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The Chemistry concentration offers courses and research opportunities that range from fundamental studies involving the characterization and preparation of synthetic and naturally occurring molecules, to interdisciplinary studies at the interfaces of chemistry with biology, medicine, physics, engineering, and nanoscience. As early as their first year, undergraduates are able to work with faculty members on cutting edge research projects. The Sc.B. degree provides a thorough foundation for further graduate study or for entry-level technical positions in the molecular sciences. Students seeking the Sc.B. may either pursue the standard Chemistry concentration or one of two possible tracks: Chemical Biology or Materials Chemistry. Students may also pursue the A.B. degree in Chemistry, which provides a core education in the discipline.

Standard program for the A.B. degree

CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure1
CHEM 0350Organic Chemistry I1
CHEM 0360Organic Chemistry II1
CHEM 0500Inorganic Chemistry1
CHEM 0600Preparative Chemistry Lab.5
CHEM 1140Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry 11
CHEM 1150Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 11
CHEM 1160Physical Chemistry Laboratory 11
One upper level CHEM elective. 21
Total Credits8.5

Note that the physical chemistry courses (CHEM 1140, CHEM 1150, CHEM 1160) have mathematics and physics prerequisites.


Upper level chemistry course are any 1000- and 2000- CHEM course.            BIOL 0280 is credited as an upper level chemistry elective for  chemistry concentration purposes.   You should discuss your elective choices with your Concentration Advisor to craft a course of study that is appropriate for your interests.

Honors Requirements for Chemistry

All Chemistry concentrators who have grades of A or S with distinction in a majority of their concentration courses after their seventh semester are eligible  for Honors; no separate application is necessary.

The requirements for Honors in Chemistry are:

* Grades of A or S with distinction in a majority of courses taken for the concentration.

* Two semesters of Undergraduate Research CHEM 0980CHEM 0981 or equivalent. Guidelines and requirements associated with Undergraduate Research are in the Undergraduate Concentration Handbook which can be found at the department website.

* A Senior Thesis in a form approved  and recommended by the research advisor.  Additional information about thesis guidelines will be provided to seniors  by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

* A Senior Poster presentation at the chemistry department's spring undergraduate poster session.

Standard program for the Sc.B. degree

The Chemistry Department offers three options for the Sc.B. Chemistry Concentration – a straight Chemistry option, a Chemical Biology track and a Materials Chemistry track. These tracks are not separate concentrations – your degree will still be an Sc.B. in Chemistry. The Chemical Biology track is designed for students who have a strong interest in the interface of chemistry with biology. The Materials Chemistry track is designed for students who have a strong interest in the interface of chemistry with nanoscience and materials science.  It is recommended that courses in the concentration be taken for a letter grade, and any decision to take a concentration course S/NC should be made after consultation with a concentration advisor.

Concentrating in Chemistry – Three tracks
The required/recommended courses for the three tracks are given below.

ScB Chemistry:

CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure1
CHEM 0350Organic Chemistry I1
CHEM 0360Organic Chemistry II1
CHEM 0500Inorganic Chemistry1
CHEM 0600Preparative Chemistry Lab.5
Two semesters of independent study:2
Undergraduate Research 1
Undergraduate Research - Writing Designated
CHEM 1140Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry1
CHEM 1150Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics1
CHEM 1160Physical Chemistry Laboratory1
MATH 0180 or equivalent 21
Two Physics courses, typically 0030/0040 or 0050/00602
Six electives (at least three must be upper level CHEM courses) 36
Total Credits18.5

Two semesters of undergraduate research are required for the concentration. Chem0980 and 0981 are courses which may be repeated for credit.


NOTE: MATH 0180 has additional prerequisites.


Upper level chemistry courses are any 1000- and 2000-level CHEM course. BIOL 0280 is credited as an upper level chemistry elective for the chemistry concentration. Non CHEM electives are typically foundational courses or upper level science/math courses with a significant molecular focus or those that cover tools/techniques that are of utility to a chemist. You should discuss your elective choices with your Concentration Advisor to craft a course of study that is appropriate for your interests. 

CHEM 0980/CHEM 0981should be carried out with a faculty member with an appointment in the Chemistry Department. Research with faculty advisors outside the Chemistry  Department is also possible after consultation with a Concentration Advisor.

ScB Chemistry - Chemical Biology Track:


CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure1
CHEM 0350Organic Chemistry I1
CHEM 0360Organic Chemistry II1
CHEM 0400Biophysical and Bioinorganic Chemistry1
or CHEM 0500 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 0600Preparative Chemistry Lab.5
Two semesters of independent study:2
Undergraduate Research 1
Undergraduate Research - Writing Designated
CHEM 1140Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry1
CHEM 1230Chemical Biology1
CHEM 1240Biochemistry1
BIOL 0280Biochemistry1
MATH 0180 or equivalent 21
Two Physics courses, typically 0030/0040 or 0050/00602
Select three of the following: 33
Cell and Molecular Biology
Introductory Microbiology
Principles of Immunology
Principles of Physiology
Principles of Neurobiology
Two other electives 42
Total Credits18.5

Two semesters of undergraduate research are required for the concentration. Chem0980 and 0981 are courses which may be repeated for credit.


NOTE: MATH 0180 has additional prerequisites.


NOTE: Many of the BIOL courses have BIOL 0200 as a prerequisite.


Upper level chemistry courses are any 1000- and 2000-level CHEM course. BIOL 0280 is credited as an upper level chemistry elective for the chemistry concentration. Non CHEM electives are typically foundational courses or upper level science/math courses with a significant molecular focus or those that cover tools/techniques that are of utility to a chemist. You should discuss your elective choices with your Concentration Advisor to craft a course of study that is appropriate for your interests. 

CHEM 0980 / CHEM 0981should be carried out with a faculty member with an appointment in the Chemistry Department. Research with faculty advisors outside the Chemistry  Department is also possible after consultation with a Concentration Advisor.

ScB Chemistry - Materials Chemistry Track:

CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure1
CHEM 0350Organic Chemistry I1
CHEM 0360Organic Chemistry II1
CHEM 0500Inorganic Chemistry1
CHEM 0600Preparative Chemistry Lab.5
Two semesters of independent study:2
Undergraduate Research 1
Undergraduate Research - Writing Designated
CHEM 1060Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 21
CHEM 1140Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry1
CHEM 1150Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics 21
CHEM 1700Nanoscale Materials: Synthesis and Applications1
MATH 0180 or equivalent 31
Two Physics courses, typically 0030/0040 or 0050/0060 52
One of the following courses1
Polymer Science for Biomaterials (or)
Biomaterials (or)
Tissue Engineering (or)
Composite Materials (or)
Biomaterials (or)
Four electives, at least two must be upper level CHEM courses. 44
Total Credits18.5

Two semesters of undergraduate research are required for the concentration. Chem0980 and 0981 are courses which may be repeated for credit.


For students with a more Engineering bent, the following substitutions can be made - ENGN 0040 can be substituted for PHYS 0030; ENGN 0410 can be substituted for CHEM 1060; ENGN 0720 for CHEM 1150


NOTE: MATH 0180 has additional prerequisites.


Upper level chemistry courses are any 1000- and 2000-level CHEM course. BIOL 0280 is credited as an upper level chemistry elective for the chemistry concentration. Non CHEM electives are typically foundational courses or upper level science/math courses with a significant molecular focus or those that cover tools/techniques that are of utility to a chemist. You should discuss your elective choices with your Concentration Advisor to craft a course of study that is appropriate for your interests. 

CHEM 0980 /CHEM 0981should be carried out with a faculty member with an appointment in the Chemistry Department. Research with faculty advisors outside the Chemistry  Department is also possible after consultation with a Concentration Advisor.


Honors Requirements for Chemistry


All Chemistry concentrators who have grades of A or S with distinction in a majority of their concentration courses after their seventh semester are eligible  for Honors; no separate application is necessary.

The requirements for Honors in Chemistry are:

* Grades of A or S with distinction in a majority of courses taken for the concentration.

* Two semesters of Undergraduate Research CHEM 0980, CHEM 0981 or equivalent. Guidelines and requirements associated with Undergraduate Research are in the Undergraduate Concentration Handbook which can be found at the department website.

* A Senior Thesis in a form approved  and recommended by the research advisor.  Additional information about thesis guidelines will be provided to seniors  by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

* A Senior Poster presentation at the chemistry department's spring undergraduate poster session.