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Chemical Physics

Chemical Physics is an interdisciplinary field at the crossroads of chemistry and physics and is administered jointly by the two departments. The concentration provides students with a broad-based understanding in fundamental molecular sciences, as well as a background for graduate studies in physical chemistry, chemical physics, or molecular engineering. Concentrators are required to take twenty courses in chemistry, physics, and mathematics, although approved courses in applied mathematics, biology, computer science, geological sciences, or engineering may be substitutes. Chemical Physics concentrators are also advised to take at least six courses in the humanities and social sciences. Chemical Physics concentrators at all levels (first-year through seniors) are actively involved in research with faculty members in both departments.

Standard program for the Sc.B. degree

Twenty-one semester courses1 in chemistry, physics, and mathematics, with a minimum of four semester courses in mathematics.  The expectation is that courses required for a concentration in Chemical Physics will be taken for a letter grade.   Core courses are:

CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure1
CHEM 0350Organic Chemistry I1
CHEM 0500Inorganic Chemistry1
CHEM 1140Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry1
PHYS 0070Analytical Mechanics1
PHYS 0160Introduction to Relativity, Waves and Quantum Physics1
PHYS 0470Electricity and Magnetism1
Select one of the following laboratory courses:1
Physical Chemistry Laboratory
Experiments in Modern Physics
Modern Physics Laboratory
Select one course in statistical mechanics:1
Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
MATH 0190Single Variable Calculus, Part II (Physics/Engineering)1
MATH 0200Multivariable Calculus (Physics/Engineering)1
MATH 0520Linear Algebra1
Seven courses, primarily at the 1000 or 2000 level, in chemistry or physics.7
Select two semesters of independent study:2
Senior Conference Course
Undergraduate Research
Total Credits21

Other approved courses in applied mathematics, biology, computer science, geological sciences, or engineering may be substituted for some of the twenty-one.

Students are advised to take at least six courses in the humanities and social sciences.

Honors Requirements for Chemical Physics

All Chemical Physics concentrators who have grades of A or S with distinction in a majority of their concentration courses will be considered  for Honors; no separate application is necessary.

The requirements for Honors in Chemical Physics are:

* Grades of A or S with distinction in a majority of courses taken for the concentration.

* Two semesters of Independent Study ( CHEM 0980 or equivalent. Guidelines and requirements associated with Independent Study are in the Undergraduate Concentration Handbook which can be found at the department website.

* A Thesis in a form approved  and recommended by the research advisor.  Additional information about thesis guidelines will be provided to seniors  by the Concentration Advisor.

* A Poster presentation at the chemistry department's spring undergraduate poster session.