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Education Studies

Welcome to Education Studies! Undergraduate concentrators study education in a rigorous, multi-dimensional way that allows them to investigate thorny questions of opportunity and equity in real-world settings. Our ever-expanding array of education courses allows undergraduates to explore fundamental issues of race, class, power, privilege, equity and identity through the lens of education. From introductory courses to advanced seminars, our classes examine how to teach for social justice, how students learn and develop, and how education policies promote or limit opportunity and equity.

Our faculty includes experts in teaching and learning, human development, education policy, and the history of education. We take a multi-disciplinary approach to the field, offering courses from perspectives in anthropology, economics, history, human development, political science, social work, and sociology, among others.

Concentration Requirements 

The concentration in Education Studies requires a total of 10 credit-bearing courses and 1 non-credit-bearing experiential component, allowing students to develop a personalized plan of study to structure their Education experiences. The new Education Studies coursework is composed of the following four elements:

  1. Three (3) Core Courses:  2 introductory courses (EDUC 0300 and EDUC 0750) will provide students with a broad-based introduction to the field of education and empirical methods used in the field, while 1 Senior Seminar, EDUC 1900, offers a culmination of students’ experiences in the concentration.
  2. Four (4) Specialization Courses: Students choose 4 courses total in their planned area of emphasis within the education field. Some examples include: Education Policy Analysis; Human Development; Education and Inequality; Education for Social Justice; Adolescence; Immigrant Families, Communities & Education; Child Development; Teaching and Learning; Education and Economics; or any related topic of interest.
  3. Three (3) Elective Courses: Students choose three courses related to the field of education and the student's field of study. One (1) independent study course can be counted towards concentration requirements. No more than 3 courses in an Education Studies concentration can come from other departments outside of Education, and all courses should be approved by the student's advisor and meaningfully tied to education. 
  4. One (1) Experiential Component: Before the beginning of the spring semester of senior year, students must complete an Experiential Component designed to promote practice-based engagement with the field of education and reflect on their experiences, tying them into their academic learning in the Education Studies concentration. Students can satisfy this requirement in one of the ways below and should then upload documentation in their ASK declaration.
    1. By completing an existing Community-Based Learning and Research (CBLR) in the Department. OR
    2. By writing a paper reflecting on their experience through the lens of their coursework in the Department, the student’s academic advisor will assess the paper.   OR
    3. By completing the Experiential Component Based (ECB) Capstone project in EDUC 1900 (Senior Seminar) OR
    4. By completing the reflection in an independent study-like course “Reflecting on Fieldwork.” 

Education Studies Concentration Plan of Study

Foundational Courses Required for Education Studies Concentration

Introduction to Education and Society: Foundations of Opportunity and Inequality
Evidence and Method in Education Research
Senior Seminar


Other Courses in Education Studies Concentration 

4 Courses in Area of Emphasis (could include any 4 of the following)4
Teaching LGBTQIA History
Adolescent Literature
Fieldwork and Seminar in Secondary Education
Brown v. Board of Education and the History of School Desegregation
Cradle of Inequality: The Role of Families, Schools, and Neighborhoods
Evidence and Method in Education Research
Introduction to Human Development and Education
Adolescence in Social Context
Family Engagement in Education
Qualitative Methods
Turning Hope into Results: The Policy Ecosystem of the Providence Public Schools District
Social Psychology of Race, Class, and Gender
The Big IDEA: The Complexities of Gifted and Special Education
Discipline and Punish: Historical Insights on School Punishment
Social Context of Learning and Development
The Psychology of Teaching and Learning
3 Foundational courses in Education (from the table above)3
3 Electives3
1 Experiential Component 0
Total Credits10


Concentrators seeking to graduate with honors must apply for honors candidacy by the end of their sixth semester. Successful candidates must meet all requirements for the concentration; maintain a minimum grade average that includes more A’s than B’s in Education courses (a B must be counterbalanced by two A's); and successfully complete EDUC 1900 (fall) and  EDUC 1991 (spring), in which they write a senior thesis under the guidance of a thesis advisor. Honors are awarded on the basis of thesis quality, and students whose theses meet or exceed the standards established in the Department Rubric will earn honors upon graduation.  More information about writing an Honors thesis can be found on our website:

Combined Baccalaureate/Master of Arts in Teaching Degree

The Education Department offers a combined degree program. Brown undergraduates can apply to earn both the MAT degree and a B.A. or B.S. in a subject field (English, history, math, biology, chemistry, physics, engineering and allied concentrations) in 5 years.

Brown undergraduates can apply through the Education Department during their junior year.  During their undergraduate years, candidates must complete all baccalaureate requirements and may take up to two of the required graduate courses.  In their fifth year, they will complete the remaining required graduate courses, including the one-year teaching residency.  The minimum requirements to complete both degrees are 36 credits, of which a maximum of two may count toward both the bachelor's degree and the MAT degree.