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Engineering and Physics

The program is designed to ensure that students take a significant portion of the usual curriculum in Engineering and Physics, obtain substantial laboratory experience, and take several upper-level elective courses, focusing on applied science. Students may take either the standard Physics or Engineering programs during their first and second years and then switch to this combined program. The Sc.B. degree program in Engineering and Physics is not accredited by ABET and is mostly intended to prepare students for graduate study in applied science and engineering. Since the requirements include both quantum mechanics with the physics concentrators and analog electronics with EE concentrators, as well as more mathematics than either Physics or Engineering, it is one of the more demanding programs at Brown.

The following standard program assumes that a student begins mathematics courses at Brown with MATH 0100 or MATH 0190. Students who begin in MATH 0200 can substitute an additional science, engineering or higher-level mathematics course for the MATH 0190 requirement. To accommodate the diverse preparation of individual students, variations of the following sequences and their prerequisites are possible with permission of the appropriate concentration advisor and the instructors involved. We recommend that each student’s degree program be submitted for prior approval (typically in semester four) and scrutinized for compliance (in semester seven) by one faculty member from the Department of Physics and one faculty member from the School of Engineering.

Select one of the following two course sequences: 2
Engineering Statics and Dynamics
and Introduction to Engineering
Honors Introduction to Engineering
Introduction to Engineering: Design
Foundations of Mechanics
and Foundations of Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
Analytical Mechanics
and Introduction to Relativity, Waves and Quantum Physics
MATH 0190Single Variable Calculus, Part II (Physics/Engineering)1
or MATH 0100 Single Variable Calculus, Part II
MATH 0200Multivariable Calculus (Physics/Engineering)1
or MATH 0180 Multivariable Calculus
or MATH 0350 Multivariable Calculus With Theory
Select three additional higher-level math, applied math, or mathematical physics (PHYS 0720) courses.3
CSCI 0111Computing Foundations: Data1
or APMA 0160 Introduction to Scientific Computing
or CSCI 0150 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Computer Science
or CSCI 0170 Computer Science: An Integrated Introduction
or CSCI 0190 Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science
ENGN 0510Electricity and Magnetism1
or PHYS 0470 Electricity and Magnetism
ENGN 1690Photonics Devices and Sensors1
or PHYS 1510 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 0500Advanced Classical Mechanics1
or ENGN 1370 Advanced Engineering Mechanics
PHYS 1410Quantum Mechanics A1
PHYS 1420Quantum Mechanics B1
PHYS 1530Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics1
or ENGN 0720 Thermodynamics
ENGN 1620Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuits1
CHEM 0330Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure1
or ENGN 0310 Mechanics of Solids and Structures
or ENGN 0810 Fluid Mechanics
or PHYS 1600 Computational Physics
ENGN 0410Materials Science1
or ENGN 1560 Applications in Microwave Communications
or PHYS 0560 Experiments in Modern Physics
PHYS 1560Modern Physics Laboratory1
or ENGN 1590 Semiconductor Devices
or an approved 2000-level engineering or physics course.
A thesis under the supervision of a physics or engineering faculty member:1
Senior Conference Course
Independent Studies in Engineering
Independent Study in Engineering
Independent Study in Engineering Design
Independent Study in Engineering Design
* Students are also encouraged to take courses dealing with the philosophical, ethical, or political aspects of science and technology.
Total Credits19