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Curricular Programs

Collaborative Research and Scholarly Experiences

Collaborative Research and Scholarly Experiences (COEX) engage groups of students in addressing a research question or knowledge gap of interest to scholarly communities.  Typically, a COEX course would engage students in:

  1. Research practices authentic to the discipline (e.g., by asking questions, using the tools of  the discipline for gathering and analyzing data, developing and critiquing interpretations and arguments).
  2. Discovery, or exploration of ill-structured questions where the outcome is not known to the students nor the instructor, and there is the potential for generating new knowledge or insights.
  3. Creating work that has potential impact beyond the classroom (e.g., through reports for an outside organization, authorship or acknowledgement in a potential publication, blogs or podcasts distributed beyond the classroom).
  4. Collaboration, such as group work, giving and receiving peer feedback, pooling data, and sharing interpretations.
  5. Iteration, or processes of revision, learning from failure, and acknowledging and building  on other students’ work.

A complete list of each semester’s COEX courses may be viewed in Courses@Brown by
choosing “Collaborative Research and Scholarly Experiences” in the Curricular Programs field.

Community-Based Learning and Research

Community-Based Learning and Research (CBLR) courses connect academic inquiry with real-world learning experiences, enabling students to integrate and transfer their learning to contexts beyond the classroom.  CBLR-designated courses: (i) Involve collaboration with one or more community partners to investigate an important social challenge or problem; (ii) Incorporate in-depth community-based experiences (typically undertaken outside of the classroom) into the learning and/or research objectives of the course; (iii) Provide structured opportunities for reflecting on the relationship between classroom learning and real-world experience, with the goals of deepening the understanding of course content and exploring questions of identity, agency, and social responsibility; and (iv) Create products or outcomes that are shared with the community partner and/or broader public.

A complete list of each semester’s CBLR courses may be viewed in Courses@Brown by choosing “Community-Based Learning and Research” in the Curricular Programs field.

First Year Seminars

First-year seminars ensure close contact between first-year students and faculty members while simultaneously offering a rigorous introduction to the concepts and methods of a particular subject area or department. Seminars have few if any prerequisites and are offered in all areas of the curriculum, from anthropology to physics to literary arts. Students receive regular feedback on the work they produce for the seminars, and seminar faculty often serve as informal mentors for their students long after the class has ended.

A complete list of each semester’s seminars may be viewed in Courses@Brown by choosing “First-Year Seminar” in the Curricular Programs field. Registration for first-year seminars takes place during the summer prior to students’ matriculation to Brown. Depending on availability, first-year students may also add seminars to their course schedules during pre-registration and shopping periods.

Race, Power, and Privilege Courses

In their content and their objectives, Race, Power, and Privilege (RPP) courses examine issues of structural inequality, racial formations and/or disparities, and systems of power within a complex, pluralistic world. 

RPP courses may investigate:

  1. The ways different forms of power and privilege construct racial and identity formations in the U.S. and/or globally; the cultural, political, and intellectual responses to this racialization;
  2. How categories of race and ethnicity are produced intersectionally in relation to other hierarchical structures of difference including gender, sexual orientation, class, religion, ability, citizenship status, and geography;
  3. The structures, institutions, practices, and attitudes that enable, maintain, or mitigate domestic and/or global disparities in health, income, education outcomes, media representations, etc.;
  4. The ways in which disciplinary structures of knowledge have been embedded in such historical formations as racism and colonialism. 

Sophomore Seminars

Sophomore seminars bring together ideas, perspectives, and approaches that are not normally seen side by side in a given course or program. Embracing a range of intellectual perspectives, many of the seminars focus specifically on issues of social justice, identity, and difference. Limited to twenty students each, the seminars help students develop the skills, knowledge, and values they need to progress toward more advanced learning in a discipline or field.

A complete list of each semester’s SOPH seminars may be viewed in Courses@Brown by choosing “Sophomore Seminar” in the Curricular Programs field.

Writing-Designated Courses

Brown students are expected to work on writing in their general studies and in the concentration. Students may begin to fulfill this expectation by taking at least one course that carries the WRIT designation. WRIT courses are offered across the curriculum and help students develop the ability to write well in styles appropriate to different academic disciplines.

A complete list of each semester’s WRIT courses may be viewed in Courses@Brown by choosing “Writing-Designated Courses” in the Curricular Programs field.

Collaborative Research and Scholarly Experiences

Fall 2025


BIOL 0220 S01 18651 Discovering Novel Protein Fold William M. Holmes


ENGN 1860 S01 17029 Advanced Fluid Mechanics Kenny Breuer

Spring 2026


EDUC 1320 S01 25563 Turning Hope into Results Emily Qazilbash


ENGL 1050H S01 25605 Writing for Journalism Nell Lake

Community-Based Learning and Research

Fall 2025

Africana Studies

AFRI 0300 S01 18328 Performing Ethnography Lisa L Biggs

Archaeology and Ancient World

ARCH 1900 S01 18469 Archaeology of College Hill Candace Rice


EDUC 0520 S01 17100 Adolescent Literature Laura A. Snyder
EDUC 0530 S01 17101 Fieldwrk + Sem in Secondary Ed Tricia Kelly
EDUC 1015 S01 18526 Reimagining Power: Community-D Jacques Lesure
EDUC 1190 S01 17108 Family Engagement in Education Yoko Yamamoto


ENGL 1050G S01 17179 Journalism Practicum Nell Lake
ENGL 1160P S01 17181 Writing Climate, Writing Commu Kate J. Schapira
ENGL 1180Z S01 17180 Healthcare Journalism Nell Lake

Environmental Studies

ENVS 0110 S02 18500 Humans, Nature and the Environ Leslie D Acton

Ethnic Studies

ETHN 1000 S01 16759 Introduction to Ethnic Studies Kevin A. Escudero

French Studies

FREN 1410T S01 17118 L'experience des refugies Virginia A. Krause

Public Health

PHP 1300 S01 17846 Parenting Bx and Child Health Tayla von Ash

Spring 2026


EDUC 0515 S01 25559 Teaching LGBTQIA History John Palella
EDUC 1320 S01 25563 Turning Hope into Results Emily Qazilbash

Hispanic Studies

HISP 0750B S01 26383 Latin American Diaspora in US Iris Montero

First Year Seminars

Fall 2025

American Studies

AMST 0090A S01 18051 Sex, Work, and Migration Elena Shih


ANTH 0066J S01 17454 You Want to Change the World Daniel Smith


BIOL 0190F S01 10233 Darwinian Medicine Marc Tatar
BIOL 0190P S01 10209 Pride/Prej Dev of Sci Theories Stephen L. Helfand


CHEM 0080B S01 17627 Molecular Structrs in Chem/Bio Paul Gregory Williard

Comparative Literature

COLT 0711T S01 18540 Writing and Censorship Esther K. Whitfield

Earth, Environ. & Planetary Sciences

EEPS 0160N S01 18249 Monsters of the Abyss Baylor Fox-Kemper

East Asian Studies

EAST 0152 S01 16951 Worlds of Korean Cinema Hieyoon Kim


ENGL 0151D S01 17188 Men's Films Richard Rambuss

Environmental Studies

ENVS 0070G S02 18499 Climate and Civilization Gavin Piccione

French Studies

FREN 0720I S01 17114 J'accuse! Thangam Ravindranathan

Hispanic Studies

HISP 0750E S01 18449 Tpcs in Hispanic Cltr and Civ Mercedes Vaquero
HISP 0750G S01 18450 Wildeyed Stories Mercedes Vaquero


HIST 0510B S01 18039 History of Tokyo Kerry Smith
HIST 0558C S01 17215 Latinx Social Movement History Mark A Ocegueda
HIST 0559C S01 17622 Archives and Activism Naoko Shibusawa

Italian Studies

ITAL 0950 S01 18491 Intro to Ital Cinema:Film/Hist Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg

Judaic Studies

JUDS 0050K S01 17040 Hope, Despair,Longing JewishTh Paul E. Nahme
JUDS 0050P S01 17045 Synagogues, Churches, Mosques Katharina M Galor
JUDS 0681 S01 17042 Great Jewish Books Michael L. Satlow

Literary Arts

LITR 0100A S01 17774 Introduction to Fiction TBD
LITR 0100A S02 17804 Introduction to Fiction TBD
LITR 0100A S03 17806 Introduction to Fiction TBD
LITR 0100B S01 17807 Introduction to Poetry TBD
LITR 0710 S01 17783 Writers on Writing Seminar TBD

Political Science

POLS 0820I S01 10248 Crime, Mafias and Prison David B Skarbek

Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

POBS 0830 S01 18664 Shipwrecks Hist and Lit Gabriel Rocha

Public Health

PHP 0060 S01 16940 First-Yr Seminar Global Health Nisha Trivedi

Religious Studies

RELS 0090A S01 18147 Women and Gender in Anc. Rel. Susan Ashbrook Harvey
RELS 0090B S01 18148 Indigenous Ecologies Mark Cladis


RUSS 0320C S01 18293 Demons and Angels Michal Oklot


SOC 0300F S01 17900 Unequal From Birth Margot Jackson
SOC 0300P S01 17960 Being Normal Michela Musto

Theatre Arts, Performance Studies

TAPS 0800N S01 18522 Semiotics of the Broadway Leon J A Hilton


TKSH 0720A S01 17577 Modern Turkey Film&Lit Esra Ozdemir

Spring 2026

Africana Studies

AFRI 0610 S01 26277 Black Student Protest Matthew Guterl

East Asian Studies

EAST 0140 S01 25346 Childhood and Culture in Japan Samuel E. Perry


ENGL 0150Y S01 25594 Brontës and Brontëism Benjamin W. Parker

Ethnic Studies

ETHN 0090C S01 25349 Latinx Art Leticia Alvarado

Language Studies

LANG 0710 S01 25519 Protest and Dissidence in Iran Michelle Quay

Literary Arts

LITR 0100B S01 25954 Introduction to Poetry TBD
LITR 0710 S01 25951 Writers on Writing Seminar TBD

Modern Culture and Media

MCM 0800W S01 25801 Transnational Cinema East Asia Jinying Li

Urban Studies

URBN 0230 S01 25337 Urban Life in Providence Nicole A Pangborn

Race, Power, and Privilege

Fall 2025

Africana Studies

AFRI 0090 S02 18314 An Intro to Africana Studies Francoise N. Hamlin
AFRI 0300 S01 18328 Performing Ethnography Lisa L Biggs
AFRI 0670 S01 18330 Global Black Radicalism Brian W E Meeks
AFRI 1112 S01 18327 Contemporary Black Theatre Lisa L Biggs
AFRI 1330 S02 18467 Africana Studies Junior Semina Keisha Blain

American Studies

AMST 1611S S01 16762 US Popular Culture Richard Baldoz


ANTH 0066J S01 17454 You Want to Change the World Daniel Smith
ANTH 0800 S01 17420 Intro to Linguistic Anthro Joshua Babcock
ANTH 1623 S01 17383 Archaeology of Death Patricia E. Rubertone

Applied Mathematics

APMA 1910 S01 18119 Race & Gender in the Sciences Kristina Mallory

Earth, Environ. & Planetary Sciences

EEPS 1615 S01 17302 Climate, Human Rights & Policy Amanda Lynch

East Asian Studies

EAST 0309 S01 16796 Gender Relations in China Beverly Bossler


ECON 1390 S01 18373 Inequality of Income, Wealth, David N. Weil
ECON 1520 S01 18378 Culture, History and Comparati Stelios Michalopoulos


EDUC 0530 S01 17101 Fieldwrk + Sem in Secondary Ed Tricia Kelly
EDUC 0815 S01 17109 The Craft of Teaching Indira Gil
EDUC 1015 S01 18526 Reimagining Power: Community-D Jacques Lesure
EDUC 1490 S01 17102 Historicizing School Punishmnt Mahasan Chaney


ENGL 0710B S01 17146 African Amer Lit and Slavery Rolland D. Murray
ENGL 0710X S01 17365 Black Poetics Kevin E Quashie
ENGL 1710J S01 17165 Modern African Literature Olakunle George
ENGL 1710K S01 17254 Literature and Poverty Rolland D. Murray
ENGL 1711L S01 10001 Contemporary Black Women's Lit Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman
ENGL 1760Y S01 17174 Toni Morrison Kevin E Quashie

Environmental Studies

ENVS 1232 S01 18511 Land Matters Mindi Schneider
ENVS 1615 S01 18515 Climate, Human Rights & Policy Amanda Lynch

Ethnic Studies

ETHN 1000 S01 16759 Introduction to Ethnic Studies Kevin A. Escudero
ETHN 1200C S01 16760 Intro to Asian American Stud Kevin A. Escudero
ETHN 1200K S01 18155 Intro Native American Studies Mack Scott
ETHN 1612E S01 17624 Black Archival Experiments Kiana Murphy

Hispanic Studies

HISP 0550 S01 16788 Intermediate Spanish:Heritage Eva M. Gomez Garcia


HIST 0255A S01 17214 Mexican American History Mark A Ocegueda
HIST 0558C S01 17215 Latinx Social Movement History Mark A Ocegueda
HIST 0559C S01 17622 Archives and Activism Naoko Shibusawa
HIST 1121 S01 17212 The Modern Chinese Nation Rebecca A. Nedostup
HIST 1272D S01 17218 The French Revolution Joel W. Revill
HIST 1381 S01 17222 Latin Amer History and Film Daniel A. Rodriguez
HIST 1512 S01 17359 First Nations to 1800 Linford D. Fisher
HIST 1515 S01 17216 American Slavery Emily A Owens
HIST 1553 S01 17625 Empires in America to 1890 Naoko Shibusawa
HIST 1620 S01 17230 Gandhi Making Modrn South Asia Vazira F-Y Zamindar
HIST 1974U S01 17221 Incarceration in the Americas Daniel A. Rodriguez

Judaic Studies

JUDS 0050K S01 17040 Hope, Despair,Longing JewishTh Paul E. Nahme
JUDS 1614 S01 17043 Polit.Theology+Jewish Question Paul E. Nahme


MUSC 1240R S01 17931 Intro to Rap Songwriting Enongo A Lumumba-Kasongo
MUSC 1975 S01 18131 Jazz & The Explosion Of Genre Timo Vollbrecht

Political Science

POLS 1820V S01 17091 Institutions: Questions of Pow Deva Woodly
POLS 1825S S01 17086 Latino Politics in the United Marques Zarate

Public Health

PHP 1070 S01 17475 Global Burden of Disease Abigail D. Harrison
PHP 1920 S01 18044 Social Determinants of Health Diana Grigsby

Religious Studies

RELS 0090B S01 18148 Indigenous Ecologies Mark Cladis

Science,Technology, and Society

STS 0701 S01 16892 Race, Queerness & Sci Fiction Xan Chacko


SOC 0010 S01 17885 Introductory to Sociology Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve
SOC 0315 S02 17897 International Migration Laura Lopez Sanders
SOC 1040 S01 17881 World Population Problems Zhenchao Qian
SOC 1872E S01 17905 Global Sociology Jose Itzigsohn

Theatre Arts, Performance Studies

TAPS 1610 S01 17602 Political Theatre of Americas Patricia Ybarra

Urban Studies

URBN 0210 S01 16943 The City: Intro to Urban Study TBD
URBN 1870M S01 16772 Urban Regimes in Amer Republic Marion E. Orr

Spring 2026

Africana Studies

AFRI 0610 S01 26277 Black Student Protest Matthew Guterl
AFRI 1360 S01 20145 Knowledge, Texts + Methodology Brian W E Meeks

American Studies

AMST 1200P S01 25737 Black Comics Kiana Murphy

East Asian Studies

EAST 1307 S01 25348 Sex & Society in Modern China Beverly Bossler


EDUC 0300 S01 25457 Introduction to Education Andrea Flores
EDUC 0515 S01 25559 Teaching LGBTQIA History John Palella
EDUC 0610 S01 25564 Brown v. Board of Education Tracy L. Steffes
EDUC 0620 S01 25561 Cradle of Inequality David E Rangel


ENGL 0101A S01 20097 Independence and Modern Lit Tamar Katz

Ethnic Studies

ETHN 0601A S01 25325 Intro to Asian American Hist Shelley Lee
ETHN 1750A S01 25322 Immigrant Social Movements Kevin A. Escudero
ETHN 1750L S01 25321 Latina Feminisms Leticia Alvarado
ETHN 1750S S01 25329 Extravagant Texts Daniel Kim

Hispanic Studies

HISP 0750B S01 26383 Latin American Diaspora in US Iris Montero

History of Art and Architecture

HIAA 0077 S01 26148 Revolutions, Illusions, Impres Holly M Shaffer
HIAA 0087 S01 26149 Contemporary Art Lindsay A Caplan


HIST 0654A S01 25640 Welfare States Robert O. Self
HIST 0691 S01 25734 Indigenous Education Tarisa D Little
HIST 1123 S01 25623 China's Socialist Dreams Rebecca A. Nedostup
HIST 1340 S01 25622 History of the Andes Jeremy R. Mumford
HIST 1960Q S01 25730 Medicine/Pub Health in Africa Jennifer E. Johnson
HIST 1969A S01 25607 Israel-Palestine: Lands/People Omer Bartov

Judaic Studies

JUDS 0651 S01 25501 Race, Sexuality, and the Jews Katharina M Galor
JUDS 0902 S01 25502 History of the Holocaust Adam J Teller


LING 1500 S01 26298 Sociolinguistics Jaime Benheim

Political Science

POLS 0820Y S01 20217 Race-Crimnl Justice Paul F Testa
POLS 1821V S01 20233 Democracy and Inequality in Am Richard O. Snyder

Science,Technology, and Society

STS 1100 S01 25482 Botanizing Worlds Xan Chacko
STS 1700D S01 25330 Gathering Hope Xan Chacko

Theatre Arts, Performance Studies

TAPS 1281G S01 20026 Queer Dance J Dellecave
TAPS 1500P S01 25816 Asian American Theater Making Sophia Skiles

Urban Studies

URBN 0215 S01 25331 Urban Life in the Global South Lauren E Yapp

Sophomore Seminars

Fall 2025

Africana Studies

AFRI 0300 S01 18328 Performing Ethnography Lisa L Biggs
AFRI 0670 S01 18330 Global Black Radicalism Brian W E Meeks


BIOL 0940D S01 10238 Rhode Island Flora:Local Plant Rebecca Y Kartzinel

Political Science

POLS 0920N S01 17959 Music, Politics, and Power Richard O. Snyder

Spring 2026


EDUC 0610 S01 25564 Brown v. Board of Education Tracy L. Steffes
EDUC 0620 S01 25561 Cradle of Inequality David E Rangel


HIST 0654A S01 25640 Welfare States Robert O. Self
HIST 0691 S01 25734 Indigenous Education Tarisa D Little

Political Science

POLS 0920I S01 25546 The Politics, Ethics, and Art Rebecca B. Weitz-Shapiro

Writing-Designated Courses

Fall 2025

Africana Studies

AFRI 0090 S02 18314 An Intro to Africana Studies Francoise N. Hamlin
AFRI 1330 S02 18467 Africana Studies Junior Semina Keisha Blain

American Studies

AMST 0090A S01 18051 Sex, Work, and Migration Elena Shih


ANTH 0066J S01 17454 You Want to Change the World Daniel Smith
ANTH 1930 S01 17510 Anthropology Thesis Workshop Peter Van Dommelen

Archaeology and Ancient World

ARCH 1900 S01 18469 Archaeology of College Hill Candace Rice


BIOL 0940A S01 10214 Viral Epidemics Walter J. Atwood
BIOL 1050 S01 10336 Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell Chuck Toth
BIOL 1300 S01 10220 Biomolecular Interactions Nicolas Lux Fawzi
BIOL 1465 S01 10241 Human Population Genomics Emilia Huerta-Sanchez
BIOL 1575 S01 10202 Eval of Health Info Systems Hamish S Fraser


CHEM 0999 S01 17850 Chemistry and Art Li-Qiong Wang
CHEM 1560N S01 17855 Organometallic Chemistry Jerome R Robinson


CHIN 0700 S01 16824 Advanced Modern Chinese II Yang Wang
CHIN 0700 S02 16825 Advanced Modern Chinese II Yang Wang


CLAS 0150 S01 17441 Ancient Philosophy Mary-Louise G Gill
CLAS 0310R S01 17442 Revolutionary Classics Johanna M. Hanink
CLAS 1120B S01 17514 Epic Poetry: Homer to Lucan Pura Nieto Hernandez
CLAS 1120G S01 17515 The Idea of Self Joseph Michael Pucci
CLAS 1130 S01 17516 Life in Ancient Greece Graham J. Oliver
CLAS 1310 S01 17518 Roman Hst I:Rise/Fall Imp Repl Amy Russell

Cognitive & Psychological Sciences

CPSY 1180B S01 18278 Animal Languages Andrea Megela Simmons
CPSY 1960 S01 18289 Senior Seminar in BDS Steven A. Sloman

Computer Science

CSCI 1360 S02 18324 Human Factors in Cybersecurity Ernesto Rafael Zaldivar

Contemplative Studies

COST 0520 S01 18257 Tai Chi, Qigong, and Tradition Larson Difiori
COST 0525 S01 18232 History & Practice of Yoga TBD

Data Science

DATA 1150 S01 18408 Data Science Fellows Linda Clark

Earth, Environ. & Planetary Sciences

EEPS 0160N S01 18249 Monsters of the Abyss Baylor Fox-Kemper
EEPS 1615 S01 17302 Climate, Human Rights & Policy Amanda Lynch

East Asian Studies

EAST 0309 S01 16796 Gender Relations in China Beverly Bossler


EDUC 0530 S01 17101 Fieldwrk + Sem in Secondary Ed Tricia Kelly
EDUC 1430 S01 18588 Soc Psych of Race, Class + Gen David E Rangel
EDUC 1600 S01 17103 Education,Economy,School Refrm Matthew A. Kraft
EDUC 1660 S01 17099 Soc Context of Learning/Devel Jin Li
EDUC 1900 S01 16963 Senior Seminar Diane H Silva Pimentel


ENGN 1010 S01 17341 The Entrepreneurial Process Daniel E. Warshay
ENGN 1010 S02 18110 The Entrepreneurial Process Fran Z Slutsky
ENGN 1010 S03 18111 The Entrepreneurial Process Jon E. Cohen
ENGN 1230 S01 10276 Instrumentation Design David A. Borton
ENGN 1931P S01 17031 Energy and the Environment Indrek Kulaots


ENGL 1191B S01 17178 Fugitive Letters Austin Jackson

Environmental Studies

ENVS 0070G S02 18499 Climate and Civilization Gavin Piccione
ENVS 1574 S01 18513 Climate Policy Research J Roberts
ENVS 1615 S01 18515 Climate, Human Rights & Policy Amanda Lynch
ENVS 1825 S01 18516 Commodity Natures Mindi Schneider
ENVS 1911 S01 18517 Narrating the Anthropocene Elizabeth Rush
ENVS 1925 S01 18518 Energy Policy and Politics Dawn King

Ethnic Studies

ETHN 1612E S01 17624 Black Archival Experiments Kiana Murphy

French Studies

FREN 0600 S01 17110 Writing and Speaking French II Stephanie A Ravillon
FREN 0600 S02 17111 Writing and Speaking French II Stephanie A Ravillon
FREN 0600 S03 17112 Writing and Speaking French II Stephanie A Ravillon
FREN 0720I S01 17114 J'accuse! Thangam Ravindranathan
FREN 1020A S01 17116 Histoire Langue Française Ourida Mostefai
FREN 1040C S01 17117 Le Grand Siècle à l'écran Lewis C. Seifert
FREN 1410T S01 17118 L'experience des refugies Virginia A. Krause
FREN 1410X S01 17119 Dés/Accords franco-américains Lewis C. Seifert

Gender and Sexuality Studies

GNSS 0120 S01 18163 Intro Gendr/Sexuality Studies Denise L. Davis
GNSS 1551 S01 17834 Subjects of Sexuality TBD
GNSS 1990 S01 17747 Senior Seminar Helis Sikk

German Studies

GRMN 0500F S01 17570 20th Century German Culture TBD

Hispanic Studies

HISP 0650 S01 17123 Advanced Spanish: Lit&Film Alejandra Rosenberg Navarro
HISP 0650 S02 17124 Advanced Spanish: Lit&Film TBD
HISP 0740 S01 18479 Intensve Survey of Spanish Lit Laura R. Bass
HISP 1290J S01 18451 80 Years of Spanish Cinema Sarah L. Thomas

History of Art and Architecture

HIAA 0630 S01 16945 Cultural History of the Nether Jeffrey M. Muller


HIST 0510B S01 18039 History of Tokyo Kerry Smith
HIST 0559C S01 17622 Archives and Activism Naoko Shibusawa
HIST 1121 S01 17212 The Modern Chinese Nation Rebecca A. Nedostup
HIST 1512 S01 17359 First Nations to 1800 Linford D. Fisher
HIST 1553 S01 17625 Empires in America to 1890 Naoko Shibusawa
HIST 1964B S01 17213 Enchanted World: Early Mod Eur Tara E. Nummedal
HIST 1972A S01 17358 American Legal Hist, 1760-1920 Michael Vorenberg
HIST 1992 S01 17684 History Honors Workshop Benjamin P Hein
HIST 1994 S01 17686 History Honors Thesis Part II TBD

International and Public Affairs

IAPA 1803 S01 17072 Humanitarian Response David Polatty
IAPA 1821P S01 17070 Political Psychology of IR Rose McDermott

Italian Studies

ITAL 0500 S01 18487 Advanced Italian I Cristina Abbona-Sneider
ITAL 0950 S01 18491 Intro to Ital Cinema:Film/Hist Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg
ITAL 0975 S01 18521 Italian Hist. through food Sara Colantuono
ITAL 1010 S01 18520 Dante in English Translation Ronald L. Martinez

Judaic Studies

JUDS 0050K S01 17040 Hope, Despair,Longing JewishTh Paul E. Nahme
JUDS 0050P S01 17045 Synagogues, Churches, Mosques Katharina M Galor
JUDS 0060 S01 17041 The Bible and Moral Debate Saul Olyan
JUDS 0681 S01 17042 Great Jewish Books Michael L. Satlow
JUDS 0682 S01 17044 Bible Became Holy Michael L. Satlow
JUDS 1614 S01 17043 Polit.Theology+Jewish Question Paul E. Nahme


KREA 0500 S01 16895 Advanced Korean Hye-Sook Wang

Language Studies

LANG 0800 S01 16882 Intercultural Competence Katherine I Kang

Literary Arts

LITR 0710 S01 17783 Writers on Writing Seminar TBD
LITR 1010A S01 17776 Advanced Fiction Karan Mahajan
LITR 1010B S01 17781 Advanced Poetry Eleni A Sikelianos
LITR 1010E S01 17787 Advanced Screenwriting Laura E. Colella
LITR 1010H S01 17822 Advanced Digital & Cross-Disci John H. Cayley
LITR 1152N S01 17946 Ecopoetics in Action Eleni A Sikelianos

Modern Culture and Media

MCM 1205A S01 17550 What We Talk About: Horror Veronica Fitzpatrick
MCM 1504R S01 17553 Iranian Cinema Joan K. Copjec


MUSC 1677 S01 18137 Music & Culture 3rd Rep France Mark Seto
MUSC 1975 S01 18131 Jazz & The Explosion Of Genre Timo Vollbrecht


PHIL 1705 S01 17772 Epistemology David P. Christensen


PHYS 1270 S01 10319 Extragalactic Astronomy TBD

Political Science

POLS 1820V S01 17091 Institutions: Questions of Pow Deva Woodly
POLS 1822W S01 10258 Congressional Investigations Jeffrey S Robbins
POLS 1824D S01 10259 Power and Prosperity in Urban Margaret M. Weir
POLS 1824J S01 17092 Culture, Identity and Developm Prerna Singh
POLS 1824T S01 17296 US-China Relations Tyler Jost
POLS 1825E S01 10261 Health Care Politics and Polic Eric M Patashnik
POLS 1910 S01 10262 Senior Honors Thesis Preparatn Alexander H. Gourevitch

Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

POBS 0105 S01 10174 Accelerated Portuguese Patricia I. Sobral
POBS 0400 S01 10175 Writing + Speaking Portuguese Patricia I. Sobral

Public Health

PHP 0060 S01 16940 First-Yr Seminar Global Health Nisha Trivedi
PHP 1070 S01 17475 Global Burden of Disease Abigail D. Harrison
PHP 1910 S01 17471 Public Health Senior Sem TBD
PHP 1910 S02 17474 Public Health Senior Sem Nisha Trivedi

Religious Studies

RELS 0021 S01 18144 Inequality in the AncientWorld Saul Olyan
RELS 0090A S01 18147 Women and Gender in Anc. Rel. Susan Ashbrook Harvey
RELS 0520 S01 18151 Tai Chi, Qigong, and Tradition Larson Difiori
RELS 0525 S01 18152 The History and Practice of Yo TBD
RELS 1000 S01 18158 Methods in Religious Studies Stephen S. Bush


RUSS 0320C S01 18293 Demons and Angels Michal Oklot
RUSS 1440 S01 18286 Imagining Moscow Fabrizio Fenghi
RUSS 1820 S01 18291 Dostoevsky Vladimir Golstein
RUSS 1848 S01 18294 Central European Literature Michal Oklot
RUSS 1967 S01 18295 Russian Postmodernism Fabrizio Fenghi

Science,Technology, and Society

STS 0701 S01 16892 Race, Queerness & Sci Fiction Xan Chacko
STS 1900 S01 16768 Sr Sem in Science and Society Xan Chacko


SOC 0300F S01 17900 Unequal From Birth Margot Jackson
SOC 0315 S02 17897 International Migration Laura Lopez Sanders

Theatre Arts, Performance Studies

TAPS 0100 S01 10035 Playwriting I Julia Jarcho
TAPS 0100 S02 10036 Playwriting I TBD
TAPS 0200 S01 10037 Playwriting II TBD

University Courses

UNIV 1110 S01 18539 Problem Solving & Teaching Christina Smith

Urban Studies

URBN 0210 S01 16943 The City: Intro to Urban Study TBD
URBN 1870D S01 16773 Downtown Development Robert E. Azar
URBN 1870M S01 16772 Urban Regimes in Amer Republic Marion E. Orr

Spring 2026

Africana Studies

AFRI 1360 S01 20145 Knowledge, Texts + Methodology Brian W E Meeks

American Studies

AMST 1200P S01 25737 Black Comics Kiana Murphy
AMST 1900P S01 25327 Essaying Culture Ralph E. Rodriguez


ASYR 1100 S01 26324 Gods/Myths in Mesopotamia Matthew T. Rutz
ASYR 1700 S01 26325 Astronomy/Divination/Politics John Steele


BIOL 1150 S01 20202 Stem Cell Engineering Eric M. Darling


CZCH 1000 S01 26262 Dimensions of Czech Animation Masako Ueda Fidler

Earth, Environ. & Planetary Sciences

EEPS 0360 S01 25406 Solving the Climate & Carbon Kim Cobb

East Asian Studies

EAST 0305 S01 25444 An Intro to Lit of 20thC China Lingzhen Wang
EAST 1307 S01 25348 Sex & Society in Modern China Beverly Bossler


EDUC 0610 S01 25564 Brown v. Board of Education Tracy L. Steffes


ENGL 1190X S01 20002 Nonfiction Now Elizabeth Rush

Ethnic Studies

ETHN 0090C S01 25349 Latinx Art Leticia Alvarado

French Studies

FREN 0600 S01 25577 Writing and Speaking French II Stephanie A Ravillon
FREN 0600 S02 25578 Writing and Speaking French II Stephanie A Ravillon
FREN 0600 S03 25579 Writing and Speaking French II Stephanie A Ravillon
FREN 0950A S01 25567 Traduction Stephanie A Ravillon
FREN 1000B S01 25582 Littérature et culture Virginia A. Krause
FREN 1070K S01 25583 Les années folles: le roman Maan Alsahoui

German Studies

GRMN 0400 S01 25766 Intermediate German II Jonathan B Fine
GRMN 0400 S02 25767 Intermediate German II Jonathan B Fine
GRMN 0600B S01 25768 Was ist Deutsch? Jonathan B Fine

Hispanic Studies

HISP 0650 S01 26381 Advanced Spanish: Lit&Film TBD
HISP 0650 S02 26382 Advanced Spanish: Lit&Film TBD
HISP 1500L S01 26464 Theory + Practice: Translation Sarah L. Thomas

History of Art and Architecture

HIAA 0077 S01 26148 Revolutions, Illusions, Impres Holly M Shaffer
HIAA 1850H S01 26279 Berlin: Arch., Politics, Memor Dietrich Neumann


HIST 0654A S01 25640 Welfare States Robert O. Self
HIST 0691 S01 25734 Indigenous Education Tarisa D Little
HIST 1956A S01 25637 Thinking Historically Kenneth S. Sacks
HIST 1960Q S01 25730 Medicine/Pub Health in Africa Jennifer E. Johnson
HIST 1964D S01 25718 Women in Early Modern England Tim Harris
HIST 1967C S01 25725 Making Revolutionary Cuba Jennifer L. Lambe
HIST 1969A S01 25607 Israel-Palestine: Lands/People Omer Bartov
HIST 1972G S01 25628 Lesbian Memoir Emily A Owens
HIST 1976R S01 25642 Histories of the Future Kerry Smith
HIST 1992 S01 25886 History Honors Workshop Benjamin P Hein
HIST 1994 S01 25888 History Honors Thesis Part II Benjamin P Hein


JAPN 0401 S01 25434 Japanese Lang Through Culture Naofumi Tatsumi

Judaic Studies

JUDS 0609 S01 26215 American Jewish History Rachel Rojanski
JUDS 0651 S01 25501 Race, Sexuality, and the Jews Katharina M Galor
JUDS 0902 S01 25502 History of the Holocaust Adam J Teller
JUDS 1711 S01 25503 History of Israel Rachel Rojanski

Language Studies

LANG 0710 S01 25519 Protest and Dissidence in Iran Michelle Quay
LANG 0800 S01 25514 Intercultural Competence Elsa Belmont Flores

Literary Arts

LITR 0710 S01 25951 Writers on Writing Seminar TBD
LITR 1010B S01 25949 Advanced Poetry Peter Gale Nelson
LITR 1230Y S01 25968 Structuring/De-Structuring Nvl Karan Mahajan


MATH 1000 S01 25923 The Art of Writing Mathematics Ethan Dlugie

Modern Culture and Media

MCM 0800W S01 25801 Transnational Cinema East Asia Jinying Li
MCM 1505Z S01 25782 Kiarostami: What is an Image Joan K. Copjec


PHYS 0560 S01 20285 Experiments in Modern Physics TBD
PHYS 1560 S01 20292 Modern Physics Laboratory TBD
PHYS 1600 S01 20302 Computational Physics TBD

Political Science

POLS 0920I S01 25546 The Politics, Ethics, and Art Rebecca B. Weitz-Shapiro
POLS 1820H S01 20231 Contraband Capitalism Peter R. Andreas
POLS 1821V S01 20233 Democracy and Inequality in Am Richard O. Snyder
POLS 1823I S01 20236 Urban Politics and Policy Katherine Tate
POLS 1824C S01 20247 Political Communication Richard A. Arenberg
POLS 1824Z S01 20238 Ancients and Moderns: Quarrels Sharon R. Krause
POLS 1920 S01 20239 Senior Honors Thesis Preparatn Alexander H. Gourevitch

Portuguese and Brazilian Studies

POBS 0105 S01 20146 Accelerated Portuguese Patricia I. Sobral
POBS 0400 S01 20147 Writing + Speaking Portuguese Patricia I. Sobral


RUSS 1340 S01 26301 The Russian Novel Michal Oklot

Science,Technology, and Society

STS 1700D S01 25330 Gathering Hope Xan Chacko

Theatre Arts, Performance Studies

TAPS 0100 S01 20030 Playwriting I TBD
TAPS 0200 S01 20031 Playwriting II TBD
TAPS 1240 S01 20015 Perform Histriogrph/Theatr Hst Leon J A Hilton
TAPS 1250 S01 20038 Late Modern & Contemp Theatre Ivan Ramos
TAPS 1380 S01 25795 Mise en Scene Ivan Ramos
TAPS 1500H S01 20062 Advanced Playwriting Deborah Smith

University Courses

UNIV 1003 S01 25504 Jerusalem,Jews,Christns,Muslms Katharina M Galor

Urban Studies

URBN 1870T S01 25335 Transportation: Planning Persp Robert E. Azar
URBN 1871G S01 25332 Urban Asia Lauren E Yapp
URBN 1943 S01 25336 Real Estate Dev Process Jon E. Cohen