-state, and colonialism and postcolonialism. Open to Political Science Graduate students only.

POLS 2070. U.S. Public Opinion.
This class provides an introduction to the major theoretical approaches and applied research in the study of U.S. public opinion. We examine opinions on a variety of topics. Enrollment limited to 14 Political Science graduate students.

POLS 2075. Social Groups in U.S. Politics.
This class provides students an introduction to the major theoretical approaches and applied research in the study of the role of social groups in U.S. politics. This course surveys a number of social groups, including ethnics, non-ethnic women, and other social groups, including the poor. This course will identify the theoretical perspectives that structure the research on social groups in U.S. politics. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the methodological approaches used? Also, how could research in this area be improved? What are the major implications of the findings for public policy, policymakers, and democratic theory?
Fall | POLS2075 | S01 | 10264 | Th | 8:30-11:00 | (K. Tate) |

POLS 2080. Market Democracy.
Social democracy was the progressive political program of the 20th Century. Social democracy treats economic liberty as morally less important than civil or political liberty. Social democracy is often contrasted with libertarianism, a political system that treats the economic liberties of citizens as moral absolutes. Between social democracy and libertarianism there is conceptual space for a third view: market democracy. Market democracy treats economic liberty as on a par with civil and political liberty. This course examines the moral foundations of social democracy, libertarianism, and market democracy. Could market democracy be a progressive political program for the 21st Century? Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor's permission.

POLS 2090D. Models of Excellence in Comparative Research: Classic Works and the Scholars Who Produced Them.
Explores major works that span the range of theoretical approaches and intellectual styles in modern comparative research. Includes in-depth interviews with leading scholars where they reflect on their intellectual formation, their works and ideas, the nuts and bolts of the research process, and the evolution of the field. Enrollment limited to 14. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor permission.

POLS 2090G. Readings in American Institutions.
This course is designed as a readings and research course for graduate students and advance undergraduate students. Students will be required to read and analyze the latest work political science in the subfields of American politics, including but not limited to: public opinion, voting behavior, presidency, racial politics and representation, legislative institutions, political economy, and bicameralism. Open to graduate students only.

POLS 2090H. Readings in Comparative Politics.
A research and readings course on political behavior -from voting to violence, which applies rational choice theory, the Michigan model, the social logic of politics, and other theoretical perspectives.

POLS 2090I. American and Comparative Political Behavior.
This course is designed for graduate students to explore the core theoretical concepts and empirical research in the fields of political behavior and political participation in the American and Comparative context.

POLS 2100. Proseminar in American Politics.
Introduction to broad issues in American politics. Topics include the interplay of political institutions in the American setting, public opinion formation, the process of policy-making, and voting behavior. Enrollment limited to 14. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor permission.
Fall | POLS2100 | S01 | 10266 | M | 1:30-4:00 | (S. Moffitt) |

POLS 2110. Proseminar in Comparative Politics.
Provides a survey of major approaches, issues, and debates in the field of comparative politics. Topics: state formation, revolutions and civil wars, ethnic conflict and nationalism, state-market relations; systems of representation, hegemony and domination, etc. Works of theoretical importance on each topic, focusing on authors' arguments and controversies within the literature. Open to graduate students only.

POLS 2111. Comparative Politics Grad Research Workshop.
The Comparative Politics Research Workshop will be a new core element of the doctoral program in the Political Science department aimed at helping students transition effectively from the coursework phase of the PhD to doing their own independent scholarship and presenting it in a public forum. The course will be required for all Political Science PhD students working in the area of comparative politics, will also be an available resource for doctoral students in other social science departments who are conducting research on topics relating to the politics, political economy, and society of countries around the globe.

POLS 2120. Proseminar in Political Theory.
An overview of central debates in political theory today. Readings include contemporary writings on justice, liberalism, democratic theory, critical theory, feminism, power, multiculturalism, and citizenship and political economy. Enrollment limited to 14 graduate students in Political Science; advanced undergraduates may enroll with permission of the instructor.

POLS 2121. Writing and Methods in Political Theory I.
The study of politics requires historical and analytic, interpretive and normative, critical and geneaological, humanist and post-humanist methods. We will first look at reading and discussing assigned methodological material on language, interpretation, causality, history, gender, and genre, all relevant to the various approaches to political thought. Second will be the circulation, presentation and critique of graduate student papers. Each participant will be expected to present a pre-circulated, article length paper, and respond to a designated discussant, as well as field questions from seminar participants. The aim is to help students learn how to prepare their work for publication.

POLS 2122. Writing and Methods in Political Theory II.
The study of politics requires historical and analytic, interpretive and normative, critical and geneaological, humanist and post-humanist methods. We will first look at reading and discussing assigned methodological material on language, interpretation, causality, history, gender, and genre, all relevant to the various approaches to political thought. Second will be the circulation, presentation and critique of graduate student papers. Each participant will be expected to present a pre-circulated, article length paper, and respond to a designated discussant, as well as field questions from seminar participants. The aim is to help students learn how to prepare their work for publication.

POLS 2130. Proseminar in International Relations.
Surveys the main theoretical trajectories and intellectual disagreements that define International Relations as a discipline today. Positions examined include varieties of rationalism and constructivism; realism-liberalism-sociological approaches; and systemic and subsystemic theories. Also considers debates about the contours of contemporary world politics, America and the world, moral issues, and the links between theory and policy. Enrollment limited to 14. Not open to undergraduates.
Fall | POLS2130 | S01 | 10267 | T | 8:30-11:00 | (J. Colgan) |

POLS 2131. Politics of Gender.
Topics include gender and personal identity; the impact of gender on moral reasoning and political agency; feminism in relation to liberalism and radical democracy, feminism and the law; the gendering of political institutions and interstate relations; and the implications of multiculturalism for feminist politics. Open to qualified undergraduates with permission of the instructor.

POLS 2135. International Order.
This course investigates the roots of international conflict and security, with a special emphasis on political economy factors. As a field, international relations has gradually separated into two fairly distinct sub-fields, international political economy and international security. This course seeks to bridge the two. Special attention will be paid to understanding macro-historical shifts, such as the end of empire and the emergence of the Long Peace after World War II.

POLS 2140. Contemporary Security Issues.
This graduate seminar explores the transformed security landscape of the 21st century. We will cover prominent contemporary security issues and debates in the field of international relations, including internal war and international intervention, American primacy and the rise of China, the privatization of security, nuclear proliferation, cross-border crime and border security, and terrorism and counterterrorism in the aftermath of 9/11. Enrollment limited to 14. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor permission.
Fall | POLS2140 | S01 | 10268 | M | 6:30-9:00PM | (P. Andreas) |

POLS 2145. Transnational Governance in the Global Economy.
Will examine an array of transnational governance schemes which seek to address social and environmental problems in a globalized world. Whether it is global warming, deforestation in the Amazon, inhumane working conditions in Asian factories of global supply chains, limited access to medicine, or child poverty – the elaboration of cross-border institutions that potentially can help to resolve these problems is likely to require the involvement of variety of actors with different types of information and knowledge from geographically and socially distant parts of the world.

POLS 2150. Democratic Theory, Justice, and the Law.
This course will examine contemporary and historical work in the area of democratic political and legal theory. Topics include the relationship between democracy and individual rights, deliberative vs. aggregative conceptions of democracy, the substance/procedure controversy, and the role of judicial review in a democracy. Open to graduate students only.
Fall | POLS2150 | S01 | 10269 | W | 8:30-11:00 | (C. Brettschneider) |

POLS 2155. The Political Economy of Labor and Development: The Future of Work.
This seminar explores the relationship between work and technological change. New technologies have enabled machines to perform predictable (and in some cases unpredictable) tasks with increasing skill. The widely discussed improvements of “machine intelligence” have the potential to reshape labor markets across the world. Reactions among scholars, policymakers, and the public have varied from optimism about the social and economic benefits of these innovations to fears about the joblessness and inequality that might result. How can we understand the impact of new technological developments on the labor market, the experience of working, and the identity of workers?

POLS 2160. International Political Economy.
Graduate seminar that surveys the subfield of international political economy. Outlines the historical development of the subfield as it moved from questions of US decline to issues of international cooperation and compliance and back to issues of US decline. Places the US research agenda in comparison with schools of IPE in the rest of the world. Topics covered include globalization and distribution, development, IGOs and NGOs in the IPE, Public and Private Authority, the rise and fall of nations. Open to POLS PhD graduate students only.
Spr | POLS2160 | S01 | 20244 | Th | 6:30-9:00PM | (A. Sahasrabuddhe) |

POLS 2165. Territorial Conflict.
This graduate seminar examines the relationship between territory and conflict. Territorial claims have been central to numerous violent and intractable disputes, both between states and within them. Why, how, and when does territory become the subject of violent conflict? Topics covered in this seminar include the origins of territoriality, historical and contemporary territorial disputes, and theoretical explanations for these conflicts. Graduate students only.

POLS 2170. Market-Liberalism: Origins, Principles and Contemporary Applications.
This course explores the relationship between economic freedom and social justice. The economic liberties of capitalism have often been said to be in tension with the moral ideal of distributive justice. What are the economic liberties of capitalism and what moral value, if any, do they have? What does a commitment to social justice require? Why are libertarians traditionally skeptical of social justice as a moral ideal? How do liberal conceptions of social justice compare to socialist ones? Can capitalists care about social justice? Should they? Enrollment limited to 14. Open to graduate students concentrating in Political Science.

POLS 2175. Ideas, Institutions and Politics.
A Graduate level survey of the literatures on institutions and ideas in political science, and on occasion, in related fields. These literatures are often seen as rival bodies of literature. These literatures are in fact compliments, with much empirical work combining both approaches in a productive manner. The point engaging the literature in this way is to question the presumption that interests should remain the most popular conceptual tool for political science explanation. This is a puzzle when one considers that interests are always formed within, and are causally affected by, both institutional environments and the ideas that they enshrine.

POLS 2180. Business-State Relations in the Advanced Industrial Countries.
This seminar provides an introduction to debates in comparative political economy, focusing on the creation, evolution and reform of market institutions. Readings emphasize the affluent democracies, it covers debates that have direct implications for other regions, which be explored by interested students through related readings. We begin by surveying the classic works in political economy, including those of Smith, Marx, Polanyi, and Gerschenkron. We then examine the central historical challenges precipitated by economic growth over the last two centuries. Topics include the Great Depression, postwar reconstruction, inflation, corporate governance, social protection, economic development, post-socialist transformation, and the globalization of competition.

POLS 2185. Political Theory of the American Constitution.
This course will examine major constitutional controversies within the context of wider debates in political and legal theory. Readings will come from Supreme Court cases and prominent texts in political/legal theory. Topics will include free speech, privacy, abortion, and capital punishment. Our aim is two fold. We want to understand the basic framework and content of the United States constitution as it has been elaborated by the Supreme Court. But we also want to go beyond this legal understanding and to challenge existing jurisprudence. To this end we draw on classic and contemporary texts in political theory.

POLS 2190. Contemporary Democratic Theory.
This course is concerned with tracing debates and concepts in contemporary democratic theory. The 21st century has seen resurgent authoritarianism and democratic backsliding in both so-called “advanced” liberal western nation-states and more fragile democracies, as well as vibrant democratic insurgencies grounded in popular uprisings and social movements animated by economic inequality, denial of political freedom, climate change, racial justice, etc., that nevertheless appear unable to overcome sclerotic institutions and dislodge current distributions of political power. Is democracy dying? Or has democratic politics always been bound up with inequality despite its aspirations to egalitarianism? This course will focus on the work of twentieth and twenty-first century democratic thinkers, paying particular attention to the perspectives elaborated by democracy’s ‘others’: black thinkers in the U.S., feminist theorists, queer theorists, etc.

POLS 2195. The Politics of Love and Friendship.
What is the relationship between love, friendship, and politics? To what extent do the desires for care, affection, and companionship make themselves felt in political life? To what extent does politics require channeling or repressing them? This course examines prominent thinkers in the history of political thought who have dealt with these questions. By considering their compelling and contrasting perspectives on relationship between politics and the various forms of affection, love, and longing that are present in political communities, the course aims to equip students to think carefully about the proper place of love and friendship in politics today.

POLS 2200. Fundamentals of Security Studies.
This seminar surveys foundational and cutting edge research in the security studies subfield. The course largely takes a traditional view of the subfield in that it (1) focuses on the threat or use of military force, and (2) examines interstate rather than intra-state dynamics. The first four weeks of the course are devoted to reading and discussing several “great books” in the subfield, while the remainder of the course will expose students to a large number of classic and contemporary studies on various subtopics within security studies. Enrollment is limited to graduate students.

POLS 2210. Governing Federal Systems.
Federated systems of government present opportunities and challenges for democratic accountability, managing collective action problems, economic stability, and distribution of goods and services. Course will take up the theory and practice of governing federated systems using a comparative approach that examines federated systems in several countries including the United States, Canada, Germany, Brazil, and India. Questions this course will examine include: What helps explain the emergence, persistence, and erosion of federalism? What are the implications of federalism for democratic accountability? What are the implications of federalism for fiscal stability? What are the implications of federalism for political, social, and economic inequality?

POLS 2220. Urban Politics.
Covers a number of topics linked to urban politics and urban public policy. Topics include the politics of urban education, affordable housing, downtown development. Examines how state and federal policy actions have contributed to the nature of the urban condition; and how race, class and ethnicity are interwoven with urban politics and urban public policy. Enrollment limited to 14. Graduate Students only; all others by permission only.

POLS 2230. Political Loss.
This course will explore the concept of political loss as it has been sketched by political theorists. Questions of grief and grievance have been at the center of contemporary political debates in the U.S. and elsewhere, even as political theorists have begun to pay increasing attention to the relation between affect and politics more generally, and to the role of mourning and loss in political life specifically. While the course explores the concept of loss generally, it is particularly concerned with the central role narratives of loss have played in debates about racial justice.

POLS 2235. Disobedience and Resistance.
Should we to obey the laws that states make? Unsurprisingly, there are numerous counter-theories, practices of disobedience: revolution, mass strikes, sabotage, civil disobedience and conscientious objection. Other kinds of resistance – like mass protests, political strikes, and boycotts – hover on the border of disobedience itself. This course begins with a brief examination of theories of political obligation before moving to a discussion of different, concrete examples of disobedience and the political ideas that they produced. We will discuss revolution, mass strikes, and civil disobedience as paradigm cases of the political problems raised by actually existing, illegitimate laws and governments.

POLS 2245. The International Political Economy of Global Finance.
Although global finance is back in vogue since the 2008 crisis, it remains a frontier of research in mainstream political science. It is an excellent area to conduct research since it remains an ‘open range’ of inquiry. The course is divided into three parts. First covers classic accounts of the politics of global finance from within political science and related areas. Second focuses in on the best accounts of the 2008 crisis. Third discusses areas such as Risk Management, Hedge Funds, Money Laundering, Quantitative Finance, and Sovereign Debt that occupy the new frontier of political science research.

POLS 2250. Extreme Politics: How Radicals Affect Political Change.
Scholarship has increasingly focused on why radical groups emerge. Yet, there is little research to date on how and whether these groups actually have a socio-political impact. This course will examine the mechanisms whereby and the conditions under which political extremists affect political and/or social change across time and space. We will base our analysis on several historical case studies that deliberately vary radical groups according to important characteristics such as: the degree of their prominence in social and political discourse; the extent of their lifespan in a particular country; and whether their tactics include the use of violence. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor's permission.

POLS 2255. States, Societies and Development.
This graduate seminar draws on classic and contemporary writings towards understanding how states and societies interact with each other in particular in the realm of development

POLS 2260. Comparative Politics and China.
Will explore the main theoretical, empirical, and methodological approaches to the study of contemporary Chinese politics. Will relate these approaches to broader analytical issues in the field of comparative politics. What phenomena are generally studied in Chinese politics, and how are they studied? How are arguments made, and how could they be made more effectively? What is not studied that should be? How should regionally-focused empirical research be structured? What are the most effective ways to integrate area studies, broader comparative approaches, and theory? Course will prepare graduate students for dissertation research on China specifically and comparative politics more generally.

POLS 2265. International Security.
This graduate seminar examines contemporary scholarship on international conflict. The course seeks to familiarize students with salient theoretical perspectives and debates, with an eye toward assisting students in conducting original research. Course topics include rationalist and psychological frameworks, domestic institutions, leaders and advisers, international institutions, norms and culture, technology, diplomacy, and power transitions. Course readings include a range of qualitative, quantitative, and experimental methods.

POLS 2270. Political Economy of Industrial Development.
Will explore the mechanisms by which assets, institutions, and governance interact to shape patterns of industrial development across the world. The seminar has four main objectives: 1) to review competing schools of thought on why some countries have attained the cutting edge of industrial development and upgrading while others have not, 2) to examine the relationship between evolving structures of industrial production and evolving conditions of politics in particular national settings, 3) to consider how conditions of globalization affect the developmental challenge for industrializing nations, and 4) to consider how new concerns surrounding environmental sustainability affect the process of industrialization.

POLS 2280. Ecology and Political Theory.
Explores the field’s most important recent contributions to the study of political theory and the environment with a focus on several core questions: (1) What are the political challenges that current environmental issues generate today, and what challenges can we expect in the near future? (2) What obligations do we have to the natural world, including non-human animals and the inanimate environment? What are our obligations to other human beings and to ourselves in relation to environmental matters? (3) What political principles, institutions, and practices might best enable us to meet these obligations? Readings reflect diverse perspectives and methodological approaches.

POLS 2285. Language and Politics.
Will study Wittgenstein’s text in the philosophy of language, Philosophical Investigations, connecting to contemporary work on the phenomenology of voice, race, gender, and gesture by Elaine Scarry, Robert Gooding-Williams, Adriana Cavarero, Judith Butler, Jose Munoz. Approach Wittgenstein in context, reading other classics in the philosophy of language: Locke’s Essay on Human Understanding, Merleau-Ponty’s The World of Perception, JL Austin’s How To Do Things With Words, Jacques Derrida’s “Signature Event Context,” and Stanley Cavell’s Must We Mean What We Say? We ask: what does it mean to be a linguistic creature? Is language a cut that agentifies, a rupture that alienates, a practice that humanizes, an ideological fortress that concretizes relations of inequality, or a game? Will include films: Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench (Chazelle), Sorry to Bother You (Riley), and Dancer in the Dark (von Trier).

POLS 2290. Particularism in Latin America and Comparative Persepctive.
This course will characterize, examine, and explain the use of particularistic practices in today's democracies in Latin America and in comparative perspective. Among these practices, we pay most attention to the phenomenon known as clientelism. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor's permission.

POLS 2300. Latin American Political Thought.
Latin American political thinkers, who have been tremendously influential in their own region, remain marginal to the canon of Western political thought. This course is an overview of the various traditions in the history of Latin American political thought. It examines the answers Latin American thinkers have given to some of the fundamental preoccupations of political theory from the perspective of the region’s social and political realities. The course will introduce students to figures in Latin American political thought—such as Bartolomé de las Casas, Simón Bolivar, Domingo F. Sarmiento, José Martí, José Vasconcelos, José Carlos Mariátegui, and contemporary Latino political theorists.

POLS 2315. Nuclear Proliferation and International Security.
This graduate seminar examines classic and contemporary scholarship on nuclear strategy and proliferation. The course will familiarize students with salient theoretical perspectives and arguments, with an eye toward conducting original research and contributing to contemporary debates. Course topics include the spread of nuclear weapons technology, the evolution of nuclear strategy, the role nuclear weapons play in international politics, the risks posed by nuclear arsenals, and the policies and strategies in place to mitigate those risks. Course readings include a range of qualitative, quantitative, and experimental methods; as well debates over the best scholarly methods to answer nuclear questions.
Fall | POLS2315 | S01 | 17089 | F | 8:30-11:00 | (R. Pauly) |

POLS 2320. Ethnic Conflict.
What is ethnicity? What does it share with nationalism and in what respects is it different? Why do ethnic groups fight violently and kill wantonly, especially after living peacefully for a long time? Under what conditions do they manage their relations peacefully? Do people participate in ethnic insurgencies because of greed or grievance? Will ethnic groups disappear as modernity proceeds further? These questions will guide our intellectual journey over the semester. Graduate students only; qualified undergraduates with instructor's permission. Enrollment limited to 14.
Fall | POLS2320 | S01 | 10270 | W | 1:30-4:00 | (A. Varshney) |

POLS 2330. Politics in India.
This seminar will present Indian politics in a comparative and theoretical framework. It will focus on four themes: British India and Indian Nationalism; India's democratic experience; politics of ethnic and religious diversity; and political economy, concentrating especially on India's economic rise. Readings include the classics of the subfield of Indian politics and political economy, but also quite a lot of recent scholarship. Enrollment limited to 14 graduate students.

POLS 2340. Political Philosophy of W. E. B. Du Bois.
Through close readings of Du Bois's texts, we will explore the relationship between his political philosophy and his conceptualization of race at different stages of his intellectual and activist career as well as his understanding of democratic politics, the place of the black masses therein, and the status of women. We will also pay attention to Du Bois’s retrospective self-criticisms, to his reliance on fictional and other artistic genres of writing to advance philosophical claims. Drawing on reflections by Du Bois and Locke, we will reflect on how to think about art as a site of moral and political transformation in matters of race.

POLS 2345. Eco-Democracy.
In this course we explore the field’s most important recent contributions to the study of political theory and the environment. We investigate the basis and scope of our obligations to the natural world; our obligations to one another with respect to the exploitation, degradation, and preservation of the natural environment; and our obligations to ourselves as individuals with respect to the natural environment. We then consider what political principles, institutions, and practices might best enable us to meet these obligations. Readings include Jane Bennett, Melissa Lane, John Dryzek, Cass Sunstein, Martha Nussbaum, Wendell Berry, Peter Singer, and others.

POLS 2350. Freedom.
Examines the meaning of freedom together with the self-understandings, social practices, and political institutions that underlie and constitute it. Considers literature on freedom from the contemporary liberal, republican, and democratic traditions, including Berlin, Pettit, Arendt, Butler, and others. Open to graduate students only.

POLS 2354. Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem: Theater, Complicity, Evil, Refusal.
Seminar on Hannah Arendt’s “Jewish Writings,” Rahel Varnhagen, “We Refugees,” “The Jew as Pariah,” Origins of Totalitarianism, Vol 1: Anti-Semitism, Eichmann in Jerusalem (3 weeks on this text). Themes: theatricality, complicity, genre, evil, state violence, and the politics of refusal. Other texts: Lindsey Stonebridge (We are free to change the world: Hannah Arendt’s Lessons in Love and Disobedience), Lori Marso (Politics with Beauvoir, on two trials reported on by Beauvoir and Arendt), Noga Rotem (“World-Craving: Rahel Varnhagen, Daniel Paul Schreber, and the Strange Promise of Paranoia,” 2020), Timothy Snyder (On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century, 2017), Deborah Nelson (Tough Enough: Arbus, Arendt, Didion, McCarthy, Sontag, Weil, 2017), Judith Butler (“Hannah Arendt’s Death Sentences”), Joe Litvak (The Un-Americans: Jews, the Blacklist, and Stoolpigeon Culture), Judith Shklar, Ordinary Vices, Aeschylus’ Eumenides, Butler lecture on Aeschylus, and Shakespeare’s Othello.
Fall | POLS2354 | S01 | 17090 | W | 6:30-9:00PM | (B. Honig) |

POLS 2355. Tragedies of Remarriage: Stanley Cavell’s Film Philosophy in Focus.
Will use Stanley Cavell’s film philosophy and his invention of a new genre – “comedies of remarriage” – as occasions to think deeply about the raced, gendered and imperial politics of marriage, specifically in connection with an iteration of Cavell’s new genre: tragedies of remarriage. We will follow Cavell to look into the film/politics of citizenship through themes of marriage and seriality, asking how race, gender, sexuality, seriality and automation conspire together to build a citizenship that is both nationalist (nation-centered) and exclusionary (re-centered by masculinity and race). Will ask if remarriage, whether comic or tragic, figures amendment and ask: what are the politics of the pun between Constitutional amendment and the moral/political practice of making amends? How might the temporalities of seriality and/or freedom presuppose sequence/interruption and rely on - or contest -- political practices of reparation and forgiveness?

POLS 2360. Proseminar in Political Theory II.
Examines the political thought of Plato and Aristotle together with three modern thinkers whose work was especially influenced (or animated) by engagement with these ancient views of politics: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and Nietzsche. In exploring these moderns in particular, we also get a view of early modern, high modern, and postmodern receptions of the ancients. Enrollment limited to 14. Open to graduate students.
Fall | POLS2360 | S01 | 10271 | M | 4:00-6:30 | (S. Krause) |

POLS 2365. The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx.
A careful reading of Karl Marx’s work, with special emphasis on Marx as a philosopher of freedom and on his relevance today. The core of the class gives substantial attention to Capital, Marx’s unfinished magnum opus, but will also look at earlier works to understand what Marx understood by a ‘critique of political economy.’

POLS 2370. Political Philosophy and Economic Theory.
Political philosophy relates to economic theory in two ways. It takes primary texts of economic theory and draws out their philosophical, ethical, and political implications. It also begins from normative theory, like theories of justice, and brings these independently developed principles to bear on economic concerns. This class takes both approaches. The first half will attempt read foundational economic thinkers (e.g. Jevons, Keynes, Schumpeter, Hayek, Polanyi) as political philosophers. The second half will take an external approach, looking at how competing libertarian, socialist, post-socialist, classical liberal and high liberal traditions (e.g Smith, Friedman, Rawls, Cohen, Tomasi) think about economic freedom. Enrollment limited to 14.

POLS 2400. Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research.
This graduate seminar offers an introduction to the design and implementation of social science research that deploys qualitative data and analysis in conjunction with other methods of inquiry. We explore the set of tools that is conventionally considered to comprise qualitative methods, including case studies, small-N comparisons, process tracing, sequential analysis, interviews and participant observation. Starting from the premise that each research method has its strengths and weaknesses, we also consider how qualitative methods can be combined productively with other methods of inquiry, including “large-N” quantitative analysis, experiments, spatial/geographic analysis, and multilevel analysis spanning different scales.

POLS 2450. Exchange Scholar Program.
Fall | POLS2450 | S01 | 16734 | Arranged | 'To Be Arranged' | |
Spr | POLS2450 | S01 | 25297 | Arranged | 'To Be Arranged' |

POLS 2580. Quantitative Research Methods I.
This course introduces students to statistical theory and quantitative methods commonly used in political science and public policy. The course focuses on statistical inference using multiple techniques of regression analysis and gives students opportunities to become proficient users of the statistical software package R as they develop statistical models and analyze their data. Enrollment limited to 14. Open to graduate students in Political Science only.
Fall | POLS2580 | S01 | 10272 | Th | 4:00-6:30(04) | (P. Testa) |

POLS 2581. Quantitative Research Workshop I.
This 0.5 credit course covers selected topics in research design and applied statistics and is designed to offer students a workshop in which to develop and present quantitative, empirical projects. The two semester sequence course will provide an overview of current best practices for the design, implementation, analysis, and presentation of empirical research with a particular emphasis on ways to enhance the transparency, reproducibility, and credibility of such work.

POLS 2582. Quantitative Research Workshop II.
This 0.5 credit course covers selected topics in research design and applied statistics and is designed to offer students a workshop in which to develop and present quantitative, empirical projects. The two semester sequence course will provide an overview of current best practices for the design, implementation, analysis, and presentation of empirical research with a particular emphasis on ways to enhance the transparency, reproducibility, and credibility of such work.

POLS 2590. Quantitative Research Methods II.
An intermediate statistics course for graduate students. Topics include multiple regression, statistical inference, categorical dependent variable models, instrumental variable models, and an introduction to time series. Course readings and applications examine models used in different fields of political science and public policy including American institutions, comparative politics, and international relations. Open to graduate students concentrating in Political Science or Public Policy.
Spr | POLS2590 | S01 | 20245 | M | 1:30-4:00 | (R. Blair) |

POLS 2600. Survey Research.
Public opinion is an essential element in politics. Understanding how and what mass publics think is critical for assessing the capacity of mass electorates to participate politically and how well political institutions represent mass interests. To understand public opinion we rely on the sample survey which allows us to make inferences about populations from representative subsets. But how should we design survey questionnaires, identify and properly construct survey samples, and analyze these data? This course addresses these topics and more.

POLS 2605. Quantitative Research Methods III.
Advanced Quantitative Research Methods is the third course in the methods sequence for graduate students in political science and an intermediate-level course in statistics and applied econometrics for graduate students in political science and public policy. Topics will include causal inference, difference-in-differences designs, instrumental variable approaches, regression discontinuity designs and hierarchical models. The course will be applied, focused on grasping the use of these methods in practice and facing practical data limitation challenges. Special focus will be given to understanding the most recent advances in the literature on each of the strategies studied. I expect that most of you have already taken POLS2580 and POLS2590, and that all of you are familiar with core statistical and econometric concepts. Our sessions will be divided between lectures, group work and data analysis in Stata and/or R.
Fall | POLS2605 | S01 | 10273 | W | 4:00-6:30 | 'To Be Arranged' |

POLS 2610. Quantitative Research Methods IV.
Quantitative Research Methods IV (Social Science Experiments and Replication) is an advanced seminar for graduate students in political science focusing on how research in the social sciences can be improved through experimentation and replication. The course is comprised of two key components: The first incorporates lectures that cover various topics in experimental design and analysis as well as critique and discussion of recent cutting-edge experimental or quasi-experimental scholarship across subfields of political science and adjacent disciplines. The second component will focus on the replication of work-in-progress by visiting non-Brown faculty members, where a team of graduate students will reanalyze the data and propose further robustness tests and extensions. This is an opportunity for graduate students to engage with scholars from leading departments, take a deep dive into work-in-progress, and pick up new tools and best practices for research.
Spr | POLS2610 | S01 | 25543 | M | 6:30-9:00PM | 'To Be Arranged' |

POLS 2970. Preliminary Examination Preparation.
An independent study directed by a tenure-line faculty member of the Department of Political Science. Only second-year graduate students may register for the course; it is intended to provide a framework to help prepare for preliminary examinations.

POLS 2971. Preliminary Examination Preparation.
An independent study directed by a tenure-line faculty member of the Department of Political Science. It is intended to provide a framework to help prepare for preliminary examinations. This course is open to second and third year graduate students only.

POLS 2975. Research Design.
This course introduces students to statistical theory and quantitative methods commonly used in political science and public policy. The course focuses on statistical inference using multiple techniques of regression analysis and gives students opportunities to become proficient users of the statistical software package R as they develop statistical models and analyze their data. Enrollment limited to 14. Open to graduate students in Political Science only.

POLS 2976. Field Survey and Research Design.
An independent study directed by a tenure-line faculty member of the Department of Political Science. Only third-year graduate students may register for the course; it is intended to provide a framework for producing a formal research design modeled on the dissertation prospectus.

POLS 2980. Individual Reading and Research.
An independent study course directed by a tenure-line faculty member in the Department of Political Science. Section numbers vary by instructor. Please check Banner for the correct section number and CRN to use when registering for this course.

POLS 2981. Individual Reading and Research.
An independent study course directed by a tenure-line faculty member in the Department of Political Science. Section numbers vary by instructor. Please check Banner for the correct section number and CRN to use when registering for this course.

POLS 2990. Thesis Preparation.
For graduate students who have met the residency requirement and are continuing research on a full time basis.
Fall | POLS2990 | S01 | 16735 | Arranged | (R. Weitz-Shapiro) | |
Spr | POLS2990 | S01 | 25298 | Arranged | (R. Weitz-Shapiro) |

POLS 2991. Thesis Research and Preparation.
Section numbers vary by instructor. Please check Banner for the correct section number and CRN to use when registering for this course.
Political Science
Why and how does democracy flourish -- or decline? Just what is democracy? How do emotions shape our political behavior?Would less government lead to more social justice? What is social justice? How does smuggling (of drugs, guns, and people) reshape international relations? How does climate change affect politics? Do states or multinational corporations call the shots in the global economy?
Political science is about questions like these. You can grapple with every one of them -- and many more -- in the classrooms of the Brown Political Science Department. We study how people -- nations, regions, cities, communities -- live their common lives. How people solve (or duck) their common problems. How people govern themselves. How they think, talk, argue, fight, and vote. We seek to develop understandings of institutions, ideas, practices, and relations that constitute public life, and modes of inquiry that promote citizenship.
Ten courses are required overall from within the Department of Political Science. If you satisfy the methods requirement outside the department then you will need to add another POLS course. If you double count a course for two requirements, then you will also need to add a POLS course. You must always take ten distinct courses from the Department of Political Science.
Two introductory courses from the following: | 2 | |
Introduction to the American Political Process | ||
Introduction to Political Thought | ||
Introduction to Comparative Politics | ||
Introduction to International Politics | ||
One course in Political Theory taught by a Political Science theory professor 1 | 1 | |
One methods course from Political Science: 2 | 1 | |
Foundations of Political Analysis | ||
Political Research Methods | ||
One Senior Capstone course taken from the POLS 1820 / 1821 / 1822 / 1823 / 1824 / 1825 offerings, or the independent studies sequence POLS 1970 / 1971, or the honors sequence POLS 1910 / 1920. The capstone course must be taken at Brown during the senior year. However, with exceptional circumstances and with permission and approval of the course from the DUS, a non-Brown course may fulfill this requirement. | 1 | |
Five additional courses from within Political Science and/or taught by a Political Science faculty member 1 | 5 | |
Total Credits | 10 |
- 1
Faculty information can be found here:
- 2
A comparable course from an outside department (APMA 0650, ANTH 1940, CLPS 0900, ECON 1620, ECON 1630, EEPS 1320, PHP 1501, SOC 1100 or SOC 1120) may also be used. If the methods requirement is fulfilled by an outside department course, it will not count as one of the 10 required courses.
The Honors Program involves writing a year-long senior thesis in close conjunction with a faculty member. Students with an outstanding academic record apply in the late spring of their junior year. Students must complete the methods requirement prior to applying to the Honors program. During their senior year students complete an honors research project and take POLS 1910 and POLS 1920. POLS 1910 and POLS 1920 will count as one credit towards the ten required Political Science courses for the concentration.
Political Science
The department of Political Science offers a 5-th year Masters (A.M.), a Master of Arts (A.M.) Degree* and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree.
Completion Requirements
5-th year Masters (A.M.):
The 5th-Year Master’s Degree option allows Brown undergraduates to continue at the University for a master's degree after completing their bachelor's degree.
- Eight 2000 level Political Sciences courses are required
- Students can take up to two graduate level courses during their undergraduate studies
- POLS courses must be completed with a grade of B or better
- A minimum of six semester courses must be taken during 5th year
- Courses taken as an undergrad cannot count for both concentration and the masters program
Students must apply for this program before they complete their undergraduate studies. They do so through the Graduate School's online application system. Admission must be approved by the Political Science department and by the Graduate School.
Master of Arts (A.M.) Degree:
*The Political Science department does not have a separate master's program; graduate students can earn the A.M. on the way to the Ph.D. This A.M. requires passing eight 2000-level Political Science courses with a grade of B or better.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree:
- Pass fourteen graduate level (2000-level) courses with a grade of B or better, though A grades are expected
- Twelve courses must be within the Political Science department
- For those in the American Politics, Comparative Politics, and International Relations Subfields:
- Research Methods POLS2000 or POLS2400
- Quantitative Research Methods I POLS2580
- Two field proseminars (choose two of four - POLS2100 American, POLS2110 Comparative, POLS2120 Theory or POLS2130 IR)
- One theory course
- For those in the Political Theory Subfield:
- Research Methods POLS2000 or POLS2400 or POLS2580
- Both political theory field proseminars (POLS2120 and POLS2360)
- One other field proseminar (POLS2100 American, POLS2110 Comparative, or POLS2130 IR)
- The Prospectus Writing sequence POLS2050 and POLS2051 which counts as one course
- The Professionalization sequence POLS2052 and POLS2053 which counts as one course
- Pass written and oral preliminary examinations in two subfields
- Written and oral presentation of a dissertation proposal
- Written and oral presentation of a dissertation
- A minimum of two semesters as a teaching assistant
For more information on admission and program requirements, please visit the following website