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Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

How does life work at the molecular level? This question is at the core of the concentration program Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. In earlier years of this discipline, the focus was on structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates and small molecules such as vitamins. Today the logical approach and tools of biochemical science are being expanded to new areas in neuroscience, developmental biology, immunology, pharmacology and synthetic biology (the design of analogs of biological systems). Training in biochemistry begins with a foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. Some courses offered in other departments, including engineering, geology and computer science, are also useful. A key component of this program is the year of hands-on research carried out in collaboration with a faculty member here at Brown. Faculty sponsors are drawn from both the Chemistry Department and the Division of Biology and Medicine, and include basic science and clinical faculty.

Standard program for the Sc.B. degree

Students must take twenty courses in biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics, including the following core requirements, some of these may be fulfilled with AP credits.

Three courses in mathematics including two courses in MATH 0090/0100 or MATH 0170/0180 with a third class in statistics, math, or computer science 13
Options for statistics courses include: 1
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Calculus
Introduction to Probability and Statistics with Theory 3
Statistical Analysis of Biological Data
Statistical Methods
Essentials of Data Analysis
Principles of Biostatistics and Data Analysis
Two courses in physics, typically: 12
Basic Physics A
Foundations of Mechanics
Engineering Statics and Dynamics
Basic Physics B
Foundations of Electromagnetism and Modern Physics
Three courses in physical and organic chemistry:3
Equilibrium, Rate, and Structure
Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
One course in biophysical chemistry:1
Biophysical and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Four courses in biochemistry:4
Inquiry in Biochemistry: From Gene to Protein Function
Plus two of three upper level biochemistry courses:
Advanced Biochemistry
Chemical Biology
The two semester research requirement may be satisfied by any two of the following. Students should discuss alternative arrangements or special situations directly with their concentration advisor to obtain prior approval.2
Students should aim to complete this requirement in their junior year at the latest to maximize their ability to find a lab able to host them. Finding a lab involves reaching out to professors directly to inquire about research possibilities in their lab prior to receiving an override code for registration for BIOL1950/1960 or Chem 0980/0980S/0981.
Directed Research/Independent Study
Directed Research/Independent Study
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research - Writing Designated and Mandatory S/NC
Undergraduate Research - Writing Designated
A summer research experience with faculty in Biology or Chemistry at Brown equivalent or greater in scope and scale to work the student would pursue in a Biology or Chemistry independent study course to satisfy one semester of the research requirement.
Suggested Elective Courses:
Students are required to take five courses from the chart below or, with approval from a concentration advisor, from any science or mathematics course relevant to biochemistry, cell and molecular biology. 5
Applied Mathematics Electives:
Methods of Applied Mathematics I
Mathematical Methods in the Brain Sciences
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Biology Electives:
Principles of Nutrition
Techniques in Regenerative Medicine: Cells, Scaffolds and Staining
Biotechnology in Medicine
Phage Hunters
The Foundation of Living Systems
The Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
Microbes in the Environment
Inquiry in Plant Biology: Analysis of Plant Growth, Reproduction and Adaptive Responses
Cell and Molecular Biology
Introductory Microbiology
Principles of Immunology
Principles of Physiology
Biology of the Eukaryotic Cell
Polymer Science for Biomaterials
Cell Physiology and Biophysics
Topics in Signal Transduction
Stem Cell Engineering
Protein Biophysics and Structure
Synthetic Biological Systems
Current Topics in Functional Genomics
Physiological Pharmacology
Cancer Biology
Biomolecular Interactions: Health, Disease and Drug Design
Developmental Biology
Biology of Reproduction
Innate Immunity
Molecular Genetics
Development of Vaccines to Infectious Diseases
Drug and Gene Delivery
The Biology of Aging
Chemistry Electives:
Inorganic Chemistry
Physical Chemistry: Quantum Chemistry
Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
Computational Tools in Biochemistry and Chemical Biology
Chemical Biology
Advanced Organic Chemistry
Chemical Glycobiology
Organometallic Chemistry
Organic Mechanisms
Organic Reactions
Computer Science Electives:
A First Byte of Computer Science
Computing Foundations: Data
Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Computer Science
Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
Computer Science: An Integrated Introduction
Computer Science: An Integrated Introduction
Accelerated Introduction to Computer Science
Computational Molecular Biology
Engineering Electives:
Materials Science
Neuroscience Electives: 2
The Brain: An Introduction to Neuroscience
Principles of Neurobiology
Neural Systems
Introduction to Neurogenetics
Neuropharmacology and Synaptic Transmission
The Diseased Brain: Mechanisms of Neurological and Psychiatric Disorders
Physics Electives:
Introduction to Relativity, Waves and Quantum Physics
Public Health Electives:
Essentials of Data Analysis
Total Credits20

Note that the mathematics and physics requirements may be satisfied by Advanced Placement credit.


or any NEUR course in Cell, Genetics, Molecular Biology, or Development.


Students may opt to enroll in APMA 1655 for more in depth coverage of APMA 1650.

Honors Requirements for Biochemistry

All ScB Biochemistry concentrators are candidates for Honors; no separate application is necessary.

The requirements for Honors in Biochemistry are:

* Students must have a majority of either As or S with distinction grades in concentration courses. 

* Two semesters of Independent Study (CHEM 0980, CHEM 0980S, CHEM 0981,  BIOL 1950, or BIOL 1960). Guidelines and requirements associated with Independent Study are in the Undergraduate Concentration Handbook which can be found at the department website.

* A Thesis in a form approved by the research advisor, and recommended by the research advisor.  Additional information about thesis guidelines will be provided by the Concentration Advisor in the first half of the fall semester.

* An oral presentation of the thesis in a fifteen-minute senior talk followed by a five-minute question and answer period.