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Geophysics and Climate Physics

The Geophysics and Climate Physics concentration involves applying physics and mathematics to study processes that operate on and within the Earth and other planets, over short and long timescales.  Geophysical approaches are fundamental for understanding how the oceans, atmosphere and ice sheets respond to climate change, managing resources such as water and geothermal energy, mitigating natural hazards such as earthquakes and volcanoes, and understanding the dynamic processes that shape the surfaces and control the interiors of Earth and other planetary bodies. Geophysics spans both theoretical modeling of physical processes and the analysis of geophysical data (including remote sensing and machine learning), and typically involves computing, as well as lab experiments and field work.

Both A.B. and Sc.B. degrees are offered, requiring 12 and 19 courses, respectively.  These degrees build skills in critical thinking, data analysis and modeling, finding solutions to complex problems, and written and oral communication.   DEEPS provides a highly collaborative learning environment that emphasizes process-oriented, hands-on approaches in the classroom, in labs and on field trips. There are many opportunities for students to do paid research during the summer or academic year.

Students interested in this concentration may also wish to consider related concentrations: Earth, Climate and Biology, Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry, and Earth and Planetary Science.

Standard program for the A.B. degree

This program is recommended for students interested in applying physical and mathematical principles toward understanding and modeling processes affecting Earth, its environment and climate, and other planets.  Its requirements are well-suited to students seeking to combine these fields with other educational interests, while preparing them for diverse careers including environmental science, global change, and Earth and planetary science. Some course requirements may be flexible based on consultation with the concentration advisor.

Note - For students still enrolled with the prior Concentration in Geology-Physics/Mathematics A.B., please refer to the Archived Bulletin link on left hand navigation for your requirements for the year you declared.

Five supporting science courses:
CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure (or equivalent)1
A course involving mechanics such as:1
Foundations of Mechanics
Analytical Mechanics
Engineering Statics and Dynamics (or the equivalent)
Three courses in APMA or MATH, one of which must be APMA 0350 or equivalent3
Seven concentration courses:
Two of these four fundamentals courses:2
Understanding Earth and Environmental Processes
Geochemistry: Earth and Planetary Materials and Processes
Earth: Evolution of a Habitable Planet
Computational Approaches to Modelling and Quantitative Analysis in Natural Sciences: An Introduction
Mathematical Methods of Fluid
One of these courses:1
Principles of Planetary Climate
Solid Earth Geophysics
Two of the following courses, can combine different focii:2
Climate focus:
Global Water Cycle
Dynamic Meteorology
Ocean Circulation and Climate
Solid Earth and planets focus:
Structural Geology
Continuum Physics of the Solid Earth
Data science focus:
Machine Learning for the Earth and Environment
Introduction to Methods in Data Analysis
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
One additional EEPS course such as:1
Climate focus:
Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles
Introduction to Quantitative Glaciology
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Rotating, Stratified Turbulence Edition
Solid Earth and planets focus:
Global Tectonics
Earthquake Seismology
Physics of Planetary Evolution
Data science focus:
Global Environmental Remote Sensing
Other alternatives:
Individual Study of Geologic Problems
a field or sea course or any EEPS course listed in the concentration
One course in physics or engineering such as:1
Foundations of Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Advanced Classical Mechanics
Computational Physics
Mechanics of Solids and Structures
Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
Electricity and Magnetism
Fluid Mechanics
Advanced Engineering Mechanics
Total Credits12

Standard program for the Sc.B. degree

This program is recommended for students interested in more in-depth study in climate science, geophysics, planetary science and related fields, potentially including graduate school and careers in these areas. Students will gain hands-on experience with theoretical and numerical modeling of processes, data analysis, and computing.  Some course requirements may be flexible based on consultation with the concentration advisor.

Note - For students still enrolled with the prior Concentration in Geology-Physics/Mathematics Sc.B., please refer to the Archived Bulletin link on left hand navigation for your requirements for the year you declared.

Five supporting science courses:
CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure1
A course involving mechanics such as: 1
Foundations of Mechanics
Analytical Mechanics
Engineering Statics and Dynamics (or the equivalent)
Three courses in APMA or MATH, one of which must be APMA 0350 or equivalent3
Fourteen Concentration Courses:
EEPS 0220Understanding Earth and Environmental Processes1
EEPS 0230Geochemistry: Earth and Planetary Materials and Processes1
or EEPS 0240 Earth: Evolution of a Habitable Planet
EEPS 0250Computational Approaches to Modelling and Quantitative Analysis in Natural Sciences: An Introduction1
or EEPS 0350 Mathematical Methods of Fluid
EEPS 1430Principles of Planetary Climate1
EEPS 1610Solid Earth Geophysics1
Three of the following courses, can combine different focii: 3
Climate focus:
Global Water Cycle
Dynamic Meteorology
Ocean Circulation and Climate
Solid Earth and planets focus:
Structural Geology
Continuum Physics of the Solid Earth
Data science focus:
Machine Learning for the Earth and Environment
Introduction to Methods in Data Analysis
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning
One additional EEPS course such as:1
Climate focus:
Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles
Introduction to Quantitative Glaciology
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Rotating, Stratified Turbulence Edition
Solid Earth and planets focus:
Global Tectonics
Earthquake Seismology
Physics of Planetary Evolution
Data science focus:
Global Environmental Remote Sensing
Other alternatives:
a field or sea course
or any EEPS course listed in the concentration
Three courses in physics or engineering such as:3
Foundations of Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
Advanced Classical Mechanics
Computational Physics
Mechanics of Solids and Structures
Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering
Electricity and Magnetism
Fluid Mechanics
Advanced Engineering Mechanics
One additional upper-level science or math course with approval from the concentration advisor1
EEPS 1970Individual Study of Geologic Problems1
Total Credits19