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Latin American and Caribbean Studies

The concentration in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACA) leads to a strong, interdisciplinary understanding of culture, history, and contemporary issues in Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Latinx diaspora.

Requirements are intentionally broad and flexible to accommodate the focused interests of students in understanding the diverse reality of this region. Concentration requirements include four themes: language, area studies, research, and internship or service work. A wide selection of courses from departments across the University expose students to the methods and materials of different disciplines and provide a background in the contemporary and historical contours of Latin American, Caribbean, and Latinx societies. For more information, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Professor Daniel Rodriguez.

Concentration Requirements

1. Ten courses on Latin American, Caribbean, and/or Latinx subjects.  These may be explicitly designated as LACA classes, but do not need to be.  Up to two of these courses can be language learning classes.  Relevant courses from study abroad may count toward this total. For double concentrators, up to two classes can count toward the course requirements of both LACA and another concentration.  At least two different academic disciplines should be represented in the ten courses. Courses in which the student did substantial work on a Latin American, Caribbean, or Latinx subject may count toward this total, even if the course as a whole has a more general subject matter.  Concentrators should periodically update their courses on ASK and confirm with the Director of Undergraduate Studies that they are on track to meeting the coursework requirement. 

The courses must include at least one survey course providing a comprehensive and comparative view of the region.  Examples include the following: 

Around Latin America in 80 Days: An Historical and Cultural Journey
Arts of the Environment in the Americas
Urban Latin America
Engaged Humanities: Storytelling in the Americas
Encounters: Latin America in Its Literature and Culture
Tropical Fictions: Geography and Literature in Latin American Culture
Modern Latin America
Colonial Encounters and the Creation of Latin America
Latin American Politics
Mapping Food, Eating Meaning, Making Community: A Welcome to the Lusophone world

2. Competence in a Latin American and/or Caribbean language.  Competence in Spanish, Portuguese,  French, Haitian Kreyol, Kaqchikel Maya, etc. may be demonstrated through a departmental test, AP credit, language courses at Brown or elsewhere, study abroad, etc; please contact the concentration advisor to confirm. (If the student’s primary area of study is the Anglophone Caribbean, a field language is not necessary.)

3. An internship or volunteer service, located in the U.S. or overseas, for one semester or one summer. Work completed during study abroad may count toward this requirement. The service work will connect theory to practice, applying scholarly knowledge to social challenges. Students are encouraged to consult with the Swearer Center for Public Service for assistance finding a volunteer placement. Students should also meet with the DUS by the beginning of junior year to discuss their work plan for their service component. Upon completion of the internship or service work, students fill and submit via ASK the Internship, Work or Volunteer Service Form, available online in the LACA Undergraduate Concentration webpage (  In addition they are expected to submit via ASK a short letter from a supervisor confirming the completion of the work. 

4. A capstone project.  This may be a senior honors thesis or creative project, supervised by a primary advisor and a secondary reader; a non-honors research paper; or a reflective paper about non-academic work (such as service or foreign study) related to Latin America, the Caribbean or the Latinx experience.   

The project may be completed for honors if the student is eligible (see Honors, below).

All concentrators are required to enroll in LACA 1900 during their junior or senior year to complete their Capstone project requirement (capstone project or honors thesis).  In addition to this course, students may also elect to enroll in one or two semesters of independent study (LACA 1990, LACA 1991) with their thesis/project advisor.  All Honors Candidates are expected to attend the Annual Concentration Research Day and to give a 10-minute oral presentation of their honors thesis project followed by a short Q&A.

Writing Requirement

To satisfy Brown's writing requirement as a LACA concentrator (which must be completed by the end of the 7th semester), students are encouraged to consider courses that have an emphasis on revision and feedback such as the following: 

Preparation for Honors and Capstone Projects on Latin American and Caribbean Topics
Latinx Literature
Around Latin America in 80 Days: An Historical and Cultural Journey
Arts of the Environment in the Americas
Engaged Humanities: Storytelling in the Americas
New Worlds: Reading Spaces and Places in Colonial Latin America
Encounters: Latin America in Its Literature and Culture
Colonial Latin America
Gender, Race, and Medicine in the Americas

Engaged Scholars Program

The concentration also allows students to pursue the Engaged Scholars Program. The Engaged Scholars Program (ESP) in Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACA) is designed for LACA concentrators who are especially interested in making deeper connections between their academic work and local communities in Providence and beyond. Engaged Scholars combine hands-on experiences such as internships, public service, humanitarian, and development work with their academic learning in order to develop a deeper understanding of, and appreciation for, social engagement.


Qualified undergraduates may work towards the A.B. in Latin American and Caribbean Studies with Honors.

Requirements to graduate with Honors:

  1. Maintenance of at least an A- average in the ten courses counting for the Latin American and Caribbean Studies concentration
  2. Maintenance of at least a B+ average in all course work at Brown
  3. Completion of a senior honors thesis or project with a grade of A

Grades of S do not negatively affect the eligibility for honors. 

Graduating seniors with Honors in Latin American and Caribbean Studies are eligible for an award administered by the concentration for Outstanding Senior Thesis or Project.

Senior Honors Thesis or Project Timeline:

For Senior-Year Students-

  • By the end of sixth semester: Students fill and submit a one page proposal to the concentration advisor the Honors Thesis Declaration Form available online in the LACA Undergraduate Concentration webpage (  In the form, they are expected to indicate their thesis or project title and short description. The Honors Thesis Declaration Form must be signed by a primary advisor.  Students who study abroad spring semester junior year may apply for admission to the Honors Program but must meet the application deadline. Students in this position should start thinking about a proposal and contact advisors well in advance. 
  • By January 15: Students submit the first section of their thesis or project to their research advisor for review. They should agree with their advisor on the schedule for the remaining portions.
  • By March 15: A draft of the entire thesis or project is due to the primary advisor and the secondary reader for review and feedback.
  • By 5 pm EST on April 15: The final, complete senior honors thesis or project is due.
  • Students submit one copy each to the primary advisor and the secondary reader.
  • Students submit one paper copy and one electronic copy to the concentration advisor and one electronic copy to the Brown Library Digital Repository (BDR). 

For Mid-Year Completors:

Mid-year completors must apply for the Honors Program their 6th semester, as 2nd semester Juniors.  They undertake the thesis in their 7th and 8th semesters, allowing them to complete the following Honors course sequence:

  • By the end of the 6th semester: Students fill and submit to the concentration advisor  the Honors Thesis Declaration Form available online in the LACA Undergraduate Concentration webpage (  In the form, they are expected to indicate their thesis or project title and short description. The Honors Thesis Declaration Form must be signed by a primary advisor.
  • By September 15: Students submit the first section of their thesis or project to their research advisor for review. They should agree with their advisor on the schedule for the remaining portions.
  • By October 15: A draft of the entire thesis or project is due to the primary advisor and the secondary reader for review and feedback.
  • By 5 pm on November 15:  The final, complete senior honors thesis or project is due.
  • Students submit one cooy each to the primary advisor and the secondary reader. 
  • Students submit one paper copy and one electronic copy to the concentration advisor and one electronic copy to the Brown Library Digital Repository (BDR).